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Old 03-26-2009, 09:49 AM   #8
SexyLxySexyLxy is offline
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Originally Posted by gsteichen View Post
Great minds think alike, we're heading to Banff and Glacier in September,passing thru Teton's and Yellowstone on the way up.

Truth told, my one previous trip to that area was before you were born, I'll have to jump-start the memory.

Two things that stand out-
1- Be sure to take the gondola up to Rendezvous Mountain . Amazing view.
2- People watching at Old Faithfull. We stayed for a second eruption just to watch people bailing out half-way through just to "miss traffic". Kinda like a Dodger game!
Woops, third thing- Whenever you see Winnegago's stopped three wide it means either a moose or bear!

Ooo, oh yes, the road blocks. Lol, I will be on the look our for those. I'm exited to see some Bison if they are out.

I'll have to look into the gondola thing. Haven't read up on that yet. Sounds fun!

Thankfully, I think we're going to be missing all of the tourism traffic. It appears that the park opens for spring the week that we get there, so that might be a very good thing. We'll be able get around with out completing my road rage driving skills and making you know who mad :P

Oh, one funny thing last night that I realized was...well lets just put it this way. I really want to go white water rafting. I've been before but it was a grade 2-3 (baby for me) and I want something more crazy. So, I started reading. Yeah the levels in the snake river will be at its highest when we arrive. But guess what, it's b/c all the snow is melting which equals, FREEZING WATER. I've gotta research just how cold we're talking. Like wet suit territory....jk
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