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Old 03-25-2009, 09:22 PM   #6
gsteichengsteichen is offline
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Originally Posted by SexyLxy View Post
Hey All,

So husband and I finalized our vacation destination last night. We're headed to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons in May. Somewhere neither of us have been and can't wait to see the amazing park. It's going to be one hell of a road trip but it should result in an amazing trip.

Although, I know it's an amazing park, I'm not very educated as to what it has to offer.

I will be hitting up the local book store and internet for some mega research, but in the mean time, I want to ask, has anyone been? And does anyone have any suggestions as to things they think we shouldn't miss?

Thanks for your help.
Great minds think alike, we're heading to Banff and Glacier in September,passing thru Teton's and Yellowstone on the way up.

Truth told, my one previous trip to that area was before you were born, I'll have to jump-start the memory.

Two things that stand out-
1- Be sure to take the gondola up to Rendezvous Mountain . Amazing view.
2- People watching at Old Faithfull. We stayed for a second eruption just to watch people bailing out half-way through just to "miss traffic". Kinda like a Dodger game!
Woops, third thing- Whenever you see Winnegago's stopped three wide it means either a moose or bear!
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