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Old 03-09-2009, 06:15 PM   #20
enkeivetteenkeivette is offline
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Don't know why you were worried Alexis, companies tend to hold on to their more intelligent employees. Unless it's a really big company and the lay offs are truly random. Then you just be f'd in the a.

When I was working at BestBuy I was def the best salesman they had. Some of you may laugh at first glance but a Best Buy TV salesman pulls in an average of $10K a day. On my best day I did $47K... K meaning... thousand! Anyways, point in case I showed up late, called in sick, gave my supervisor lip everyday, took lunches without notifying anyone and I took them whenever I wanted to and never did what I was told. A few people were fired when I was working there, but I never received a write up or so much as a talking to. Employees there are required to wear a headset to communicate with the managers if they are the only one in the dept. I never did. When my sup asked me to, I told him "no" he said, "but you have to" I said... "no, sorry."

When the managers asked me to work truck (unloading merch.) I said... "no, that's not what I was hired to do." But everyone loved me.

If you're good at what you do, and you take the important parts of your job seriously, you should be ok.

BTW, Home Depot and Sport Chalet have been firing people at will, looking for any excuse. So if you work for a big retailer that's hurtin, punch that clock 5 mins early and pucker your butt cheeks when the boss walks on by.
I <3 forced induction.
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