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Old 01-25-2009, 12:32 AM   #1
SeanPlunkSeanPlunk is offline
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Default Washed and waxed the Turbo Buick and Cobra

Well, I had this last Monday off (bank holiday FTW) and so BGN8711 and I decided to wash and wax the Turbo Buick and Cobra. Waxing the Turbo Buick was an adventure - I don't think it had been waxed last since 1987

We washed the car first and then did an entire coat of cleaner wax to try to remove as much junk as possible. We then followed that up with a layer of normal wax. Unfortunately right in the middle of that coat the sun really came out and cooked the wax on. As a result everything came out really hazy. We decided to wait for it to cool down and then re-waxed the entire car again. Overall the results were quite good, I'm surprised how much shine was in paint that old. Here are some pictures from after we finished:

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