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Old 04-03-2008, 09:43 PM   #29
SexyLxySexyLxy is offline
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Originally Posted by bgn8711 View Post
When do you find out if the trampsicle has to pay? That is so shit man, when is the next track event? I am thinking about starting to rip apart the motor in the drive way, I'm prolly going to have to tow it wherever anyway and I could take out the intercooler and the top of the manifold and shit which seems like it would make a big diff. I'm going to talk to Mike and Neal today and run this by them. I want my car back I'm so depressed driving that f'ing honda! Ugh.
Bri - A court date has been set for mid-to-late May and the papers have been filed. Thank goodness it's a local court house but at this point in time we can't freaking get ahold of the BITCH to serve her the damn papers. The investgator has tried now three times driving down to San Diego and nothing. I'm starting to think she has family here in the OC or is just never home. If we can't get her served then we're at a loss for the time being. I hope if we go down to SD this weekend my friend that will probably be going with us Rachel, I think we're going ok she will be trying to serve her while we're down. I'll keep you posted as to if we get her served or not then we'll be in business.
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