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Old 04-03-2008, 09:45 AM   #41
SexyLxySexyLxy is offline
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Originally Posted by Chate View Post
Holy crap
People are such assholes!!!
And i agree, taking "grandma to the mat" is a nice way of putting it, her lack of judgment in parking the car can be forgiven, she's old and shit happens, but lack of character like that in denying something so blatantly obvious (and good job for taking lots of pictures) is so irresponsible and it warrants appropriate punishment.
I'm sure your insurance company will do whatever they can to hold her financially responsible so that they don't have to pay for it, and in court, I'd think her age, apparent reduced cognitive ability as well as the size of the car she was driving will play a part in confirming her being at fault.
I think we should write up little affidavits saying "I ________ take full responsibility for ______________ on this date ___________" and keep a couple printouts in our cars so we can have people who pull this kinda shit accounted for, while they still feel guilty about being stupid and before they talk to family members who weren't there and try to convince them otherwise...(is that legal?) Total bummer man, i hope this crap gets settled short of going to court to avoid the time/energy thats gonna be required.
In court that might hold up the but to be perfectly honest an insurance company wouldn't give a rats if they had a signed paper or not. It wouldn't even come into play until things got super deperate which could be months and months out.
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