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Old 07-21-2013, 06:38 PM   #1960
RyridesmotoxRyridesmotox is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
You probably said it in a way that made her feel stupid. Not that you said it in a bad way necessarily. No one likes side seat driving, and she is probably a bit overly sensitive as well. She needs to work on not taking it personally, and you should either offer to drive or bite your tongue.

Flat tax, seems fair. But, dont you think a business, like Apple, eating a larger piece of the pie, should pay more of a tip/ tax?

I think if we charged Billy Joe the same amount of tax that we charge Exxon Mobil, the economy would suffer.
The thing is though, that it seems like the large corporations and their high level emploees seem to be able to find some kind of shleter to get around taxes. I doubt Apple pays more than 17%. Though, I'm not sure what they do pay, is that even public record? I'm not really sure to be honest. It seems like they have charitable ways to get around it. For example, I remember a few months ago everyone was tripping about how Obama was paying like 14% (can't remember exactly) in taxes... really? come on, I pay in the upper 20%. How is a guy making 5x what I make paying less than me? That seems REAL fair. There really isn't a good solution here I don't think. It's kind of like do the least jacked up thing possible.
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