Thread: Conspiracy
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Old 12-28-2008, 12:36 PM   #266
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
Why don't you link us or at least copy and paste the portion of megans law that has anything to do with defining forms of internet stalking.
There isnt any,I needed a way to get you guys to post up definitions of cyberstalking (so you cant play dumb)so I come up with the Megans Law approach and the boys fell for it.(I didnt think a law about running red lights would bait you)They (and you) were focusing so hard on Megans Law and proving me wrong that they began to voluntarily post cyberstalking laws.So now we know the boys know what it is and its not just e-mail as Bird said but it is also forums and other electronic forms that come under cyberstalking laws.
You guys are sooo easy,sorry enkeivette that you had to get caught up in this.Are the boys begging you to ban me yet?

Where are we on the IP proof linking me to 18436572? Come on lets have it.