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Old 12-26-2008, 01:16 PM   #26
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
Fast & Filthy
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Originally Posted by big_G View Post
No, I am a bit older than some here and have lived thru the late 50's and the 60's. That gives me a frame of reference that some don't have. I come from a generation that spawned the "Space race" that landed a man on the moon. 40 years later, China says they will go to the moon. Our generation was listening to the Beatles, Moody Blues and Carol King. This generation listens to Ludicris, Jay-Z, Three-six mafia etc. Our generation spoke of "Make love, not war". Today it's all about "pimps and ho's, killin'a cop, selling/doing drugs etc. Most of the kids I grew up with all played some kind of sports after school, with pick-up games everywhere. Today, most kids hit the computer/X-box when they get home and are on it for hours. When I was 12, I had a paper route, and sold Christmas cards door to door, mowed lawns and painted houses. How many kids today have you seen doing the same?
I don't listen to any of that crap and would never allow my daughters to. I won't even let them watch a PG movie until I have seen it first to make sure it's appropriate for them. My daughters listen to mostly Disney CD's like the Cheeta Girls, High School Musical, The Jonas Brothers, etc.