Thread: Conspiracy
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:36 PM   #178
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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"So, let's say that your main concern is your subs and Neon lights and NOT your 164hp L48 mill." lost me right there. One of the first things I did on my Vette to reduce weight after I tore out the AC and heater and power brake booster was to lose the radio and speakers. I swear the factory Vette AM/FM radio must weigh 25 pounds!!! And I will NOT be putting any music makers back in. If it was legal I would use a .30/06 on every illegal alien running around with boomboxes on wheels. But that's just me
If I want to listen to some nice hot rod tunes, I will pop my famous DJ Dep Hot Rod music CDROM into a nice home entertainment system and relax in my easy chair. I find it as incomprehensible spending a small fortune to listen to music in my car as I do those people who spend a couple of grand or more to get a laptop with a hi-res monitor to watch movies on. Why would you do that when you can watch it on a huge widescreen TV in your living room?????

I also removed anything else in the Vette that was dead weight. And my motor will NOT be some enemic Caprice taxicab motor. I will have an Accel alternator that can be turned off and on from a switch on the dashboard.
In car will not a "PW".
