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BOOSTMONSTR 12-06-2014 05:31 AM

long time no cruise. :(
Haven't been on a run in a while...
the hole in the block at ACH discouraged me slightly but parted the srt4 out and moved on to another one.

Looking forward to the next "real" canyon run...
Palomar was great. .

Tour d orange does not sound super appealing.

Vettezuki 12-06-2014 12:59 PM

My Vette has been down for cruises for a while because of money reasons, and pushing them out to sites just takes time I didn't really have. However, we'll do something again from the Spring. :)

Damian 12-06-2014 01:20 PM

Your blown block was the worst casualty I've ever seen on a cruise. I really felt bad for you.

I've been meaning to post up that you (Ben) should just Post up cruises on here.

firstshadow 12-06-2014 02:21 PM

Still rebuilding my nb miata engine (block being machined as we speak), and just took the supercharger off my C32 to ship it out and get it rebuilt as well.

2014 has not been kind to my cars! :leaving:

Redondo Jon 12-06-2014 07:04 PM

Yeah, the Tour d’Orange isn’t a canyon run but it’s still pretty fun. I’ll be there again this / next year.

Shaolin Crane 12-07-2014 01:29 PM

Hard to do a cruise on a bicycle.

Vettezuki 12-07-2014 09:40 PM

I could tie a rope to the hitch of the one buck truck.

That's the level we're at. . .

Shaolin Crane 12-07-2014 11:53 PM

I'm strangely interested in that idea.

C5Natie 12-09-2014 12:52 AM

TRE Motorsports in Van Nuys has an open house on New Years morning with free coffee and bagels. Then there is usually a cruise that is planned, routes with directions and all. It usually leads you through the canyons down to Malibu. Lot of euros, porsches and cars made to take corners. More fun to me then the Zaino convention at the Tour D'Orange.

Shaolin Crane 12-09-2014 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by C5Natie (Post 135868)
TRE Motorsports in Van Nuys has an open house on New Years morning with free coffee and bagels. Then there is usually a cruise that is planned, routes with directions and all. It usually leads you through the canyons down to Malibu. Lot of euros, porsches and cars made to take corners. More fun to me then the Zaino convention at the Tour D'Orange.

I've bought more than a few things from them, great place to do business.

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