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enkeivette 06-16-2013 10:11 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Well I decided to take PCH back down from Monterey. Yes, that was a long drive, 9.5hours. But Im glad I did it, there are parts of CA that look like Hawaii, just amazing. Huge green cliffs, and water so blue you can see 20 feet under.

We've turned the SoCal coast into a smog filled dump next to a salty green pond. I didnt get any really good pics, because it was a fight to get past some of these slow mother fuckers on the windy parts of PCH. And I didnt want to lose my spot, I actually got so pissed with this one cunt who wouldnt use the turnouts for 10 miles, (after flashing and politely tooting my horn) that I passed her on a dirt turnout. Left a 500 foot cloud of dust for her, hahaha. Would NOT hve done that in a 2wd car. But I snapped some pics while I was driving.

Attachment 885
Attachment 886
Attachment 887

94cobra69ss396 06-16-2013 10:15 AM

We did that last year from Oregon. Lots of beautiful scenery.

Damian 06-17-2013 12:21 AM

The farthest I've gone up the coast is Pismo, but the coast looks a million times better the farther away from here you get.

injdinjn 06-17-2013 04:43 PM

We did it from Seattle back to San Fran last year then later went up to Monterey.
Did you happen to eat at Mission Ranch in Carmel? Kinda expensive but the food and service were the best I ever had. We were seated the waiter left the menus and asked if we wanted to order soon or relax and enjoy the view. We relaxed.

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