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enkeivette 01-17-2020 01:00 PM

Talk me off of the ledge.
I'm about to commit automotive treason.

I've been looking at M3s for a while now, manual only of course. And I test drove a manual and a "dual clutch" (which is basically an automatic) today...

Now I'm not so sure I want the manual. Driving the dual clutch it's clear it's not basically an automatic, it's an automatically shifted manual. You can tap the gas from a stop and the engine revs and only slightly engages the drive. It even bounces a bit once the pressure plate drops.

I love the feel of a manual, but driving the dual clutch it feels like the terminator is operating my clutch pedal and gear selector. What the F. Going back to the manual even shifting fast it feels softer and slower by comparison. This ain't no Turbo400.

Am I a traitor? What do I do. Am I a boring old man yuppie traitor? Please help.

enkeivette 01-17-2020 01:01 PM

Paul Translation:

M3 is yuppie speak for disposal automotive Euro-trash. Hahaha

Vettezuki 01-20-2020 07:39 AM

Performance of dual clutch is hands down better than manual. It just is faster. It also has the advantage of probably being less annoying to drive in anything resembling traffic. But there is something viscerally fun about changing your own gears. And that's gone.

So I'd say if you want maximum performance and/or want to drive it more regularly including conditions that suck for a manual, then the dual clutch is better. If you can't live without the DIY engagement of a manual, then that's your only choice.

enkeivette 01-21-2020 10:33 AM

You're right. And while manual shifting is fun, it just feels slow after driving the dual clutch. Plus with these Turbo cars it feels like you lose boost in between shifts.

94cobra69ss396 01-22-2020 12:03 PM

I agree with Ben. If you want a fun driver go with the manual. If you want it to be absolutely as quick as it can be go dual clutch. Me, I like shifting but if it was something I was going to track frequently I'd get the dual clutch.

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