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SexyLxy 05-29-2008 08:59 AM

Morning Commute
I'm only sharing this because I'm totally embarrased and can't get it out of my head.

So today Sean was headed over to an early morning meeting in Tustin, so he handed over the keys and said take her to work. I loaded up the vehicle with my work junk and proceded to make my way to work. I exit my track of homes and was sitting in El Dorado High School Traffic. I hit my first light and got stuck behind a BMW and was blocked in by a Fat Lexus trying to get around someone else but in the mean time he was coming into may lane. So I proceded to zip around the BMW to avoid the Lexus and headed down Valencia. I then get to my second light which was green and at this time. I had the windows down and am jam'n to some tunes, and in the back round I hear the crossing guard, an old man of course, scream "slow down." I was going the speed limit, ok maybe 5 over but lordy lordy, my morning was starting out stellar.

I get to my 3rd light, I'm doing ok at this point, but still pissed at the guard, by the 4th light it's a flashing red. The light was out. I made a COMPLETE stop, and notice in the corner of my eye that "bacon" was to my right monitoring the signal. Boy am I glad that made that complete stop....Sean says that I have a tendancy to California stop...I'm not disagreeing either. So I gently eased out of that signal so as to not draw any attention to myself.

In the mean time I am looking in my rear view mirror to see if the BMW that I zipped around was any where near catching up. Long behold I get to my 4th light and here the 325 comes. I'm sitting at the light, which is a little bit of an incline (I haven't perfected the stick and inclines yet) so while my brain in thinking about the car behind me hoping that he doesn't remember that I just zipped around him, the light turns green, and I stall. Yes ladies and gents, I made a complete A$$ of myself. Not only did I play too cool in the cobra, but I just totally embarrased myself by stalling infront of the BMW I stipped around. :bang:

I yi yi, Alexis, you'll never learn will you?

So needless to say, I drove the rest of the way to work, with my windows up, and looking the other direction whenever the BMW would pass. This is when tinted windows would come in reeeeeal handy.

Vettezuki 05-29-2008 09:48 AM

That's alright, Sean's botched plenty of shifts . . . I've got the video evidence. :smack:

enkeivette 05-29-2008 11:14 AM

Were you just nervous or are you still new to driving stick? If you're not comfortable yet, practice letting the clutch out without using the gas pedal. This helps you memorize where the clutch point is.

SexyLxy 05-29-2008 11:33 AM

Well it depends. I think I have gotten over the "nervous to drive the cobra butterflies", and have zoomed right on to the "I have a fast car under my foot and I just freak'n stalled the damn thing."

Yes I am still new to driving a stick and some days when I have it, I have good days and don't stall it at all, and other days, I'll stall it once when I'm not concentrating. It's because I don't drive it on a daily basis. Today was probably my 9-10th time driving a stick ever.

I think I just freak out when I'm on slight inclines that I'm going to roll back into the person in back of me or pound the person in front of me. And lord knows I can't get a scratch or a crumb on that car. :) Love ya Sean, but I think I just need to get more comfortable with the thing. In time that will happen but in the mean time I need to not zoom past BMW's and then stall infront of them. I will admit, I'm much better than when I started.

PS - This is how freaked I get with inclines to give you an idea (and I know you can pull the ebrake if things get really bad) but several years ago, Sean tried to teach me on his moms 95 honda accord. Well we were at Bastanchury and Rose. I was on B going east. Sean said well, this has a little incline so you need to give it more gas so you don't roll. Well, I managed to peal out. Squeal the front wheel drive vehicle and all. It was totally hillarious and I get a good laugh out of it every time.

Just don't be taking me to San Fran any time soon....

Vettezuki 05-29-2008 11:44 AM

You guys have got to let me drive that thing (sure you can drive the Vette too). I'm really curious to see how the clutch engages. We have the same transmissions, but you have a mechanical and I have a hydraulic. Could be interesting.

SexyLxy 05-29-2008 01:51 PM

Talk to the man with the keys......

enkeivette 05-29-2008 04:22 PM

Yeah Sean I need to drive it too for uh... testing purposes. :D

BRUTAL64 05-29-2008 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 2894)
Yeah Sean I need to drive it too for uh... testing purposes. :D

Yea, add me to the test drive. I want to drive a GOOD car for once. Just hand me the keys.

Vettezuki 05-29-2008 04:38 PM

I asked first. . . . the rest of your guys' odds are not so hot when I'm through. :drive:

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