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Vettezuki 03-25-2008 01:10 AM

Timeslip Operations
You can use to keep a comprehensive record of your runs at the strip, search for other Users' Timeslips, and even compare slips. Individual Timeslips and comparisons can be posted as links anywhere on the net.

If you don't have a vehicle in your Garage you want to keep Timeslips for, first Add a Vehicle to Your Garage. [Must be a Registered User.]

From "My Page" (must be logged-in) go to whichever vehicle in your Garage you want to attach Timeslips to and select "Edit".

On this page you'll see a box called "Timeslips". Click on "Add Timeslips" at the bottom right hand corner and a form will open up where you can put in as much or as little information as you want for a given run. Hit "Submit" when your done. This Timeslip is now in the database and is Searchable by anyone from Searches -> Timeslips. A user looking at your Timesip will see something like this.

Under the "Searches" drop list on the Navigation Bar, click on "Timeslips". Use the fields to define the range of slips you're looking for. You can "Show" the fields for Vehicle information and further limit your search to a specific Make, Model, etc. Hit "Submit" and you'll get a list of vehicles that have Timeslips that meet your criteria. The referenced time in the list is the best (quickest ET) for that vehicle within your criteria. Click on the "All Slips" link to see that vehicle's complete Slip history. Click on the 1/4 Mile ET to see that complete individual Timeslip.

Searches can be very rough; for example, all Timeslips that have faster than a 14 second 1/4 ET. Or very fine; for example all Timeslips for a 1970 Challenger with a 60' under 2 seconds and 1/4 ET under 12 seconds.

Want to see how two slips stack up against each other? You can do it! When viewing the full details of an individual Timeslip, just click on "Tag this Timeslip" at the bottom of the slip. When viewing the details of another Timeslip you want to use for comparison, click on "Compare this timeslip with . . .".

A comparison looks like this.

We'll be adding
- a BS flag system to put the smack down on silliness
- the ability to compare more than just a pair of slips

kdracer73 09-08-2009 04:09 PM

The timeslip page is funky. can only read every other slip !!

Vettezuki 09-08-2009 05:59 PM

Noted. Like all things computer, changes to one part of the system caused problems elsewhere. It will be corrected, probably about 10 days.

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