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SexyLxy 08-28-2009 08:44 AM

Sept 26th, Red bull soap box races, LA
So this morning while driving into work, I was listening to my morning usual, Kevin and Bean 106.7. Just as I was tuning in they were talking about an event that was coming up called the "Red Bull soap box races."

It quickly caught my interest when they were talking about what goes into this event and who particiaptes and what a riot these cars and particparnts are.

I quickly leaned that "King of Mexico" a character on the Kevin and Bean show, and his 4 mexican friends (as they called them this morning) have entered into the contest and will be 1 of the 50 participants in the LA division.

After they were discussing the rules, and some other things I found myself laughing out loud in the car, almost to tears.

The winner gets a VIP package to a NASCAR event but it's how you win that cracks me up.

So you're graded on 3 things.
1) Speed in which you get to the bottom of the hill (no engine, just momentum)
2) Creativity of your box
3) Showmanship

The king of mexicos theme is deaths of 09. So he and his 4 friends will be dressing up as Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett, Billy Mayes, possibly the Kennedy that just died and someone else.

The soap box idea for them is a couffin with wheels. One the spokes person from red bull started talking about the route, he stated that the box must be able to make turns and they have two jumps.

The King of Mexico was like "what we have to turn, and oh shit their are jumps?"

Kevin and bean were having a hay day saying "can you just imagine the head lines now, Michael Jackson......dies again."

So long story made short, this even looks like a SO MUCH FUN. If I didn't already have something going on, I would be on the side lines taking pictures. Take a look at the link and the photos. They are GREAT!

SexyLxy 09-28-2009 11:29 AM

I wasn't able to attend but Kevin and Bean did talk about the races with the crew this morning.

I guess the video is posted on I don't have access to it here at work but when I get home that will be one of the first things I check out. I hear it's pretty funny.

The crew was expecting speeds of about 5mph down hill and when they arrived they went "OMG this hill is huge". Redbull was clocking speeds up to an average of 49mph. Talk about a majore WIPE OUT. I guess the crew got 6th out of 47 or 49 (can't remember the total).

Just thought I would share. I would have loved to attend. I bet it would have been hillarious!

kdracer73 09-28-2009 01:05 PM

most soap box courses don't have high bank turns, jumps or S turns. AWESOME !!

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