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enkeivette 03-28-2014 08:56 AM

Obama health care penalty bullshit
Im surprised I couldnt find an open thread on this. Now we have to maintain health insurance or be penalized? Land of the free?

It only hurts the middle class, and its bullshit. The rich already had health insurance so they dont give a fuck, the poor will continue to get free health insurance, and the middle class will chose to pay the $400 penalty, because they can't afford health insurance and it's the cheaper option.

GHOST 03-28-2014 11:25 AM

Lets be honest it hasn't been the land of the free for some time it has turned into the land of the illegals and welfare tools. This country is so lost it is sickening I mean politicians should all be strung up the only thing they care about anymore is making money this is no longer a country it is a business. The people at the top are trying to make as much money as possible and screw over all the hard working people in the middle. Our "government" has shown itself to be greedy and corrupt and as a people we should not stand for it. How different is it from the time of the king? Taxes that screwed the middle class and a corrupt government in control, and talk of taking away our right the bare arms. In some areas it is illegal to sag your pant, your can get a ticket for swearing and in another you are told how big a drink you can buy. Now we are being told that we have to have insurance or else!!!!! As it was stated in the Patriot when he says I will not trade 1 tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away well it took some time but lets be honest we are there. This country was supposed to be governed by the people and what happened, we are now told what to do with our lives.... Those are my 2 cents

blackax 03-28-2014 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 128369)
Im surprised I couldnt find an open thread on this. Now we have to maintain health insurance or be penalized? Land of the free?

It only hurts the middle class, and its bullshit. The rich already had health insurance so they dont give a fuck, the poor will continue to get free health insurance, and the middle class will chose to pay the $400 penalty, because they can't afford health insurance and it's the cheaper option.

I'm not a big fan of the health care mandate. I get why its there but I would of rather seen a single payer system.

Vettezuki 03-28-2014 01:29 PM

The HCS has been a bit of a cluster fuck for a while. The two rational directions, IMO, are a RADICALLY more free market (no we didn't have one) or a single payer. The Ad Hoc fixes are just a mess on top of mess.

Land of the free is an idea, an aspiration. It never existed. Government was never not corrupt and big business has a simple vested interest in being close to law giving if there is going to be something like a state. The bigger and more powerful the state, the MORE business will be involved with it.

GHOST 03-28-2014 05:38 PM

Yes and that is why we should just abolish government all together and live a completely free country and we all know the only way to absolute freedom.... ANARCHY

Vettezuki 03-28-2014 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by GHOST (Post 128403)
Yes and that is why we should just abolish government all together and live a completely free country and we all know the only way to absolute freedom.... ANARCHY

When man is ready for it, that's what he will have.


‘I said that it is governments which make wars and prepare for wars, but obviously it is not governments alone - the power of a government, even the most absolute dictatorship, depends on the tacit assent of the governed. Why do people consent to be governed? It isn't only fear: what have millions of people to fear from a small group of politicians? It is because they subscribe to the same values as their governors. Rulers and ruled alike believe in the principle of authority, of hierarchy, of power. These are the characteristics of the political principle. The anarchists, who have always distinguished between the state and society, adhere to the social principle, which can be seen wherever men link themselves in an association based on a common need or a common interest. ‘The State’ said the German anarchist Gustav Landauer, ‘is not something which can be destroyed by a revolution, but is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of human behaviour; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently.’ - Colin Ward

injdinjn 03-29-2014 03:18 PM

The ACA is a total lie. There are no caps on costs or co pays, only that the ins cos have to spend 80% of revenue on medical costs. The ins cos have the best accounts money can buy so you know that's a useless rule. Decades ago I read where ins cos wrote off #2 Ticonderogas for $1 each.
If the ACA is such a good deal why aren't the politicians shoving this down our throat enrolled, or the unions, or McDs, or other dumocrat buddy buddy companies.
It's just a uncontrolled tax on the people.
Some govt asshole that doesn't give a shit and hates their job will be deciding your medical care not your physician.
Want a example of govt medical care - go visit a Indian Reservation or VA hosp.
In a word - we are fucked.
The R's won't do anything about it exc lip service, they are as bad as the D's. ALL self serving lying crooks.
Feinstein should be in jail for war profiteering and I tell her so every time I email her.

Vettezuki 04-03-2014 02:50 PM

I'm dealing with the VA on behalf of my blind elderly father. #shudders

Thinking of Pine Ridge, etc. . . #wheeps

SeanPlunk 05-10-2014 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by blackax (Post 128385)
I'm not a big fan of the health care mandate. I get why its there but I would of rather seen a single payer system.

The mandate is necessary until we move to single payer which in the long term is the only way to go if we're serious about keeping costs down.

Vettezuki 05-11-2014 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 129826)
The mandate is necessary until we move to single payer which in the long term is the only way to go if we're serious about keeping costs down.

I don't know who we is. But there are values other than keeping costs down, and for that matter, ways other than SP to bring them down.

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