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heyitsdatguy 09-21-2012 12:14 AM

had a meltdown
I.... I really don't know what the hell happened, but I blew up on everyone. I think I destroyed 10+ years of building up my reputation.... I think it might of been because I work from 9am-11pm 6 days a week and one day of just 8 hours. I'm not joking I work 7 days a week..... It all caught up to me... and I exploded for no reason. ......

- Daw Ly.

Shaolin Crane 09-21-2012 12:16 AM

I have the dojo so i get to beat someone when that feeling arises, but i know how you feel, i work non stop, at work, on my own shit, on everyone elses shit. I'd love to wake up one day and say to myself "wow i got nothin to do..."

Vettezuki 09-21-2012 12:30 AM

We're all just flesh and blood and there's only so much stress anyone can take for so long. Your friends (the real ones anyway) will cut you slack and give you a pass. The real point and far more important is that you have to find a way to cut that workload down, if not immediately, you need a plan. Lots of guys die from heart attacks out of nowhere because they push too hard for too long. It's up to you to take care of yourself.

Stress will kill you. Period.

Vettezuki 09-21-2012 12:57 AM

enkeivette 09-22-2012 11:34 AM

The chicks there probably got turned on a bit, explore that option. Ha

But seriously, Bens right, your friends will cut you slack and a targeted apology works wonders.

heyitsdatguy 09-29-2012 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 103623)
The chicks there probably got turned on a bit, explore that option. Ha

But seriously, Bens right, your friends will cut you slack and a targeted apology works wonders.

Well, my friends are still talking to me. My rep.... I can care less these days. I have way to much going on in my life to worry about that.

The chicks do dig that stuff. lol. I know because I was a d--k for years. My motto was,"on to the next one," for years. I wanted to change my ways from "that guy".

C5Natie 09-30-2012 09:24 PM

Details on what happened....? Since you posted it anyway.

kdracer73 09-30-2012 09:28 PM

I know the feeling! I have been working 2 jobs (sometimes 3) for 8 years now. I had a hard time saying no to helping people and making some extra cash. It is very stressful. I have snapped at my family a couple of times too. I have learned to cut back, and cut them some slack also! Those that really care about you, will get over it.

heyitsdatguy 09-30-2012 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by C5Natie (Post 104080)
Details on what happened....? Since you posted it anyway.

details..... let's see where to start.... It was pretty bad....

ummm well, I badmouthed a good reputable shop because someone was talking in my ear so I believed it was true for a long time. The owner and I spoke and we squared that off... well I'm hoping that we did. He said we're still cool, but who really knows.

I'm a moderator for and I totally cussed out the other mods and said goodbye to the forums period. With that said... well that's the worst I think. We all got together(mods and admin) and talked about getting things done and setting up meets... well, I was doing that, but what frustrated me was the other mods were still in the talking phase and I was in the doing phase. Yes, I know we all still have lives and other things going on, but if I work from 9am-11pm and I still get more done than anyone else... .... well, that really got to me. I haven't had a day off in 6months and they were telling me to slow things down... ummm the whole point of the mod meet was to get things done not to talk about it. That really got me.

It's been a couple weeks now and I've been checking the forum... yet nothing has been done...

The day I blew up... well was stupid. I didn't have a thought in my mind about anything. I was speeding, late breaking and cutting people off., running stop signs and running red lights... honestly, hoping someone would hit me. Stupid I know.

... What else... Child support... ... Should I give details on that? Here's alittle. I lost my job and I don't make close to half what I used to and they were taking the same amount as when I was doing great. So I'm taking home .. average $50 a week. That's with both jobs. ... I sold my supra after building it for 8 years and collecting uber rare parts and having parts custom made and doing so much for the supra community. Lost my daily and crazy in debt with everything since I lost my good job..

I think I had a breaking point when I woke up that day and realized I have nothing and doing so much when before I did almost nothing and had too much....

Shaolin Crane 10-01-2012 02:01 AM

Sounds like your number one issue is forums. I let them stress me out for a while too, it's the internet and even though there are real people posting you need to treat alot of them like thay dont exist.

Little example, forums are supposed to be fun and inviting and the moment it's not anymore then you need to bail on them, some people stop posting, some have their accounts deleted, and some go out with a blaze of glory. I chose the latter and have been banned at least 50 times from different forums. Guess what? I still sleep at night, my day still goes on and the world keeps revolving. Try laying off forums for a while(except motorgen of course, we're different here) and you'll notice your stress level goes down tremendously. Especially if you're working crazy hours, excessive posting keeps you from sleep. Non auto related hobbies help, everyone here has them. Many of us like to cook, exercise, shoot etc. Try going on a day trip, trust me, it helps.

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