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kdracer73 11-10-2013 05:13 PM

Tour D Orange 2014
I figure we can meet 8:00-8:15 at the event . We will be meeting my Camaro club at Baker and Pullman, just off the 55 FWY. Then group up for the cruise.
We usually walk over to Five Guys Burger since it is a little less crowded than IN N Out .
Video from last year.

From the host page...

January 1st 2014, 11th Annual Tour d’Orange attracts over 350 vehicles,
& all cars are welcome.Bench Racing and Newport Shelby host the "Tour d Orange" every New Years Day which highlights the best scenic tour of Orange County. Now a Southern California tradition for many and arguably the first car event of the New Year.The near 100 miles cruise encompasses Pacific Coast Highway, Canyons Carving and beautiful picturesque valleys.
Meet at the corner of Fisher and Redhill in Costa Mesa. Arrive by 8:30 AM, maps at 8:45 AM, DEPART AT 9:00 AM. This scenic drive will take approximately 2 hours and terminate at the In N Out Burger at “The District” in Tustin.Thank you all for your good behavior which enables us to continue sponsoring this fun event.

Damian 11-10-2013 09:22 PM

I'd love to go but #3 is due the 3rd.

kdracer73 11-10-2013 10:49 PM

I promise not pull off in the dirt turn out though!

Vettezuki 11-11-2013 01:41 AM

Congrats Damian! Ben is a helluva good name. Just say'n.

Damian 11-11-2013 08:36 AM

We are trying to find a 6 letter name to keep the tradition going. 3 kids with 6 letter names, 666 is what they will be like together.

Dirt turn offs are bad, very bad.

Vettezuki 11-12-2013 12:09 AM

You have some options . . .

My random selector fell on Dionte for boy and Odelia for girl.

C5Natie 11-12-2013 09:38 PM

Ill be there for sure. My damn car better be done by then.

mustangray 11-13-2013 09:29 AM

I will be there !

injdinjn 11-13-2013 04:53 PM

I always forget, gotta find a way to remind myself.

kdracer73 12-08-2013 12:12 PM

Address we are meeting at is 150 Baker St East.....

firstshadow 12-23-2013 08:22 PM

Can't make it, going to be all the way out in eastvale that day (probably sleeping at the start time).

Have fun, take lots of pics!

Shaolin Crane 12-25-2013 12:34 AM

Meet at 8am? Yeah, I probably will be just getting home then.

kdracer73 12-25-2013 01:19 PM

Why go home?

Shaolin Crane 12-25-2013 09:53 PM

Cause 48 hours awake and driving is no bueno.

Redondo Jon 12-29-2013 12:51 PM

See you in a few days at 150 Baker. Thanks Paul.

kdracer73 12-29-2013 03:32 PM

Looks like 8-10 friends meeting there, should be good !

Darkstar 12-31-2013 10:05 AM

Just registered today but been to a couple of your cruises. Always fun. I will be there.

Vettezuki 12-31-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Darkstar (Post 125418)
Just registered today but been to a couple of your cruises. Always fun. I will be there.

Welcome aboard Darkstar.

In the interest of total accuracy, technically, this is not a MG cruise (nothing we specifically put on) but a group of many groups really. We'll put our 2014 calendar in a month or two. Stay tuned!

Redondo Jon 12-31-2013 07:41 PM

Hey Paul if you read this tonight great but if not I’ll ask you tomorrow also. When we make the turn onto Jamboree following Santiago Canyon, are we going to shoot straight down Jamboree like last year or follow their map exclusively?

Darkstar 01-01-2014 12:42 PM

As much as I was looking forward to this. I ended up missing it. Spent half the day at the emergency room for food poisoning. :( Really bumbed me out. Cant wait to check out the calenday. Hope something comes up soon.

Vettezuki 01-01-2014 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Darkstar (Post 125444)
As much as I was looking forward to this. I ended up missing it. Spent half the day at the emergency room for food poisoning. :( Really bumbed me out. Cant wait to check out the calenday. Hope something comes up soon.

Yikes man! Hope you're starting to feel better.

Redondo Jon 01-02-2014 01:13 AM

That sucks. We were looking for you & wondering what happened. Hopefully you’ll feel better soon. Even though this cruise / event has turned into a monster it’s still pretty fun.

kdracer73 01-02-2014 10:50 PM

It was a good cruise. A lot more cars this year . I guess 400+? . 8am was a little late though . My buddy on the planning committee saved us spots , but we couldn't get to them. I got good video and pics, but busted the power port on my PC , and barely got one YouTube vid uploaded before it died. Not sure how too link it from my phone! YouTube page kdracer73camaro, Tour D Orange 2014 for searching .

kdracer73 01-03-2014 12:32 AM

kdracer73 01-03-2014 12:34 AM

photobucket album

mustangray 01-03-2014 07:55 PM

Great pictures Paul.
It was a good run, there was a lot more cars then last year

PSJohnDoe 01-03-2014 11:08 PM

I was looking for you guys, but I didn't see ya. I was there with another group and got there around 7:45. Definitely a fun drive, sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by and say hello.

GTTS > Some 01-05-2014 07:00 AM

A safe and happy 2014 to Motorgen
Wishing all at Motorgen a safe and fun 2014. I missed another mile marker (1-1-2014) while driving my easy chair in front of the Rose Parade broadcast instead of running Tour-d-Orange with MG, ":•( . Thank you Paul for posting up the pic's and video for the event. I wish the 40/Dodge was further along, but I had to tear it down to the bones and build it back up as it should have been built first off for a safe and correct custom.

Take care MG and hope to see ya-all very soon.
Cliff ":•)

injdinjn 01-06-2014 10:06 PM

Nice. Triple digits are fun.
What road were you doing catchup on?

kdracer73 01-06-2014 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by injdinjn (Post 125608)
Nice. Triple digits are fun.
What road were you doing catchup on?

Laguna Canyon , Hwy 133. Not triples though, I sped up the video speed a little. 85-90mph.

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