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BRUTAL64 05-24-2017 12:03 PM

Anyone alive out there?
Just checking to see who is still breathing...or has a heart beat.....

BRUTAL64 05-24-2017 12:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Shaolin Crane 05-24-2017 10:38 PM

Pretty sure I don't have a heart, but i'm still here.

BRUTAL64 05-25-2017 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 164417)
Pretty sure I don't have a heart, but i'm still here.

Heart.....we don't need no stinking Heart....Right?

injdinjn 06-01-2017 12:09 PM

I'm still around, Take the GP out occasionally, not enough. Gonna flog on a Caddie a week from tomorrow.

94cobra69ss396 06-02-2017 07:51 PM

I'm here too. Currently building the 347 for the Cobra. Degreeing the cam tonight.

Vettezuki 06-04-2017 04:35 PM

Here. You?

Actually want to put a little time back into MG, at least a cruise or something.

mustangray 06-04-2017 10:48 PM

This is it Glenn all that's left:sm_laughing:

Leedom 06-06-2017 05:51 PM

I still pop in here to see if anyone has posted. A little update on the family. The Mach has been down for 2 years now for a clutch, which shames me to admit I have all the parts and just have not made the time to switch it out. On a more positive note, Shannon and I have brought into this world another human. Reagan was born last November and she is a beast. Currently she is 97th percentile for length and 91st for weight. Chase just turned 4 and is an amazing big brother. Will post some pics when I get the chance.

mustangray 06-06-2017 05:58 PM

Cool congrats Adam !

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