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Vettezuki 10-12-2011 12:17 PM

Project Management - The Lemon Fox
This thread is just to function as a kind of status and checklist of things to get done.

- Paused until Ron comes back online.
- Need to add kdracer73's contribution for rear bushings.

+ $23.76 ACCRUAL*
+ $23.76 CASH**

+ $600 BADDASSC6
+ $400 blackax
+ $725 Vettezuki
+ $000 Part Sales (N/A)
+ $1,725

- $450.00 88' LX Hatch 11/15/11
- $68.00 DMV Fees 11/23/11
- $9.00 Transaction Fee for PayPal Transfer (BADDASSC6) 11/23/11
- $100.00 Long Block (week of 11/28/11)
- $62.34 8.8" Axle D to D 11/27/11 (includes tax, environmental fees, etc. base fee was $40.00 + $15.00 core)
- $31.84 Dizzy (includes tax, environmental fees, etc. base fee was $19 + $5 core) 11/27/11
- $108.91 Cam and Lifters 11/28/11
- $180.00 Wheels and Tires 12/13/11
- $142.00 Front Spindles
- $9.00 Transaction Fee for PayPall Transfer (BADDASSC6) 1/25/12
- $40.00 Clutch 1/26/12
- $197.02 FW, plugs, wires, coil, front brake pad 1/27/12
- $168.31 Battery, rear brake pads, lug nuts, A/F assembly, Oil Filter, return coil 1/30/12
- $17.29 Oil Pan Gasket 1/30/12
- $28.53 Oil Pickup Tube, FW Bolts 2/1/12
- $4.70 Shipping of Trailing Arms to blackax on 5/14/12
- $10.00 Spacers for spindles on 5/19/12
- $75.00 Bell Housing on 8/23/12
- $1687.24

3 hours to check out LX 11/10 Vettezuki
$60 gas and 7 hours hauling Throttle Crazy 11/15
3 hours labor 11/27 94cobra69ss396
3 hours labor (sorta) 11/27 Vettezuki
front calipers and rotors Shaolin Crane
master cylinder Shaolin Crane
water pump Shaolin Crane
Ed's Auto Parts Pickup 1/27/12 Vettezuki
Day of work in Riverside 1/28/12 Vettezuki, 94cobra69ss396, Leedom, Chuck, blackax
Ed's Auto Parts Pickup 1/30/12 Vettezuki
Seats 94cobra69ss396
Locating engine, wheels, clutch 94cobra69ss396

- $450 88' LX Hatch
- $100.00 Long Block
- $19.00 Dizzy
- $40.00 Clutch
- $126.55 FW, Plugs, Wires
- $151.72 Battery, A/F Assembly, Oil Filter, oil Pan Gasket
- $75.00 Bell Housing
(Ideally this should be <= $500)

- $40.00 Axle for 5 lug conversion and disc brakes
- $180.00 Wheels and scrap tires
- $142.00 Spindles
- $29.67 Front Brake Pads
- $42.90 Rear brake Pads, Lug Nuts


Suspension, Brakes, Wheels and Tires
  • Set of NT05s, $600~

Engine, Trans
  • Stuff to complete long block (pullies, brackets, belt(s))
  • Bell Housing
  • Radiator hose(s)
  • Stat?

  • Roll Cage, either fabbed or bolt-in
  • Fire extinguisher or Suppression system
  • Fuel cell

* Cash only includes income and expenses completed. (Think of your wallet.)

** Accrual includes known and scheduled income and expenses that haven't been completed yet. (Think of the money you're owed and that you owe.)

+$ means we have it to work with

-$ in accrual means I'm subsidizing more than I want to pay and expect others to pony up. I will stop spending under this condition until there is new income. The project can halt under this condition.

-$ in cash if accrual is positive or neutral ($0) means I'm waiting for income that hasn't arrived. I will tolerate this. It means I'm floating the difference between negative cash and non-negative accrual.


The point of this project is to have some fun and give the participants the lowest possible cost for enjoying some actual car racing. While I am the owner of record, all participants are owners as far as I'm concerned. This means.
  • I will not sell it without a consensus to sell.
  • It will either be sold internally to members, auction style where the proceeds go to running the site or better yet, into a bigger and better project car. Or, if sold to the general public an equity stake in the car will be calculated based on time, money and effort into the car. So if you had a 10% equity stake and the car sold for $1,000, $100 would come back to you. This involves both objective and subjective elements of course. At that time I'll make best effort to be as transparent and fair as humanly possible.
I mention this so those wondering, hey, are we just paying to build a car for Vettezuki to play around with can know what my thinking and the long run looks like.

kdracer73 10-12-2011 01:21 PM

We should apply before we get to carried away. They get more applications than they need, and not all get chosen. Car choice, team theme and a feel of how cool you are to hang out with ( WE got that one covered!), are part of the selection process

Ave cost is 1000 bucks spent per team member.

Vettezuki 10-12-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 84706)
We should apply before we get to carried away. They get more applications than they need, and not all get chosen. Car choice, team theme and a feel of how cool you are to hang out with ( WE got that one covered!), are part of the selection process

Ave cost is 1000 bucks spent per team member.

I'm not sure what applying w/o a car would mean. Not exactly supporting commitment. You are correct that not everyone is accepted. But let's face, I think we can nail performance and fun at pretty high levels. Plus, we can beat on the car at Adam's and other venues anyway. At worst it's a cheapy project car until I have the $3-5k I'll need to finish RX-Snake the way I want, which is still a ways out. I can swing a hundred bucks here and there out of the play budget if a bunch of others are as well.

kdracer73 10-12-2011 01:37 PM

I am getting excited about this. Doing lots of reading from thier forums. We WILL have to have something ready ahead of time....Entries are picked 10 weeks before event, not leaving time for a bunch of spread out slackers to build something !

Vettezuki 10-12-2011 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 84708)
I am getting excited about this. Doing lots of reading from thier forums. We WILL have to have something ready ahead of time....Entries are picked 10 weeks before event, not leaving time for a bunch of spread out slackers to build something !

Exactly. With enough guys adding what they can, this will be about as cheap as any kind of road car racing gets, and there's plenty of opportunities to use it regardless. Who knows, maybe we'll win and that can go to finishing RX-Snake, which will be more of a pretty beast. ;)

kdracer73 10-12-2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 84709)
Exactly. With enough guys adding what they can, this will be about as cheap as any kind of road car racing gets, and there's plenty of opportunities to use it regardless. Who knows, maybe we'll win and that can go to finishing RX-Snake, which will be more of a pretty beast. ;)

$1500 paid in Nickels ! Sweet !

Shaolin Crane 10-13-2011 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 84709)
Exactly. With enough guys adding what they can, this will be about as cheap as any kind of road car racing gets, and there's plenty of opportunities to use it regardless. Who knows, maybe we'll win and that can go to finishing RX-Snake, which will be more of a pretty beast. ;)

Funny to think that we'll have more into and entire car then i have into my rims/tires

Vettezuki 11-07-2011 05:37 PM

See OP. Added basic Income/Expense for project.

Vettezuki 11-08-2011 04:20 PM

Feel free to send some scratch. Some already are. We'll need a little working capital to buy brakes, engine, wheels/tires, and no doubt "whoops" misc. We'll be taking off and selling things from the car as well, but we can use whatever you guys who intend to participate feel like contributing. Hit me up with PM and I'll tell you how to get it to me.

kdracer73 11-08-2011 04:56 PM

Keep in mind also 500 to enter car in race +100 per driver +75 per pit crew member.

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