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enkeivette 11-21-2010 07:50 PM

Stupid things you used to do as a kid.
Lets hear some mischief stories. I'll start us off:

When I was 16/ 17 we used to borrow traffic cones and road block signs then block off streets at 2 am. We started with smaller streets then worked our way up to Imperi*l Highw*y. We used flares for that one.

kdracer73 11-21-2010 08:27 PM

Played Hide and Seek in the under construction, Irvine Auto Center.
In the middle of the night , climbing on roofs and it may have involved some construction equipment damage....bunch of dumb azz kids!

jedhead 11-21-2010 09:12 PM

I used to explore caves used during WW2 when I lived in Okinawa. I found plenty of unexploded ordinance during my explorations and I defused several Japanese hand grenades with channel locks. My guardian angel looked over me during my years in Okinawa because I sure used up a lot of luck. My friends and I found remains of Japanese soldiers, found ammo caches and remains of weapons.



enkeivette 11-21-2010 09:52 PM

...damn :O

jedhead 11-21-2010 11:27 PM

Ordinance wasn't the only danger in the caves and in the jungle, you had to worry about the Habu (poisonous snake), banana spiders and spider centipede (poisonous too). I used to go diving and we had to watch out for ordinance, sea snakes (highly poisonous), cone shells (toxic) and white tip sharks. I was young and thought I was immortal so that stuff really didn't bother me. I sometimes think about all the extremely reckless stuff I did and wonder why I am alive.


Redondo Jon 11-22-2010 01:33 AM

Yeah, in grade school my friends & I did the block off the street thing. How fun was that. When I was four I took myself for a walk. Luckily, I knew my address so I could tell the man that I encountered where I lived. That’s back when the world was safer, so I was returned home without incident. In my teens: motorcycles, rock climbing, surfing. Anything risky I guess.

enkeivette 11-22-2010 01:11 PM

I've been dirt biking and rock climbing too, I think of that as more recreational and less stupid. Although, the 50 foot jump that I hit on a dirt bike course in Lake Elsinore that caused me to break several bones, lose some skin, and forget who and where I was for about 30 minutes was pretty stupid I suppose.

enkeivette 11-22-2010 01:16 PM

Did you go indoor or outdoor rockclimbing?

Vettezuki 11-22-2010 02:36 PM

My summer vacation after H.S. was sort of an homage to stupid. My personal favorite memory was buying those giant rockets you can get in mexico, sticking them in the end of a PVC pipe and launching them at friends in the ocean. Made one of my friends deaf for a little while. Luckily I didn't detach his head. Later on in my youth, when I was aobut twenty I did a full swan dive off the bridge at Universal Studios Ampitheater after an Oingo Boingo concert. You really go right through 18" of water when jumping from about 15-20' up. And that's why I have a slightly crooked nose. It was also the first time I was handcuffed.

Vettezuki 11-22-2010 02:42 PM

Bringing back memories now. When I was much younger <10 I lived across from a large river bottom wilderness area. Decending into this area were some steep decents, I mean like 30-45 degrees. During the spring it'd get all green. Some friends and I would take cardboard and slide down those hills at some ridiculous rates of speed, jumping over rocks and ditches. Never a broken bone. The nannies would lose their minds at the stuff that used to be common back in the day.

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