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blackax 08-28-2013 04:11 PM

I think guy needs a little pussy in his life.. So here you go.

Shaolin Crane 08-28-2013 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120588)
You were stabbed. It's going to take a long time for that scar to fade enough for you to forget about it. And until it does, everyday you stroll through the hood you will expect to get stabbed again.

Even when you meet an awesome girl you will be skeptical and cautious.

And hopefully, you will find one who will chip away at the wall you've put up, and who will make you realize that the awesome thing you thought you had before... wasn't so awesome.

I've been stabbed 3 times(once was my fault though), for what it's worth. Martial artists will always expect something to happen, that road has been paved.

They're all awesome, in their own ways but I'll never forget this saying, for everything.

"Never rely on someone else for anything, for even your shadow leaves you when the darkness comes"
I actually don't have much of a wall anymore, I just don't accept that any of them are permanent chapters, just temporary distractions

Shaolin Crane 08-28-2013 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by blackax (Post 120602)
I think guy needs a little pussy in his life.. So here you go.

enkeivette 08-28-2013 06:41 PM

Ug, got a ticket. Have to pay the road tax again... unless I fight it, which might be difficult with the big boy job.

Cops who catch murderers and rapists, good guys. But cops who give tickets for going 5mph over, and claim it was 10... heroes? Mmm, nope.

Vettezuki 08-28-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120610)
Ug, got a ticket. Have to pay the road tax again... unless I fight it, which might be difficult with the big boy job.

Cops who catch murderers and rapists, good guys. But cops who give tickets for going 5mph over, and claim it was 10... heroes? Mmm, nope.

That fat pension ain't gonna pay for itself pumpkin.

Shaolin Crane 08-28-2013 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120610)
Ug, got a ticket. Have to pay the road tax again... unless I fight it, which might be difficult with the big boy job.

Cops who catch murderers and rapists, good guys. But cops who give tickets for going 5mph over, and claim it was 10... heroes? Mmm, nope.

Those are the same cops that catch the rapists and molester by pulling people over for going over even by 5mph and write you the ticket because of the oath the swore to and wouldn't risk their job for anything with the amount of work it takes to get a badge.

Vettezuki 08-28-2013 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120614)
Those are the same cops that catch the rapists and molester by pulling people over for going over even by 5mph and write you the ticket because of the oath the swore to and wouldn't risk their job for anything with the amount of work it takes to get a badge.

That doesn't make any sense at all.

enkeivette 08-28-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120614)
Those are the same cops that catch the rapists and molester by pulling people over for going over even by 5mph and write you the ticket because of the oath the swore to and wouldn't risk their job for anything with the amount of work it takes to get a badge.

What the fuck? Cops let me go all the time. And for pulling someone over for doing 50 in a 45? Fuck him, he should be ashamed of himself. If you plan to fuck honest people over who are not being reckless, fuck you too. I'll give you this guys contact info, you can jerk each-other off.

Shaolin Crane 08-28-2013 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 120615)
That doesn't make any sense at all.

How does that not make any sense? They're still cops, they still have a target on their forehead every day. Most busts are made off simple speeding tickets, vehicle infractions and the like. He wrote a ticket cause that's his job, just cause other cops let you off doesn't mean he will. Just like the legal defense of "well other people do it too" doesn't hold up worth a shit.

I don't plan on "fucking" people over, I do however intend to preform my job to the best extent possible. If me swearing to an oath and me holding true to my word ruffles peoples panties then y'all can fuck yourselves.

Vettezuki 08-28-2013 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120617)
How does that not make any sense? They're still cops, they still have a target on their forehead every day. Most busts are made off simple speeding tickets, vehicle infractions and the like. He wrote a ticket cause that's his job, just cause other cops let you off doesn't mean he will. Just like the legal defense of "well other people do it too" doesn't hold up worth a shit.

I don't plan on "fucking" people over, I do however intend to preform my job to the best extent possible. If me swearing to an oath and me holding true to my word ruffles peoples panties then y'all can fuck yourselves.

Being a cop isn't even in the top 10 of most dangerous jobs.

Speed limits are ostensibly about public safety. When cops get dangerous drivers off the road, clear roads, investigate real crime, etc., good. The rest is bullshit.

Cops, and all public servants for that matter need to be put in their place; servants, accountable for the production of public goods, that's it.

enkeivette 08-28-2013 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120617)
How does that not make any sense? They're still cops, they still have a target on their forehead every day. Most busts are made off simple speeding tickets, vehicle infractions and the like. He wrote a ticket cause that's his job, just cause other cops let you off doesn't mean he will. Just like the legal defense of "well other people do it too" doesn't hold up worth a shit.

I don't plan on "fucking" people over, I do however intend to preform my job to the best extent possible. If me swearing to an oath and me holding true to my word ruffles peoples panties then y'all can fuck yourselves.

I didnt understand what you wrote, neither did Ben, neither does my girlfriend. Sorry buddy, youre on the outs.

Do good Guy, catch bad guys. Dont fuck over good guys. Protect and serve, dont annoy and harass. The end.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by blackax (Post 120602)
I think guy needs a little pussy in his life.. So here you go.

It's already wet too.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120608)

That's awful that someone would take the time to do that.

fiveohwblow 08-29-2013 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120629)
That's awful that someone would take the time to do that.

You can't be serious

Shaolin Crane 08-29-2013 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 120620)
Being a cop isn't even in the top 10 of most dangerous jobs.

Speed limits are ostensibly about public safety. When cops get dangerous drivers off the road, clear roads, investigate real crime, etc., good. The rest is bullshit.

Cops, and all public servants for that matter need to be put in their place; servants, accountable for the production of public goods, that's it.

That's legislative's job, until that happens, he's just doing his job. Just like a construction worker, banker etc.

I wasn't aware that being LEO wasn't dangerous, I'll make sure I tell that to all my buddies on patrol in Lenox, Watts and Inglewood.

Vettezuki 08-29-2013 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120631)
. . . he's just doing his job.

Befehl ist Befehl.

You should work on your German. It's the appropriate language for this line of thinking.

But the reality is LEO have discretion. They let off other officers off all the time. (Ask Nate) Hell even just applicants driving like total idiots get it relatively easy. (Ask yourself.) Meanwhile, the working man, the tax base from which they draw their salaries, not so much. (Ask anyone who is not a cop or closely affiliated. Like Adam, or me.)

They are NOT under legal obligation to site everything they observe. Show me the legislated code of which you seem fond. It should take you some time. Cuz it doesn't exist. Though to be fair, cops can be remarkably ignorant of even basic law and broad concepts, let alone line by line code.


I wasn't aware that being LEO wasn't dangerous, I'll make sure I tell that to all my buddies on patrol in Lenox, Watts and Inglewood.
I said it wasn't in the Top 10. Because it isn't.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries shows that there were a total of 4,383 fatal injuries on the job in the U.S. in 2012, down from 4,693 in 2011. The data also tell us what are the most dangerous professions in America. The top spot goes to logging workers, who lost their lives at a rate of 127.8 per 100,000 full-time workers. Here are the 10 deadliest jobs of all.

1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related fishing workers
3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
4. Roofers
5. Structural iron and steel workers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
10. Construction laborers

enkeivette 08-29-2013 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120631)
That's legislative's job, until that happens, he's just doing his job. Just like a construction worker, banker etc.

I wasn't aware that being LEO wasn't dangerous, I'll make sure I tell that to all my buddies on patrol in Lenox, Watts and Inglewood.

If you have buddies who are cops in LA, you know they dont waste their time with bullshit, because they have real police work to do. LA cops and NY cops are the only ones Ive found who I like.

If you are CHP and a guy flys by you at 71 on the radar, technically he is breaking the maximum speed law. So if you rely exclusively on legislation to make your decision, that's your cut off point. Actually 70.1. But obviously, cops don't do that. So it is up to you where you draw the line.

The basis for all laws is, and well... should be, that we live in a free country, but our freedoms cease when they begin to infringe upon the freedoms of others. Thus, if you drive recklessly, you endanger other drivers, infringing upon their freedom to be safe on the road. If you felt that someone is being reckless, in the SPIRIT of the law, yes, it would be your duty to uphold it.

On the other hand, if you give someone a ticket for going 71 mph. You are a fucking douchebag, and I'll bet everyone on this forum including Rons brother would agree.

94cobra69ss396 08-29-2013 07:52 AM

Most of the CHP officers have a set speed above the speed limit that they allow before they will write you a speeding ticket. Assuming you are not driving like an ass. For my brother's department that seems to be about 80. If you're under that they won't bother with you but above that or again if you're driving like an ass then they'll write you up. On the freeway I will usually do about 5 mph above the posted speed limit but on city streets I do the speed limit.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by fiveohwblow (Post 120630)
You can't be serious

Yup. You prob cant tell from this forum, but Im actually a pretty nice guy. A dead animal on the side of the road is triste.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 (Post 120640)
Most of the CHP officers have a set speed above the speed limit that they allow before they will write you a speeding ticket. Assuming you are not driving like an ass. For my brother's department that seems to be about 80. If you're under that they won't bother with you but above that or again if you're driving like an ass then they'll write you up. On the freeway I will usually do about 5 mph above the posted speed limit but on city streets I do the speed limit.

Well lets hope you dont drive by Guy or the douchebag cop I drove past yesterday.

Btw, I drive 4mph above the speed limit on the freeway, because the maximum speed law is more strict than the city speed limit.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 08:17 AM

I've never been pulled over by the CHP either, and I usually cruise in the Vette at just under 80 so it doesnt bog. The four times Ive been ticketed it has been by a city cop, in a nice area (probably because they dont have any real work to do). And for something stupid, that I didnt even realize until they explained it to me.

One got me as I was accelerating through a yellow.

The next one claimed I crossed over a right turn only line before turning right.

The next gave me a ticket for not treating a school bus like a stop sign, when it was parked on the other side of a solid double yellow line, on a mountain road, with no schools or children present, and NO FUCKING SIDEWALK on the mountain road for children to cross. Just a road barrier.

And yesterday, for accelerating to merge as a lane ended. Doing 50 in a 45.

I do some reckless shit, no doubt, but Ive never been ticketed for it. Ive only been ticketed for stupid shit, by chubby rich city cops with nothing better to do. And Im sure it will happen again in 3-4 years, and I wont realize why until Im pulled over. Ya, justice.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki;\

They are NOT under legal obligation to site everything they observe. Show me the legislated code of which you seem fond. It should take you some time. Cuz it doesn't exist.

And actually, the law under which I was cited, the city speed limit and not the freeway maximum speed, does not state that you are in violation for driving faster than the posted limit. It says you are in violation for driving at a speed faster than is reasonable for the conditions. VC 22350 I think. So it was ENTIRELY within that cops discretion. No pointing the finger at legislation here, the law itself is subjective.

fiveohwblow 08-29-2013 08:59 AM

Derailers Anonymous

Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120641)
Yup. You prob cant tell from this forum, but Im actually a pretty nice guy. A dead animal on the side of the road is triste.

There's definitely a larger argument at play here but I am a little surprised by this so I can't let it go... Are you to assume the same person who killed it made the sign? If so I can see your point. Otherwise, I assume most people including yourself don't stop to make flapjacks of road kill every time. It boils down to different humor. A dead cat already exists. You don't want to touch it, neither do I. Someone makes a sign in jest, I laugh and go about my business. I don't find it terrible one iota.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by fiveohwblow (Post 120650)
There's definitely a larger argument at play here but I am a little surprised by this so I can't let it go... Are you to assume the same person who killed it made the sign? If so I can see your point. Otherwise, I assume most people including yourself don't stop to make flapjacks of road kill every time. It boils down to different humor. A dead cat already exists. You don't want to touch it, neither do I. Someone makes a sign in jest, I laugh and go about my business. I don't find it terrible one iota.

Its funny no doubt. But so are dead baby jokes. Doesnt mean it isnt sad.

Shaolin Crane 08-29-2013 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 120632)
Befehl ist Befehl.

You should work on your German. It's the appropriate language for this line of thinking.

But the reality is LEO have discretion. They let off other officers off all the time. (Ask Nate) Hell even just applicants driving like total idiots get it relatively easy. (Ask yourself.) Meanwhile, the working man, the tax base from which they draw their salaries, not so much. (Ask anyone who is not a cop or closely affiliated. Like Adam, or me.)

They are NOT under legal obligation to site everything they observe. Show me the legislated code of which you seem fond. It should take you some time. Cuz it doesn't exist. Though to be fair, cops can be remarkably ignorant of even basic law and broad concepts, let alone line by line code.

I said it wasn't in the Top 10. Because it isn't.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries shows that there were a total of 4,383 fatal injuries on the job in the U.S. in 2012, down from 4,693 in 2011. The data also tell us what are the most dangerous professions in America. The top spot goes to logging workers, who lost their lives at a rate of 127.8 per 100,000 full-time workers. Here are the 10 deadliest jobs of all.

1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related fishing workers
3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
4. Roofers
5. Structural iron and steel workers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
10. Construction laborers

I get it, I've been let off before, Nate also hasn't been let off by other officers. I also said legislative, not code. Officer A gets told by his CO that he is not allowed to let anyone off with a warning, so he does that. Not gonna fault him for being an officer where they require that sort of thing.

Shaolin Crane 08-29-2013 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120651)
Its funny no doubt. But so are dead baby jokes. Doesnt mean it isnt sad.

Jokes are funny because they're offensive. Also no one crys when's they see rats get run over, why are cats different?

Vettezuki 08-29-2013 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120643)
. . . Ya, justice.

Yeah . . . I think one area of accessible improvement, since most cities are incorporated entities is to decouple public services from the municipalities. The physical structures would remain assets of the municipalities, but staffing would all be done essentially on a contract basis with private firms that could be regularly evaluated for performance and cost in something more like a competitive market. As it is, the entitlements and incentives are pretty stupid.

blackax 08-29-2013 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120653)
Jokes are funny because they're offensive. Also no one crys when's they see rats get run over, why are cats different?

I don't want to kill anything, cat/dog/rat. But I still find the picture funny as hell.

I think guy has used that image before when I was jesting him with other cute cat photos. sO i'm going to call repost on you guy.

Vettezuki 08-29-2013 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120653)
Jokes are funny because they're offensive.

False. Irony is the heart of humor. This qualifies.


Also no one crys when's they see rats get run over
False. blackax cries.


, why are cats different?
Rats are generally, if unfairly, regarded as vermin (though they have been highly efficient disease vectors in the past), and cats as beloved pets (by people other than you.).

Vettezuki 08-29-2013 12:53 PM


enkeivette 08-29-2013 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 120652)
I get it, I've been let off before, Nate also hasn't been let off by other officers. I also said legislative, not code. Officer A gets told by his CO that he is not allowed to let anyone off with a warning, so he does that. Not gonna fault him for being an officer where they require that sort of thing.

The legislature... legislates the code. And if you thought it was different why did you state following it as a justification to my post in the first place.

Second, you just inserted a hypothetical into my argument. You dont know that his supervisor told him to do anything. I've been let go by cops in my city before while driving the Vette.

Third, supervisor instruction or not the law is subjective as I explained. Meaning, this cop was just a douche bag.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 120661)
Yeah . . . I think one area of accessible improvement, since most cities are incorporated entities is to decouple public services from the municipalities. The physical structures would remain assets of the municipalities, but staffing would all be done essentially on a contract basis with private firms that could be regularly evaluated for performance and cost in something more like a competitive market. As it is, the entitlements and incentives are pretty stupid.

I think while the robbery, rape, murder, and arson statistics are still above zero, cops should spend more time patrolling high crime streets and less time parked on the sidewalk with a radar.

Vettezuki 08-29-2013 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120670)
I think while the robbery, rape, murder, and arson statistics are still above zero, cops should spend more time patrolling high crime streets and less time parked on the sidewalk with a radar.

Exactly. That's what I'm talking about for incentives. If Acme Cop Corp. demonstrates lowering a crime rate, successfully investigating crime and finding criminals, WHILE not getting a bunch of complaints from the public about Gestapo tactics, they get their contract renewed. If they get a bunch of complaints, etc., they get fired. You'd also have a lot more flexibility in staffing up or down based on needs. You know, like pretty much everywhere else.

To be fair to CHP, I think they are explicitly evaluated on accident and fatality rates, and have worked to set up things like the MSF, etc.

Some wealthy/safe areas, like Irvine, don't hardly need cops at all.

enkeivette 08-29-2013 02:41 PM

Agree. There is no accountability.

Which is also why concealed carry permits are not getting signed in LA. The sheriff doesn't want any liability so he just refuses all of them.

Which is why some people just say fuck it and carry anyways. You know, if we were allowed to carry guns, random school and theater shootings would not happen. Because people like me would shoot those mother fuckers in the face. And whats worse, the people who cause crime with guns ignore the gun laws anyways.

Shaolin Crane 08-29-2013 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 120665)
False. Irony is the heart of humor. This qualifies.
Rats are generally, if unfairly, regarded as vermin (though they have been highly efficient disease vectors in the past), and cats as beloved pets (by people other than you.).

Offensive jokes are funnier than clean ones.

Cats are vermin as well. If you don't believe me come down to the shop and you'll see they run amuck just as much as other varmint too.

I had a pet rat once, rats are beloved pets by many as well, and yet I do not find it terrible when one dies.

fiveohwblow 08-30-2013 12:37 AM

Too fucking srs in here. Beautiful la night

enkeivette 08-30-2013 07:28 AM


I usually hate cats, but my brothers cat Nives is awesome. He's like a dog, he comes when you call him, he makes eye contact (dont even get that from whores), likes to be pet, and he head butts me. I love that cat, Id be sad if he died.

enkeivette 08-30-2013 07:30 AM

Hey 5.0 blow, dont you commute into downtown LA? I'm planning to take the 57 to the 10 to the 110S. How many hours do you think I'll need to get in there? I'm at Figueroa and 3rd.

Or am I thinking of blackax?

Shaolin Crane 08-30-2013 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120715)
Hey 5.0 blow, dont you commute into downtown LA? I'm planning to take the 57 to the 10 to the 110S. How many hours do you think I'll need to get in there? I'm at Figueroa and 3rd.

Or am I thinking of blackax?

That's Blackaxe, Justin lives in Portland.

FWIW 57-60-101

blackax 08-30-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 120715)
Hey 5.0 blow, dont you commute into downtown LA? I'm planning to take the 57 to the 10 to the 110S. How many hours do you think I'll need to get in there? I'm at Figueroa and 3rd.

Or am I thinking of blackax?

Ya I got to hollywood everyday.

first what time of the day?

The 60 and the 10 will both be as fast from where you are. Both slow down before the 605 and clear up after for some reason. and both will take you to the 101/110

I can leave my house in riverside at 8:15 and be at work at 9:50, but you will run into issues when somedays every freeway is fucked.

I would say it should take you an hour from the 57 to get to downtown.

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