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94cobra69ss396 05-18-2016 08:31 AM

My daughters will be done with their volleyball season the end of June so I'll have weekends free again until October when they start up again. My brother is doing a camping trip at Silverwood Lake in July with some guys from his precinct and they are going to do runs during the day. I'll find out what weekend he's going and let you guys know. Maybe we can meeting up with them.

Redondo Jon 06-04-2016 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 152413)
June 26 I'm doing Glendora MTN with my Camaro club.


kdracer73 06-06-2016 10:01 PM

This will be more of a casual cruise. The Camaro club is not quite the aggressive driving group.

Glendora Ridge road cruise, Sunday June 26

.Meet at 10:00am. Leave Kohls 10:30.

Glendora Ridge road is a mountain road that runs from Upland to Azuza
. We will be meeting in Upland, at the Shopping center , just off the 210 freeway at Campus Ave. Parking will be on the West end of the lot in front of Kohls. 1923 N Campus Ave, Upland, CA 91784.

The route will be about 45 miles.there is a Arco gas station on the Campus Ave on the North side of the 210 fwy, if you need to top off your tank. With a stop at the top of the ridge road, for photos and chatting. . There are no facilities up there, so please try and use bathrooms before we leave the shopping center.

Lunch stop after at
La Tolteca
429 N Azusa Ave, Azusa, CA 91702.
Azuza Ave is a one way street and the restaurant will be on the left.

Link to map Google Maps!1m0!3e0

Google Maps

enkeivette 06-12-2016 02:44 PM

I'll ride shot gun. In the midst of new lugs, bearings, brakes, wheels and maybe even flares. I think my Vette will only become more immobile this summer.

Damian 06-18-2016 12:56 AM

I'm gonna try and make it to the cruise. I hope it's not going to be hot because I won't have my ac back in by then.

Redondo Jon 06-20-2016 02:10 PM

Yup, I’m in.

Shaolin Crane 06-20-2016 06:16 PM

Might make it for dinner, who knows.

Darkstar 06-21-2016 11:18 AM

Is this cruise still on even with all those fires up there?

firstshadow 06-21-2016 04:45 PM

The whole mountain is burning down... I doubt the roads are still open!

Redondo Jon 06-21-2016 05:21 PM

I know we call it GMR (Glendora Mountain Road) but it’s actually Glendora Ridge Road that we use; and that’s closed. Doubtful that it’ll be sorted out for the weekend and then there’s the debris that’ll probably be on the road… Angeles Crest Highway?

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