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big_G 09-19-2008 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 6477)
There is a quote from GUMBALL RALLY--"What is behind us is not important".:rolleyes:

I remember that....the Italian dude rips off his rear view mirror and says "What's behind me, I don't care"....

enkeivette 09-19-2008 12:03 PM

He wouldn't need to see me, he'd hear me coming. :drive:

BRUTAL64 09-19-2008 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by big_G (Post 6482)
I remember that....the Italian dude rips off his rear view mirror and says "What's behind me, I don't care"....

Ok, we to take another look at that movie and get that quote correct. This is important. :smack:

big_G 09-19-2008 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 6497)
Ok, we to take another look at that movie and get that quote correct. This is important. :smack:

It appears you have a few more functioning brain cells than I. I stand corrected. Got to see that movie again.

Memorable quotes for
The Gumball Rally (1976) More at IMDb Pro ยป

Smith: So what is this, a vintage car?
Bannon: Well Smitty, some things get meaner as they get older.
Prof. Samuel Graves - Cobra Team: [about the Gumball Rally] To you this is just a stunt! Me, I've got a shot at tenure.. all I gotta do is stay out of trouble for a couple more years and I'll be set for life. I can't risk that!
Bannon: It's not a's a challenge.
Franco: [about their Ferrari] How's the bambina?
Smith: She's a-fulla gas, she's-a wait for you!
Franco: Hey, you make a good Italian!
Bannon: Hey Franco! Your mother called, she's been looking all over for you!
Franco: Now you make jokes on my mother, huh?
Bannon: No... about your mother, not on your mother. I wouldn't get *on* your mother!
Gibson - Camaro Team: [their Camaro is running hot] Jeez, can't we turn off the heater?
Ace Preston: Either the engine gets hot, or we get hot!
Gibson - Camaro Team: Well, I'm about to have a stroke!
Ace Preston: A stroke? I should be so lucky!
Barney Donahue: Andy, I need an inspiration.
Andy McAllister - Mercedes Team: Yeah, it's that time of the morning.
Barney Donahue: Something to make the blood *hot*.
Andy McAllister - Mercedes Team: [pulls out a bottle] What would you say to a bit of Henry the Fifth?
Barney Donahue: Ah, you're a mind reader!
Franco: [shouting] Now you are marked...for life!
Jane - Porsche Team: Alright, the lights are set to 32 miles per hour, just keep going on Sepulveda!
Alice - Porsche Team: OK, hang on!
[starts to downshift and floor the throttle]
Alice - Porsche Team: [Two motorcycle cops pull up on either side to check out the girls, and Alice holds up] Smile!
Jane - Porsche Team: How fast are we going now?
Alice - Porsche Team: [with a large fake smile on her face] 32 miles an hour.
Roscoe: This is Roscoe's Last Stand!
Roscoe: One day, Bannon... you *and* Smith!
Bannon: The age of the motor car is over.
Franco: And now my friend, the first-a rule of Italian driving.
[Franco rips off his rear-view mirror and throws it out of the car]
Franco: What's-a behind me is not important.

Chopper Pilot: Sir? We can't catch 'em.
Roscoe: Whaddaya mean?
Chopper Pilot: They must be doing 180. We don't even have a fixed-wing that'll go that fast!
Bannon: Fifty-five is fast enough to kill you, but slow enough to make you think you're safe.
Barney Donahue: You know how often my wife tried to get me to get rid of this car? Well that's German machinery for you. The car outlasted her.

enkeivette 09-19-2008 08:50 PM

Ces't fini! Just need to go over it with glazing putty to fill the pot holes and then you know... paint it.

Vettezuki 09-19-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 6513)
Ces't fini! Just need to go over it with glazing putty to fill the pot holes and then you know... paint it.

Are you painting it?

enkeivette 09-19-2008 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 6519)
Are you painting it?

Weren't you the one who acknowledged that good prep work can take hundreds of hours? I've worked on the car every day this week. I worked today all day till it got dark. If you want to help speed up the process and feel like being itchy for two days, cruise on over and I'll hand you some sandpaper. :D

Vettezuki 09-19-2008 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 6521)
Weren't you the one who acknowledged that good prep work can take hundreds of hours? I've worked on the car every day this week. I worked today all day till it got dark. If you want to help speed up the process and feel like being itchy for two days, cruise on over and I'll hand you some sandpaper. :D

Yes I did say that. I did offer to help you early on (when I recommended using a air powered random orbital). And what I meant was: "Are YOU painting it?" Not "Are you painting it (now)?"

I expect you're doing a very good job. If you can do it all yourself and if you're interested, I may be interested in hiring you to do mine or help me do mine as you will have great experience.

Jeesh you're sensitive.:nutkick:

enkeivette 09-19-2008 11:22 PM

Sorry. I really want to go on the moonlight run, and I still have a lot of work left to do. I'm touchy. I suppose I could go before the paint, but it would suck to be on the freeway for that long with no weatherstripping.

Vettezuki 09-20-2008 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 6528)
Sorry. I really want to go on the moonlight run, and I still have a lot of work left to do. I'm touchy. I suppose I could go before the paint, but it would suck to be on the freeway for that long with no weatherstripping.

I understand. Earplugs might work for you in that case. :huh: Seriously, they'll cut out a lot of the hi-freq stuff and leave most of the massive rumble alone. You can also roll with any number of us. And oh yeah, I promise this is just the beginning of (hopefully) creative runs, cruises and events.

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