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Vettezuki 01-01-2014 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Darkstar (Post 125444)
As much as I was looking forward to this. I ended up missing it. Spent half the day at the emergency room for food poisoning. :( Really bumbed me out. Cant wait to check out the calenday. Hope something comes up soon.

Yikes man! Hope you're starting to feel better.

Redondo Jon 01-02-2014 01:13 AM

That sucks. We were looking for you & wondering what happened. Hopefully you’ll feel better soon. Even though this cruise / event has turned into a monster it’s still pretty fun.

kdracer73 01-02-2014 10:50 PM

It was a good cruise. A lot more cars this year . I guess 400+? . 8am was a little late though . My buddy on the planning committee saved us spots , but we couldn't get to them. I got good video and pics, but busted the power port on my PC , and barely got one YouTube vid uploaded before it died. Not sure how too link it from my phone! YouTube page kdracer73camaro, Tour D Orange 2014 for searching .

kdracer73 01-03-2014 12:32 AM

kdracer73 01-03-2014 12:34 AM

photobucket album

mustangray 01-03-2014 07:55 PM

Great pictures Paul.
It was a good run, there was a lot more cars then last year

PSJohnDoe 01-03-2014 11:08 PM

I was looking for you guys, but I didn't see ya. I was there with another group and got there around 7:45. Definitely a fun drive, sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by and say hello.

GTTS > Some 01-05-2014 07:00 AM

A safe and happy 2014 to Motorgen
Wishing all at Motorgen a safe and fun 2014. I missed another mile marker (1-1-2014) while driving my easy chair in front of the Rose Parade broadcast instead of running Tour-d-Orange with MG, ":•( . Thank you Paul for posting up the pic's and video for the event. I wish the 40/Dodge was further along, but I had to tear it down to the bones and build it back up as it should have been built first off for a safe and correct custom.

Take care MG and hope to see ya-all very soon.
Cliff ":•)

injdinjn 01-06-2014 10:06 PM

Nice. Triple digits are fun.
What road were you doing catchup on?

kdracer73 01-06-2014 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by injdinjn (Post 125608)
Nice. Triple digits are fun.
What road were you doing catchup on?

Laguna Canyon , Hwy 133. Not triples though, I sped up the video speed a little. 85-90mph.

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