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kdracer73 01-20-2012 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 91091)
I work next door to Vision Racing, so I will have them tech me ahead of time, but I will be there early to park together.

BAMM !!!! DONE !!!

Redondo Jon 01-20-2012 07:34 PM

What!? Already? Man, I gotta’ get moving.

mdpalmer 01-21-2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by blackax (Post 91083)
Its a blowen ls2, I can get up to 270 on the cruises we go on. I don't like my oil sitting at 280 that's why i've been planing it for a wile i just haven't done it. I also need to flush my breaks again.

Damn... I hear you on high oil temps. I wouldn't worry about it for this event. Flushing brake fluid is not a bad idea but even if it's "old", I think you'll be fine, you probably know the limits of the brakes by now anyway :) You will most likely NOT boil your fluid on this day.


Originally Posted by georgetek (Post 91088)
Ok good to know. How early should we get there? Question my rear tires are fairly worn out, should I use those or get a new set prior to this event?


I wouldn't worry about new tires. In fact, if I was you, I would make it a point to destroy them so you can get some new ones :) Many people argue that you learn more about car control with crappy tires, in that you learn to slide the car around. Make sure you let your instructor know you have bald tires before you start your day heehee :) As far as when to get there... I would say as soon as the gates open, esp. if you have not pre-teched your car. It's kind of a mad dash to tech your car, esp. if there are a lot of people.


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 91116)
BAMM !!!! DONE !!!

Oh yeah!! I love it. Man you're ready to go! :D

BTW, if you bring an EZ UP or shade structure to bring something to tie it down. When the wind kicks up it blows stuff everywhere!

silverscmustang 01-21-2012 06:48 PM

mike wanna go to one of those places and get pre-teched one of these upcoming weekends? Itd be nice to not have to worry about that the morning of.

mdpalmer 01-21-2012 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by silverscmustang (Post 91177)
mike wanna go to one of those places and get pre-teched one of these upcoming weekends? Itd be nice to not have to worry about that the morning of.

we should, just get it out of the way. PM/IM/text/email me where you think is a good place close by, I haven't even looked at the list yet lulz :smack:

EDIT: so it looks like they are in orange county, duh (OCR=orange county region). I'm down for a pre-tech man. LMK when you want to go.

Redondo Jon 01-21-2012 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by silverscmustang (Post 91177)
mike wanna go to one of those places and get pre-teched one of these upcoming weekends? Itd be nice to not have to worry about that the morning of.

Umm… me too. Let me know when you decide on a place & time because I’d like to do this as well.

Shaolin Crane 01-21-2012 10:22 PM

I want to go :(

Who wants to fund the completion of my car?

silverscmustang 01-24-2012 09:31 AM

ok Mike and Jon lol wanna just head down to Autowerkes one of these weekends? Maybe this sunday?

Redondo Jon 01-24-2012 05:57 PM

I’m okay with any time you guys want to go. Are you going to call them or should I? It doesn’t look like they have any parking to speak of & there’s three of us. Hmm…

georgetek 01-24-2012 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by silverscmustang (Post 91296)
ok Mike and Jon lol wanna just head down to Autowerkes one of these weekends? Maybe this sunday?

Can I go too?


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