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Shaolin Crane 05-12-2016 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Darkstar (Post 152499)
I have been doing a couple of runs by myself ( I know kinda lame). But mostly for tuning my suspension and tuning the EFI. Would love to do something as a group.

Problem is, groups get fuzzy.

Vettezuki 05-13-2016 05:25 PM

Well, we'll do a group run as we've done bunches of them in the past, fuzzy or not. :)

Shaolin Crane 05-13-2016 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 152557)
Well, we'll do a group run as we've done bunches of them in the past, fuzzy or not. :)

Plenty of them were fuzzy, should find a way of planning them that keeps things away from prying eyes. Lots of tracking going on now a days. I do miss the Nicks nights though. Should find a central spot to the OG's and set something like that up again.

Damian 05-16-2016 08:05 PM

I've been itching for a canyon run and an offroad expedition. I like it better when the groups are smaller, less headaches.

Vettezuki 05-16-2016 09:31 PM

Ping Ron for offroad. He does it semi-regular in small groups. Kind of agree on the small groups and since this is all just for kicks now, no need to push the 70+ ACH, though those were fun too.

Shaolin Crane 05-16-2016 09:43 PM

I want to go offroading again, but pulling the front axles and carrier is pretty low on the list right now.

Damian 05-16-2016 10:38 PM

I went out with Ron awhile back, he is to busy to go out now.

Shaolin Crane 05-16-2016 10:51 PM

I don't need Ron to go offroading, but I do need a front axle that I can put into 4x4

Damian 05-17-2016 08:17 AM

Get it fixed and let's go!

Shaolin Crane 05-17-2016 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Damian (Post 152658)
Get it fixed and let's go!


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 152652)
..., but pulling the front axles and carrier is pretty low on the list right now.

This list includes, injectors, turbo, valve seals/springs, pushrods, fuel system, injector harness, up pipes, head studs and interior. Don't hold your breath.

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