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injdinjn 08-21-2014 08:10 PM

And to rub salt into our rectums more they are turning the carpool lanes, which were built with gas tax money, into toll roads so we get to pay for them again and again and again.........

ALL in Sacramento HAVE TO GO.

Vettezuki 08-21-2014 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by injdinjn (Post 132778)
And to rub salt into our rectums more they are turning the carpool lanes, which were built with gas tax money, into toll roads so we get to pay for them again and again and again.........

ALL in Sacramento HAVE TO GO.

Are you familar with the ballet initiative, and it looks like it is going to make it onto the ballet, to divide the state up in to six new states. I'm totally in favor. That won't solve everything, but it will destroy the Nazi death grip that many of the current bureaucracies have.

injdinjn 08-22-2014 08:20 PM

I heard about that. One good thing it wouldn't be that long of a drive to kill them.

The bad part is we might create more Pelosis, Feinsteins,Boxers and Walters. That's real scarey.

Leedom 08-25-2014 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 132780)
Are you familar with the ballet initiative, and it looks like it is going to make it onto the ballet, to divide the state up in to six new states. I'm totally in favor. That won't solve everything, but it will destroy the Nazi death grip that many of the current bureaucracies have.

I have to say that I can see breaking up the state but into 6 is ridiculous. Silicon valley would be the richest state per capita in the country (This excludes DC which is higher. not a state) and the newly created Central CA would be the poorest. The guy behind it is a Silicon Valley guy.

I do not see how even breaking the state up into 2 would happen. The logistics on it would be mind boggling not to mention the legal ramifications (would be lawsuits up the wazzoo).

BADDASSC6 08-25-2014 11:10 AM

I am so for this. NY is the same way. Long Island is looking to become it's own state. It just seems like the current California refuses to run out of other people's money.

BADDASSC6 08-25-2014 11:16 AM

BTW, this was a major consideration when we decided to stay in Socal after I left the Navy. Webare constantly second guessing decision. I got a really great job opportunity that I felt I could not pass up, but if the market doesn't go where we think it's going we will not stay. The cost are just too high for every aspect of life.

Vettezuki 08-25-2014 02:04 PM

The interesting thing is that if it goes to the ballot and is voted up by the general public, we are talking about as near as we can get, the direct voice of the public. Since we are not talking about the violation of unalienable rights, but specifically of freedom of the people to form their governance, obstructing it would be a crystal clear example of the government obstructing the public.

Who started it, who would be richest and who would be poorest are irrelevant (and wouldn't change the relative positions anyway).

NY, Chicago, etc., are expensive for typical metropolitan reasons. California is expensive almost across the board unless you just go deep into the hinterlands. I make decent, not great money, and after taking care of responsibilities and obligations, there ain't shit left. I have no idea how people how make less and have a couple kids manage. The answer is they don't really. They have huge debts, dick for retirement investments/saving.

I talked to a rep flying back from Nashville once who lived and worked out of Austin. We talked about relative incomes and costs and I about shit my pants on the plane. If it weren't for having a job I love, and family connections, etc., I wouldn't be here. I actually quite like a lot about CA, but the state government is so horrifically bad it's stupefying.

BADDASSC6 08-26-2014 08:49 PM

Sarah and I believe that we are taking a $80k per year hit by staying in California. One of my best friends has literally the exact same resume as me. He gets paid $15k more for a position of less responsibility. He also pays no state tax which I credit roughly $16k. He also pays half for housing than I do we will call that $15k. Drop another $20k because everything from food to gas is more expensive. Now this doesn't account for Sarah's pay or lack there of. She is a school counselor. CA isn't really hiring counselora anytime soon. All her classmates that found employment move out of state to do so. Finally jobs are fleeing CA. So thing are not going to get any better. We probably have another year or two and then we are out.

BADDASSC6 08-26-2014 09:09 PM

Vettezuki 08-27-2014 11:24 AM

Where would you go? AZ?

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