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enkeivette 07-20-2013 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 118251)
I'm at the spend zero dollars or don't fuck around stage of life. . . boy racer. :smack:

You and me both buddy. Ive sent out hundreds of targeted resumes, had 6 interviews, and nada. Im about ready to kick this solo thing into high gear.

enkeivette 07-20-2013 06:14 AM

One was Thursday though, so cross your fingers for me!

94cobra69ss396 07-20-2013 09:11 AM

Good luck!

enkeivette 07-20-2013 11:11 AM

Thanks Ron!

Vettezuki 07-21-2013 02:47 AM

Remember who the real enemy is.

enkeivette 07-21-2013 08:36 AM

The government. Id hate to see your face every year as you do your taxes. :leaving:

Looks cool btw!

Vettezuki 07-21-2013 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 118285)
The government. Id hate to see your face every year as you do your taxes. :leaving:

Looks cool btw!

I automate that process and keep it as far out of my mind as possible. As a business owner, some of the extra taxes get really fucking stupid. My personal favorite is the "business property" tax. Let's say you've invested $100k in fixtures, machines, whatever. CA levies a 1% tax on that. Why? Because they can. Simple takings. No value return. You kill yourself to build your business and provide something to the public, and the mafia (aka, government) just helps themselves to whatever they want. My brother in his business recently discovered one I didn't even know about. The labor tax. Yes labor tax. If he builds something on spec for someone (he designs and fabricates furniture and stuff) he has to withhold basically a sales tax on his labor.

Ryridesmotox 07-21-2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 118295)
I automate that process and keep it as far out of my mind as possible. As a business owner, some of the extra taxes get really fucking stupid. My personal favorite is the "business property" tax. Let's say you've invested $100k in fixtures, machines, whatever. CA levies a 1% tax on that. Why? Because they can. Simple takings. No value return. You kill yourself to build your business and provide something to the public, and the mafia (aka, government) just helps themselves to whatever they want. My brother in his business recently discovered one I didn't even know about. The labor tax. Yes labor tax. If he builds something on spec for someone (he designs and fabricates furniture and stuff) he has to withhold basically a sales tax on his labor.

There needs to be a flat tax (some call it fair tax) across the board... do away with the IRS and we can all pay the same, people, coprorations large and small, no loopholes, no favors, just a fair shot across the board. Seems fair to me anyways. Start at like 17% maybe, and imprison all of the politicians in D.C. for Treason and pejury becuase they all SWORE an oath to the constitution and they ALL (well 99% of them) would rather line their pockets by sending GOV contracts to friends and family (conflict of interest anyone) rather than SERVE the country.

Sorry in a bad mood today. gotta vent real quick to the guys. I'm sure ALL of you have come across this at some point so you may understand... My fiancee an I are driving... she stops in the middle of a lane to turn left, no blinker, just stops, "I say hey babe, blinker? I don't want some idiot to hit us" and then she pulls into a spot where some IDIOT has parked on the line, and their car is just completely destroyed on that side, literally they must have hit a pole and just drug their car along it until they passed completely. I said, in a semi joking manner, "babe can you move one spot over so that person doesn't bash our car with their door cuz clearly they don't give fuck about thier piece of shit vehicle" (the very next spot over was open). And it turns into her freaking out and demanding that I apologize for saying something SO effed up to her that it almost made her cry. REALLY?!?!?!? wtf? so I apologize cuz its not worth it. But come on, I'm trying to help her be a better driver and take into account how HORRIBLE the average motorist is at operating their vehicle, and be safe WITH OUR KID IN THE CAR so no terrible accidents befall her when I am not in the car. I guess I really am an asshat or something. /vent

thanks for listening, though you really don't have a choice.

enkeivette 07-21-2013 05:59 PM

You probably said it in a way that made her feel stupid. Not that you said it in a bad way necessarily. No one likes side seat driving, and she is probably a bit overly sensitive as well. She needs to work on not taking it personally, and you should either offer to drive or bite your tongue.

Flat tax, seems fair. But, dont you think a business, like Apple, eating a larger piece of the pie, should pay more of a tip/ tax?

I think if we charged Billy Joe the same amount of tax that we charge Exxon Mobil, the economy would suffer.

Ryridesmotox 07-21-2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 118299)
You probably said it in a way that made her feel stupid. Not that you said it in a bad way necessarily. No one likes side seat driving, and she is probably a bit overly sensitive as well. She needs to work on not taking it personally, and you should either offer to drive or bite your tongue.

Flat tax, seems fair. But, dont you think a business, like Apple, eating a larger piece of the pie, should pay more of a tip/ tax?

I think if we charged Billy Joe the same amount of tax that we charge Exxon Mobil, the economy would suffer.

The thing is though, that it seems like the large corporations and their high level emploees seem to be able to find some kind of shleter to get around taxes. I doubt Apple pays more than 17%. Though, I'm not sure what they do pay, is that even public record? I'm not really sure to be honest. It seems like they have charitable ways to get around it. For example, I remember a few months ago everyone was tripping about how Obama was paying like 14% (can't remember exactly) in taxes... really? come on, I pay in the upper 20%. How is a guy making 5x what I make paying less than me? That seems REAL fair. There really isn't a good solution here I don't think. It's kind of like do the least jacked up thing possible.

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