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enkeivette 05-21-2013 02:03 AM

PS PS, I looked at the ingredients on the back of a bottle of 5 hour energy. Water, sucrose, potassium sorbate (preservative). Thats right folks, its a $5 1oz bottle of sugar water.

If anyone wants the recipe to make it at home, I did some research for you. Just mix:

and water.


Vettezuki 05-21-2013 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 115613)
PS PS, I looked at the ingredients on the back of a bottle of 5 hour energy. Water, sucrose, potassium sorbate (preservative). Thats right folks, its a $5 1oz bottle of sugar water.

If anyone wants the recipe to make it at home, I did some research for you. Just mix:

and water.


Potassium is critical to nerve/muscle function. Skip the sugar water, eat a banana and go to bed!

If you need a little bump and are otherwise ok, caffeine mmkay.

Beyond this, if you're chronically tired, you need to do an audit of what the fuck you are doing. If you get it right, you should wake up ready to kick ass, then kick ass, get tired, then go to bed.


Shaolin Crane 05-21-2013 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 115612)
I had a friend who got mad when I called stuff gay. So I tried to turn it around. I started saying gay instead of cool, never caught on... Gay.

Motorgen vegas trip would be fun. Everyone likes booze and strippers. These are universal truths.

PS, if anyone is about to say that they dont like strippers, I will just assume that youre trying to look good in front of your lady friend. And its ok, I understand. I will TRY not to think less of you.

I do not like booze, nor do I like strippers, but I don't not like them. Take it or leave it sort of thing.

Shaolin Crane 05-21-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 115614)
Potassium is critical to nerve/muscle function. Skip the sugar water, eat a banana and go to bed!

If you need a little bump and are otherwise ok, caffeine mmkay.

Beyond this, if you're chronically tired, you need to do an audit of what the fuck you are doing. If you get it right, you should wake up ready to kick ass, then kick ass, get tired, then go to bed.


Better things to give you a boost over caffeine.

enkeivette 05-21-2013 02:45 AM

Its potassium sorbate, not potassium. On a side note, do you know what happens when you put concentrated potassium in water? A he he heee

But yeah, agree. Speaking of getting tired, how do you have a real job and stay up till 3 every night?


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 115615)
I do not like booze, nor do I like strippers, but I don't not like them. Take it or leave it sort of thing.

Ya thats where Im at. I go 3 months, 6 months... without drinking, no big deal. Ive gone 13 months without sex, no big deal. Like it, dont need it. Content all on my own.

Shaolin Crane 05-21-2013 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 115617)
Its potassium sorbate, not potassium. On a side note, do you know what happens when you put concentrated potassium in water? A he he heee

But yeah, agree. Speaking of getting tired, how do you have a real job and stay up till 3 every night?

Ya thats where Im at. I go 3 months, 6 months... without drinking, no big deal. Ive gone 13 months without sex, no big deal. Like it, dont need it. Content all on my own.

I conditioned my body after years of working a day job and running a dojo at night, along with the gym, and working on my toys. I fully function with 3 hours sleep. I take a 30min nap daily and it helps immensely though.

FTR, i've never drank. Ever.

Vettezuki 05-21-2013 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 115617)
Its potassium sorbate, not potassium. On a side note, do you know what happens when you put concentrated potassium in water? A he he heee

It goes boom. You don't eat raw potassium, it's always in a compound for that reason. What exactly do you think your digestive tract does?


But yeah, agree. Speaking of getting tired, how do you have a real job and stay up till 3 every night?
I'm exempt status. My performance is measured by project output, not clock punching. I typically show up on campus 10-11 and work there to 7-8. No. It's not normal.

Vettezuki 05-21-2013 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 115615)
I do not like booze, . .

You don't like what you think booze does based on observational experience. You don't know. FTR, not sure I'd want to see you drunk. Pretty sure that'd go sideways. . .

Now, SeanPlunk drunk, that thought amuses the shit of me.

Shaolin Crane 05-21-2013 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 115620)
You don't like what you think booze does based on observational experience. You don't know. FTR, not sure I'd want to see you drunk. Pretty sure that'd go sideways. . .

Now, SeanPlunk drunk, that thought amuses the shit of me.

It irresponsible to drink and drive, and it's even more irresponsible for someone with my training to drink and, well, be. I have lethal knowledge in my head and i'd sure hate to drink and wake up in shackles because I killed someone unintentionally. Oh and it's a poison, bad for your body, etc etc.

Vettezuki 05-21-2013 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 115621)
It irresponsible to drink and drive, and it's even more irresponsible for someone with my training to drink and, well, be. I have lethal knowledge in my head and i'd sure hate to drink and wake up in shackles because I killed someone unintentionally. Oh and it's a poison, bad for your body, etc etc.

It seems you associate drinking purely with wreckless and irresponsible behavior. That's kinda sad. Some of my happiest moments are dinners with colleagues in Japan at the end of long difficult projects, pouring drinks for each other; getting a little buzz on and enjoying lots of conversation.

With precious few exceptions, anything is a poison in large enough quantities. This is described by the expression, "it's the dose that makes the poison." Alcohol in moderation is fine. In large regular amounts, it can massively fuck up your liver and brain. It's also one of the very few drugs (yes, drug) that can kill you in withdrawls if you just stop "cold turkey". It is severely chemically addicting. That's true. This is one of the reasons it's a comical farce that pot is illegal. But I digress.

However, combined with the antioxidants and resveritrol of red wine, moderate amounts indicate net positive health benefits. (Moderate drinkers have the longest life spans BTW, though disentangling all the reasons why is not so clear.)

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