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94cobra69ss396 01-15-2009 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 13709)
I have been at the weights since I was 19. I just doubled my work out this last week. I'm 57. I think I'm 16.:laugh:

Wow and I thought it was just Sean saying you acted like you were 16. Turns out you think too.:laugh:

DJ Dep 01-15-2009 05:50 PM

I'm 59. You guys are ALL PUNKS!!! :laugh:

enkeivette 01-15-2009 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by mybad79 (Post 13670)
Hey, that's censorship :nutkick:


Ya but it was funny. :D

DARROW 01-15-2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by DJ Dep (Post 13727)
I'm 59. You guys are ALL PUNKS!!! :laugh:

Hi kid I like your posts right to the facts :drink::drink:

big2bird 01-16-2009 06:47 AM

It just keeps getting better.:laugh:
Now he is buying carbs when he owes Red his money. :bang:
WTF is wrong with this guy?:rolleyes2:

SeanPlunk 01-16-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by big2bird (Post 13742)
It just keeps getting better.:laugh:
Now he is buying carbs when he owes Red his money. :bang:
WTF is wrong with this guy?:rolleyes2:

It looks like he got them for free, but he should sell them and give the money back to Red.

Vettezuki 01-16-2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 13752)
It looks like he got them for free, but he should sell them and give the money back to Red.

"I am just wondering if it's worth it. Probably be about $600 to have them worked over and ready for me to bolt on." - DB

I've stayed out of this, but as far as I can tell, at BEST, he lacks focus and is completely self centered.

BRUTAL64 01-16-2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 13753)
"I am just wondering if it's worth it. Probably be about $600 to have them worked over and ready for me to bolt on." - DB

I've stayed out of this, but as far as I can tell, at BEST, he lacks focus and is completely self centered.


JPhil 01-16-2009 12:20 PM

Hey dudes.

Just joined up to put my thoughts in.....I think Saudi hit it right on the head, I agree completely. Along with everyone else's comments, from long ago it would bother me greatly how when called on an erroneous statement, d_b would go back & edit his post and then claim he never said it. I saw that too many times.
But he will never ever admit he's been wrong about anything, he's psychotic in that way. He KNOWS he does nothing wrong, everybody else is just jealous and wants to bring him down. He KNOWS he is a good & just man, only sharing his vast knowledge & help without any expectation of recompense. The adulation feeds his ego and his humble charade makes him all the more lovable. Rejection & anonimity are his biggest fears, the monsters in his closet he cannot face.
I had enough of his bullshit long ago, and I too exchanged several long e-mails with him trying to explain where this anymosity toward him came from and ways he might reduce it. He did not get my point at all, but went on & on & on about what good work he doing and how so many people appreciated it and he was only helping those in need. When I came to see that he truly is incapable of understanding it, I gave up. I have stayed neutral about him until lately. Now I am apathetic, I really don't give shit what happens to him. But if it will make him Shut The Fuck Up, then I am all for whatever it takes.


BRUTAL64 01-16-2009 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by JPhil (Post 13757)
Hey dudes.

Just joined up to put my thoughts in.....I think Saudi hit it right on the head, I agree completely. Along with everyone else's comments, from long ago it would bother me greatly how when called on an erroneous statement, d_b would go back & edit his post and then claim he never said it. I saw that too many times.
But he will never ever admit he's been wrong about anything, he's psychotic in that way. He KNOWS he does nothing wrong, everybody else is just jealous and wants to bring him down. He KNOWS he is a good & just man, only sharing his vast knowledge & help without any expectation of recompense. The adulation feeds his ego and his humble charade makes him all the more lovable. Rejection & anonimity are his biggest fears, the monsters in his closet he cannot face.
I had enough of his bullshit long ago, and I too exchanged several long e-mails with him trying to explain where this anymosity toward him came from and ways he might reduce it. He did not get my point at all, but went on & on & on about what good work he doing and how so many people appreciated it and he was only helping those in need. When I came to see that he truly is incapable of understanding it, I gave up. I have stayed neutral about him until lately. Now I am apathetic, I really don't give shit what happens to him. But if it will make him Shut The Fuck Up, then I am all for whatever it takes.


Don't be shy here, say what you really think. :laugh:

I have nothing aginst DB myself. BUT!!! What we have read here and on VM is very damning for DB. I have tried to help him a number of times myself. I have read his posts on CF and found them ......well.... "wanting"...(for lack of a better term) in detail and some not even close to being correct. I hope all this will be done with when RED gets his money (which according to RED should be soon).:drink:

big2bird 01-17-2009 07:16 AM

Well, the good part is Red FINALLY recieved his money back.:D

The bad news is, the slew of posting sewage has resumed.:nutkick:

Will the Cf boys see thru it?:sm_laughing:

Or will they give him the "heroes welcome?:hail:

I already know the answer, but let us see.:bigthumbsup:

BRUTAL64 01-17-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by big2bird (Post 13799)
Well, the good part is Red FINALLY recieved his money back.:D

The bad news is, the slew of posting sewage has resumed.:nutkick:

Will the Cf boys see thru it?:sm_laughing:

Or will they give him the "heroes welcome?:hail:

I already know the answer, but let us see.:bigthumbsup:


JPhil 01-17-2009 12:48 PM

In defense of D_boy (!!)
---Disclaimer--I am in no way apologizing or standing up for D_boy, I just feel this needs to be said: ( I just got a new flame suit down at Ace Hardware!)

I also posted this at VM, but thought I should put it here as well.


OK, my last (I hope!) entry into this fray...

In a perverted defense of D-boy, I must say that he provides a service that many are willing to partake of. As long as this 'service' is accepted & even appreciated elsewhere, who among us should care? Those who like it will continue to accept it, those who don't can refute it, ignore it or leave altogether. Those who profit from it will encourage it. Periodically he steps over the bounds which is where he gets jumped on, deservedly so. Also as often it is but a trifling matter not worthy of the energy expended. But he does have a vast following of believers, who are we to force our beliefs onto them?
We here all know the problems we have with him, some serious in our eyes, some less so. But he cannot & will not see or accept them --as many of his followers cannot either. Those are their problems, not ours. Only rarely, and usually only when we seek a specific one out to pursue, do we have any reason to interfere with what goes on there. None among us is perfect--although even I can say that I've never before come across anyone who professes to be more perfect than he, even in spite of evidence to the contrary.
One thing we should all be thankful for: he keeps the morons, riff-raff, and stooges located complacently together in one place. The smart ones learn & move on, the not-so-smart ones will keep coming back happily. The Kool-Aid tastes good, after all. I for one do not want VetteMOD to achieve the popularity or population of CF for it will then become subject to the same pitfalls, and degrade towards the same level of behaviors
Periodically VM recieve refugees from 'there' seeking a better place. That, I think, is the best reason for VM's existance. To gather together those with a common bond which disagrees with the corporate for-profit feel-good no-conflict political line. Let CF be Fox News & MSNBC combined. VM should take pride in being independant, non-beholden to any corporate or accounting-office-numbers-driven-bottom-line. This allows it to have more free will, self-determination, & integrity.
Let CF remain a small division in a large national corporate franchise network, just one more of many other interests run by committees of purely profit-driven executives in oak-paneled offices on the 43rd floor of a downtown office buiding.
Let VM stay the small independent shop personally run by a few strong men with greasy, calloused hands down on the shop floor where personal service & honesty are the highest priority.
Let the homogenous mass media provide the corporately manufactured desires of the sheeple, VM will be here on the shortwave bands for those few who jump the fence & seek alternative ways of thought. (sorry for the mixed metaphores).

May (IB)CF live long & prosper, so that VM may accept the rejects, rebels & misfits to build a strong, pure, cohesive, unpolluted organization outside of the corporate sphere of influence.

There can be no yin without yang.

John (the anti-Gene! )

(Napalm?--full tank. Ignition?--charged. Switch on?---READY! :gatlin:

BRUTAL64 01-17-2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by JPhil (Post 13804)
---Disclaimer--I am in no way apologizing or standing up for D_boy, I just feel this needs to be said: ( I just got a new flame suit down at Ace Hardware!)

I also posted this at VM, but thought I should put it here as well.


OK, my last (I hope!) entry into this fray...

In a perverted defense of D-boy, I must say that he provides a service that many are willing to partake of. As long as this 'service' is accepted & even appreciated elsewhere, who among us should care? Those who like it will continue to accept it, those who don't can refute it, ignore it or leave altogether. Those who profit from it will encourage it. Periodically he steps over the bounds which is where he gets jumped on, deservedly so. Also as often it is but a trifling matter not worthy of the energy expended. But he does have a vast following of believers, who are we to force our beliefs onto them?
We here all know the problems we have with him, some serious in our eyes, some less so. But he cannot & will not see or accept them --as many of his followers cannot either. Those are their problems, not ours. Only rarely, and usually only when we seek a specific one out to pursue, do we have any reason to interfere with what goes on there. None among us is perfect--although even I can say that I've never before come across anyone who professes to be more perfect than he, even in spite of evidence to the contrary.
One thing we should all be thankful for: he keeps the morons, riff-raff, and stooges located complacently together in one place. The smart ones learn & move on, the not-so-smart ones will keep coming back happily. The Kool-Aid tastes good, after all. I for one do not want VetteMOD to achieve the popularity or population of CF for it will then become subject to the same pitfalls, and degrade towards the same level of behaviors
Periodically VM recieve refugees from 'there' seeking a better place. That, I think, is the best reason for VM's existance. To gather together those with a common bond which disagrees with the corporate for-profit feel-good no-conflict political line. Let CF be Fox News & MSNBC combined. VM should take pride in being independant, non-beholden to any corporate or accounting-office-numbers-driven-bottom-line. This allows it to have more free will, self-determination, & integrity.
Let CF remain a small division in a large national corporate franchise network, just one more of many other interests run by committees of purely profit-driven executives in oak-paneled offices on the 43rd floor of a downtown office buiding.
Let VM stay the small independent shop personally run by a few strong men with greasy, calloused hands down on the shop floor where personal service & honesty are the highest priority.
Let the homogenous mass media provide the corporately manufactured desires of the sheeple, VM will be here on the shortwave bands for those few who jump the fence & seek alternative ways of thought. (sorry for the mixed metaphores).

May (IB)CF live long & prosper, so that VM may accept the rejects, rebels & misfits to build a strong, pure, cohesive, unpolluted organization outside of the corporate sphere of influence.

There can be no yin without yang.

John (the anti-Gene! )

(Napalm?--full tank. Ignition?--charged. Switch on?---READY! :gatlin:

:smack::drink::D:rant::sm_laughing::rolling: :censored::nutkick::judge::drink:

mrvette 01-17-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 13761)
Don't be shy here, say what you really think. :laugh:

I have nothing aginst DB myself. BUT!!! What we have read here and on VM is very damning for DB. I have tried to help him a number of times myself. I have read his posts on CF and found them ......well.... "wanting"...(for lack of a better term) in detail and some not even close to being correct. I hope all this will be done with when RED gets his money (which according to RED should be soon).:drink:

Afraid I have to agree with you, sorry to have to come to that conclusion....

I too have talked with him over this problem last month in fact as I recall was the last .comm on it....I have to delete files for over crapasshity about once a month.....

so the notes are gone....but at this point, I have to agree with most of the above, and Glad Mike/RED, got his money back, if the m/o don't bounce....


Anti GENE....very funny.....I agree with your concept Jphil, but you ignore ONE main salient point, just WHO has to out of the generosity of their pockets, pay the BILLS and do the efforts to keep the site running seems to me the efforts need be paid for, much less the certainty of the BILLS/costs being paid....

but I have no stake in VM or here for that matter, or there, never did contribute any money, business like all of us with sponsors, so they can pay for addy work...what goes around comes around, and Jphil is a a olde tyme hippie I guess....

BRUTAL64 01-17-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by mrvette (Post 13806)
Afraid I have to agree with you, sorry to have to come to that conclusion....

I too have talked with him over this problem last month in fact as I recall was the last .comm on it....I have to delete files for over crapasshity about once a month.....

so the notes are gone....but at this point, I have to agree with most of the above, and Glad Mike/RED, got his money back, if the m/o don't bounce....


Anti GENE....very funny.....I agree with your concept Jphil, but you ignore ONE main salient point, just WHO has to out of the generosity of their pockets, pay the BILLS and do the efforts to keep the site running seems to me the efforts need be paid for, much less the certainty of the BILLS/costs being paid....

but I have no stake in VM or here for that matter, or there, never did contribute any money, business like all of us with sponsors, so they can pay for addy work...what goes around comes around, and Jphil is a a olde tyme hippie I guess....

Hey, good to see you here. Did you check out the RX_Snake that is being built here??

This is going to be fun for us local boys.:drink:

mrvette 01-17-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 13807)
Hey, good to see you here. Did you check out the RX_Snake that is being built here??

This is going to be fun for us local boys.:drink:

Gotta link, ?? this thread is/was the only bookmark, came from VM a couple daze ago, I never knew this existed....:nutkick:

Yeh I know I"m not popular as I hate the environMENTALists....


BRUTAL64 01-17-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by mrvette (Post 13809)
Gotta link, ?? this thread is/was the only bookmark, came from VM a couple daze ago, I never knew this existed....:nutkick:

Yeh I know I"m not popular as I hate the environMENTALists....


Hey, not matter what, I'll always lo................."like" you.:drink::D:laugh:

mrvette 01-17-2009 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 13810)

Hey, not matter what, I'll always lo................."like" you.:drink::D:laugh:

Say something like that around Eric up the road, a welder, and biker for decades, and he look at you and say.....

'pecker schmootch'....or something similar....

He's the guy with the 22' Chapparal 350 chebby boat we been resurrecting from the dead over the last year or so....


SeanPlunk 01-17-2009 03:42 PM

Awesome, congrats Red on finally getting your money back :bigthumbsup:

TimAT 01-18-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 13814)
Awesome, congrats Red on finally getting your money back :bigthumbsup:

Add my Congrats too!!

d_b was gone from CF for how long? He's been back 24 hours and he's already got a thread up to sell another "design". Contact him and he will hook you up. Buyer Beware. again

Irish_Turd 01-19-2009 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by DJ Dep (Post 13625)
And here is proof of a SECOND mod in DB's pocket:

"Guys, Matt is taking care of the problem. He will be posting again soon."

That was made by moderator Crossram just before he locked the thread. He is obviously living in Fantasyland, as DB hasn't made one move to "take care of the problem". Hell, DB is trying to turn things around and say that Red received the heads and is trying to rip him off!!! :rolleyes2:

SECOND mod in DB's pocket ??????

"I was asked by the moderators to post "

BRUTAL64 01-19-2009 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by mrvette (Post 13812)
Say something like that around Eric up the road, a welder, and biker for decades, and he look at you and say.....

'pecker schmootch'....or something similar....

He's the guy with the 22' Chapparal 350 chebby boat we been resurrecting from the dead over the last year or so....


Well, us "Bikers" can be anyway we like!!!!!!!:rolling::rolling::rolling:

22 footer with a 350 Chevy, guess he don't want to go too fast on the water.

big_G 01-23-2009 10:43 AM

He's baaaack! Lets watch this new adventure unfold.....

big2bird 01-23-2009 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by big_G (Post 14151)
He's baaaack! Lets watch this new adventure unfold.....

He IS above the law, or did you forget?:smack:

BRUTAL64 01-26-2009 10:13 AM

Damn, 51 pages and still going. This is...........well I can't read them all I don't have the time.

How about a just a summary?:popcorn:

saudivette 01-26-2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 13556)
Hey, Wayne welcome here.

That is the longest post I've ever seen you write. I've been hangin with the Motorgen Dudes for over a year now. They are pretty good mates. It's too bad you can't be here for some of the runs.

How's the Vette doing? The last thing I read was that it was running.:drink:

Thanks Glenn. Sorry I haven't been back sooner but even though my net connection's been slower than normal, I've been able to view this forum but as soon as I try and log in, it just hangs. Weird. But yes, the BOSS is running and even though I've only done the idle mixture and timing by ear, it starts first damn kick! I'm very happy. I'll be picking some brains soon over Lars' timing thread. I've spent the last few days molding the C5 rear bumper script that Gene sent me and hopefully this weekend I'll start grafting it into my rear bumper :thumbs_up:


Originally Posted by mybad79 (Post 13583)
Hey Saudi - welcome :drink:

You lost two hours of your life reading all this ??? How long did it take you to type all that ??? I agree with you 100% but holy crapola, I've never seen you post a reply this long....:sm_laughing:...

Hehehe, granted, it took me a while to write it - mind you, I got a full page of nastiness pm'd back to me :D


Originally Posted by big2bird (Post 13596)
Hey Wayne. Glad you joined up here, and told your version. I feel the same way. When DB first joined, I tried to help him understand the problem. I asked him in many ways to just admit when he was wrong, or refrain from posting "Guesses." I REALLY tried to help him adjust and fit in. For my help, all I recieved was a lengthy, long nasty letter telling me off. One of the most NASTY e-mails I ever have recieved. There is a side to this "boy" that I have seen, and it's not the "Personna" he "Portrays" online.:rant::nutkick:

I certainly agree with you Jeff, I think the real life man-cub is not at all like the online "Corvette guru" we are all so lucky to know - I actually think TB is closer to the mark...!

Anyway, at least Red got his money back, which surprises me even more in light of his "history" :drink:

mybad79 01-26-2009 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by saudivette (Post 14325)

Hehehe, granted, it took me a while to write it - mind you, I got a full page of nastiness pm'd back to me :D

I've told him in one of my replies to this thread that if he can't post it publicly not to bother with a PM .... if I got a nasty PM I'd just copy it and paste it right into the thread so everybody can read how nasty the author was or is....:bigthumbsup:

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