Running Pinata
11-09-2009, 01:19 PM
Lets hope I got this right.
Now you can embed videos using the normal video url (the url in the box below the video).. aka
and if you put it in link form using the button above you get...
Motorgen - Videos - Motorgen Beach Cruise Aug. 30, 08@@AMEPARAM@@value="file=/vid/data/529/BeachCruise08.flv&@@AMEPARAM@@529@@AMEPARAM@@BeachCruise08.flv
Now you can embed videos using the normal video url (the url in the box below the video).. aka
and if you put it in link form using the button above you get...
Motorgen - Videos - Motorgen Beach Cruise Aug. 30, 08@@AMEPARAM@@value="file=/vid/data/529/BeachCruise08.flv&@@AMEPARAM@@529@@AMEPARAM@@BeachCruise08.flv