View Full Version : What the Hell Is an Aspark Owl and Why Do We Want One?

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09-14-2017, 12:51 PM
Who wants an Aspark Owl—an electric supercar from Tochigi, Japan that claims to have 1,000 horsepower on tap, a 0-62 mph time less than 2 seconds, and a top speed of 174 mph? We do! The sleek, silver Aspark Owl spread its gullwing doors and made its debut at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show. The...
The post What the Hell Is an Aspark Owl and Why Do We Want One? (http://www.automobilemag.com/news/what-the-hell-is-an-aspark-owl-and-why-do-we-want-one/) appeared first on Automobile Magazine (http://www.automobilemag.com).

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