View Full Version : Collectible Classic: 1989-1991 Porsche 944 S2

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02-01-2017, 02:12 PM
Think of box-flared German sports coupes from the 1980s, and BMW’s E30-series M3 is probably the first car to pop into your head. But don’t do yourself a disservice and forget about Porsche’s 944. Sure, the 944 has long been the target of “poor man’s Porsche” comments and yuppie jokes, but as it transitions from...
The post Collectible Classic: 1989-1991 Porsche 944 S2 (http://www.automobilemag.com/news/1989-1991porsche-944-s2-collectible-classic/) appeared first on Automobile Magazine (http://www.automobilemag.com).

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