View Full Version : Motorgen Meet and Canyon Cruise December 13, 2008!!!

11-21-2008, 12:39 PM
This is the monthly Motorgen Meet. After the drama of last month, we've decided to relocate to a restaurant that actually wants us there :) We are meeting at Nick's Burger in Fullerton CA. It is off the 91 Fwy and Brookhurst. The major cross streets are Brookhurst and Orangethorpe. It is about a half mile off the freeway. There is a very large lot direcly across the street that could support hundreds of cars, so that shouldn't be a problem. We are planning to meet at 7:30 p.m. The address for Nick's is:

Nick's Burger
1712 W. Orangethorpe Ave
Fullerton, CA 92833

After we all get some grub, we are planning to caravan out in a cruise. The cruise will go through Carbon Canyon, down to 71 Fwy, and eventually out to the Mission Inn in Riverside. Here is a map of the entire cruise. (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=1712+w+orangethorpe+ave+fullerton+ca+92833&daddr=429+S+Associated+Rd+brea+ca+92821+to:E+Lambe rt+Rd+to:33.982495,-117.710459+to:3649+Mission+Inn+Ave.+Riverside+CA+9 2501&hl=en&geocode=%3B%3BFSWgBQIdxpb5-A%3B%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=1,2&mrsp=3&sz=16&via=2&sll=33.9802,-117.708442&sspn=0.010534,0.022745&ie=UTF8&ll=33.913164,-117.672501&spn=0.412561,0.615234&z=11) The Mission Inn is a historical monument and they go all out with Christmas Decorations and all kinds of stuff. It will be a perfect place to hang out after the cruise before everyone heads home. Here is an article on the Mission Inn so everybody knows what it is. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Inn)

The exact plan is to leave Nick's at about 9:30 p.m. We will hand out copies of directions before we leave (we'll bring plenty this time). From there we will head towards Carbon Canyon. Before hitting the canyon we are going to meet off the freeway at Borders Bookstore in Brea. We are only going to stop for a minute to make sure everyone catches up before we hit the canyon. The address for Borders is:

429 S. Associated Rd
Brea, CA 92821

After everyone catches up we will head through Carbon Canyon. Everyone can go through it at their own pace. :) After the canyon we are going to briefly meet up again at the Carl's Jr. right before the 71 FWY. The address is:

4200 Chino Hills Pkwy #220
Chino Hills, CA 91709

After Carls we will all caravan together down the 71 (at whatever speed you think appropriate) to the 91 where we will head for the final destination of the Mission Inn. The address of the Mission Inn is:

3649 Mission Inn Ave.
Riverside, CA 92501

The whole night should be a lot of fun. We shouldn't have any more problems at the location with the cops, and the cruise should be an awesome time. We learned some lessons since the last cruises so this one actually has stops where everyone can meet up and should be smooth. Here is a link to the thread on Motorgen (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=872), and here is a link to the cruise on our calendar (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1181&day=2008-12-13). If any of you want to register on the site before hand or have any suggestions please let me know. My SN is SeanPlunk on Motorgen, my email is SeanPlunk@gmail.com, and my cell phone # is 714-322-2324. I hope to see you guys all out there - this one will be the best one yet, I promise.


11-21-2008, 01:15 PM
Just to let ya'lls know. Once in downtown Riverside by the Inn it might still be kind of a zoo (even though it'll be like 11:00pm or later by then). Just find a lot or complex around the Inn. Some of the activities like horse cart ride probably won't be going on that late, but the lights will still be on and you can walk around to enjoy the decorations. The Inn is a great place.

11-21-2008, 05:31 PM
Sean, have fun on this one, I won't be able to make it out... my works Xmas party is that night! I'll be drinkin not drivin.. HAVE FUN

11-21-2008, 10:38 PM
Sean, have fun on this one, I won't be able to make it out... my works Xmas party is that night! I'll be drinkin not drivin.. HAVE FUN

We'll miss you, but have a great time dude :bigthumbsup: Don't drink too much :rolling:

11-21-2008, 11:08 PM
We'll miss you, but have a great time dude :bigthumbsup: Don't drink too much :rolling:

What would life be without excessive drinking from time to time . . . like Tuesdays.

11-22-2008, 09:34 AM
What would life be without excessive drinking from time to time . . . like Tuesdays.

hmmm i had friends in college that did that... start drinking tuesday morning and pretty much not stop until saturday night... I could never do that...


11-22-2008, 08:29 PM
I might be able to make that one for sure... ill bring some budds

11-22-2008, 08:35 PM
I might be able to make that one for sure... ill bring some budds

Awesome. Are you going to be around tomorrow? A whole bunch of us meet at Savi Ranch by Best Buy at noon. If you want to come by that'd be cool. We usually go grab lunch afterwards. Let me know if you want to come. My cell is 714-322-2324.

11-23-2008, 11:04 AM
Awesome. Are you going to be around tomorrow? A whole bunch of us meet at Savi Ranch by Best Buy at noon. If you want to come by that'd be cool. We usually go grab lunch afterwards. Let me know if you want to come. My cell is 714-322-2324.

you must not be too concerned with h8ers... postin ur cellie all up on the web!

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
11-23-2008, 06:32 PM
you must not be too concerned with h8ers... postin ur cellie all up on the web!

damn sean u have now cursed urself with endless night of drunk calls from me asking if your fridge is running.....tisk tisk man !!!!

11-23-2008, 08:07 PM
damn sean u have now cursed urself with endless night of drunk calls from me asking if your fridge is running.....tisk tisk man !!!!

Yo Steve, coilovers are done! car needs a little bit more of a drop but it'll have to wait for more time. maybe next saturday or sunday. install time = 7 hours

11-26-2008, 01:25 PM
I've had some questions about Carbon Canyon being closed because of the fires. Currently it is closed. It sounds like it will be back open in time though. If for some reason it is not open we will come up with an alternate route and post it about a week before the meet.

11-26-2008, 02:05 PM
keep us posted

11-26-2008, 04:51 PM
keep us posted

I will. Does anyone have any suggestions for an alternate just in case?

11-30-2008, 06:32 PM
I think Leedom and I are going next weekend to test out the food. Any of you want to go?

11-30-2008, 07:49 PM
Coilovers, top mount, and strut bars are back on !

lets do this

12-01-2008, 12:35 AM
Coilovers, top mount, and strut bars are back on !

lets do this

COILOVERS :bigthumbsup: I need some strut bars and BFMIC haha Oh and more mods... :bang:

Phazewun I :surrender: for now!

12-01-2008, 12:01 PM
I think Leedom and I are going next weekend to test out the food. Any of you want to go?

What day were u thinking of going. I wanted to do that yesterday but i guess u guys had Knolwoods already planned. (not that im complaining BBQ chicken sandwich was delicious.) Friday night maybe sat or a week day.

12-01-2008, 12:42 PM
What day were u thinking of going. I wanted to do that yesterday but i guess u guys had Knolwoods already planned. (not that im complaining BBQ chicken sandwich was delicious.) Friday night maybe sat or a week day.

Friday night might be cool. Let me clear it with the boss (my wife).

12-01-2008, 01:02 PM
Friday night might be cool. Let me clear it with the boss (my wife).

LOL ok. U know the charger, challenger and everything else made by dodge meet is this friday too. Its in Beach Burgers. Art and my self know a couple of guys from there. We can do that on friday and check out nicks on sat. Let me know

12-01-2008, 01:44 PM
LOL ok. U know the charger, challenger and everything else made by dodge meet is this friday too. Its in Beach Burgers. Art and my self know a couple of guys from there. We can do that on friday and check out nicks on sat. Let me know

That actually sounds pretty good, I'll see what I can do :bigthumbsup:

12-01-2008, 04:21 PM
LOL ok. U know the charger, challenger and everything else made by dodge meet is this friday too. Its in Beach Burgers. Art and my self know a couple of guys from there. We can do that on friday and check out nicks on sat. Let me know

If you guys do Beach Burgers, let me know. I'm right around the corner.:thumbs_up:

12-01-2008, 09:14 PM
If you guys do Beach Burgers, let me know. I'm right around the corner.:thumbs_up:

Unlike Enkei if we're in the neighborhood we'll definitely hit you up :thumbs_up:

12-02-2008, 12:45 PM
Im down but we might be doing something else. Check the ochp thread sean.

12-02-2008, 01:45 PM
Im down but we might be doing something else. Check the ochp thread sean.

I couldn't find anything for Friday. Post up a link if you don't mind :bigthumbsup:

12-02-2008, 02:40 PM
I cant go on ochp from work. :( But its the thread called something like. late nigth crusie and mess around it got started by Riccckkkaayyy.

12-02-2008, 10:16 PM
I cant go on ochp from work. :( But its the thread called something like. late nigth crusie and mess around it got started by Riccckkkaayyy.

I saw the thread, but I'm not sure if I'm going or not. It really depends what time. Our cruise is the next week, so I may not do both. I'm too old to be out that late :sm_up_there:

12-03-2008, 10:10 AM
I saw the thread, but I'm not sure if I'm going or not. It really depends what time. Our cruise is the next week, so I may not do both. I'm too old to be out that late :sm_up_there:

Hell, if you are too old to be out late, then I must be dead.:laugh:

12-03-2008, 10:50 AM
Hell, if you are too old to be out late, then I must be dead.:laugh:

LOL. Are you and Darlene coming to the John Force car show this weekend? Lots of awesome old cars :bigthumbsup:

12-03-2008, 11:00 AM
LOL. Are you and Darlene coming to the John Force car show this weekend? Lots of awesome old cars :bigthumbsup:

Don't know yet. Things are not good.:crutches:

"OLD" cars....:theehee:

12-03-2008, 01:46 PM
I saw the thread, but I'm not sure if I'm going or not. It really depends what time. Our cruise is the next week, so I may not do both. I'm too old to be out that late :sm_up_there:

Just take ur vitamins in the morning and u will be good to go:breakingwall:

12-03-2008, 01:47 PM
LOL. Are you and Darlene coming to the John Force car show this weekend? Lots of awesome old cars :bigthumbsup:

are we still meeting at ur house and carpooling over to the show.

12-04-2008, 09:31 AM
are we still meeting at ur house and carpooling over to the show.

Yeah, I'm cool with that. What time do you think we should meet. Is 11 too early for everyone :rolling:

12-04-2008, 10:42 AM
Im down for whatever time u want man. That way i can set my alarm.

12-06-2008, 11:03 PM
Ya what ever time is cool.... i got 2 buddys coming with me

one has a 08 mustang GT

and the other has a 03 ? bullit

but ya 11 is perfect cause we coming from oceanside

12-07-2008, 10:09 PM
Sorry we missed you today dude. I've heard that Carbon Canyon is still closed, but can't find confirmation anywhere. Does anyone know what the story is?

12-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Sorry we missed you today dude. I've heard that Carbon Canyon is still closed, but can't find confirmation anywhere. Does anyone know what the story is?

It wouldn't be so bad to punt on the canyon bit and even leave a touch earlier, say 9 and go straight to the inn. In that case, you'll still get some of the vendors and maybe horse carriage rides, etc. The canyon and other roads will be open in the future; Christmas at the Inn is limited. Just an idea.

12-09-2008, 10:56 AM
It wouldn't be so bad to punt on the canyon bit and even leave a touch earlier, say 9 and go straight to the inn. In that case, you'll still get some of the vendors and maybe horse carriage rides, etc. The canyon and other roads will be open in the future; Christmas at the Inn is limited. Just an idea.

I think people are looking forward to going through the canyon, but it may not matter if it's closed :suicide:. I'm going to map some alternate routes tonight just in case. Aaron is coming by the house and lives in that direction so I'll check the status with him. Sorry this reply is so late - the internet at my house decided it wasn't working yesterday for some reason :rolleyes2:

12-09-2008, 12:36 PM
We can alwasy do 91 to 605 to 405 to beach to PCH up to any of the toll roads and back to the 91. or even from PCH i think u can grab ortega canyon right????

12-09-2008, 05:31 PM
I was in the area and had some time to kill so I drove Carbon Canyon both ways this afternoon. Unless they're closing it at night (and there doesn't appear to be any reason to do so), it's open.

12-10-2008, 02:24 PM
I was in the area and had some time to kill so I drove Carbon Canyon both ways this afternoon. Unless they're closing it at night (and there doesn't appear to be any reason to do so), it's open.

I used to live out there off of Carbon Cayon. Drove it every day and night for years in the early seventys. No cars and full out all the time. Haven't driven it in years -- too many vehicles get in the way. About what I figure will happen Sat. night.:sm_up_there::rolleyes::rolleyes2::rolleyes: :sm_up_there:

12-10-2008, 04:28 PM
oo how many cars? i want to cruise out the new 135

12-10-2008, 05:19 PM
oo how many cars? i want to cruise out the new 135

I'd say on the order of 75 +- a little. Gas is cheap, so hopefully that helps. :thumbs_up:

12-11-2008, 03:31 PM
I'm going Sat night and Darlene is going to. I am even going to wash Brutal and maybe Darlene too:laugh:.


12-11-2008, 05:01 PM
Yes, you might be right. But, I still want a V8 Hipo vehicle and that could kill them.

But, ripple effect may be too damaging if they fail.:crutches::huh::drink:

Lots of them there foreigners are beginning to make some slick V8 vehicles. Honestly, that Hyundai Genesis is loaded with great features, technology and V8 power at an awesome price. Actually, and I'm part of this, corporations are becoming rapidly more globalized and diversified. There is tons of American talent in engineering and deisn working for foreign based companies. The reality is those corporations are more like international entities now. This is a whole different, fascinating, and occasionally frightening subject. But I digress.

For those of us that want play time with old fashioned V8s and make stupid power, that isn't going anywhere. The aftermarket alone will support it for decades and decades. Or at least until the commie-pinko-hippie-tree-huggers manage to kill all the fun in the world that is. :pot_stir:

12-11-2008, 08:26 PM
Here is a guide to where we're going. This is the entire route. (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=1712+w+orangethorpe+ave+fullerton+ca+92833&daddr=429+S+Associated+Rd+brea+ca+92821+to:E+Lambe rt+Rd+to:33.982495,-117.710459+to:3649+Mission+Inn+Ave.+Riverside+CA+9 2501&hl=en&geocode=%3B%3BFSWgBQIdxpb5-A%3B%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=1,2&mrsp=3&sz=16&via=2&sll=33.9802,-117.708442&sspn=0.010534,0.022745&ie=UTF8&ll=33.913164,-117.672501&spn=0.412561,0.615234&z=11)

Here is a visual guide. I will be handing out a packet with the directions and this information at the meet. It also has my phone number in case anyone gets lost. If anyone has a walkie talkie, please bring it and we can use those to keep in contact as well. If anyone also wants to register at motorgen.com and suggest other routes or suggestions we want to continue running events so that would be excellent. Here is a basic guide on what we're doing. More detailed information can be found in the link above if you want a specific address.

We're meeting at Nick's Burger in Fullerton. Here is what it looks like:


From Nick's we will be heading from the 91 to the 57 fwy where we are exiting Imperial. From the Imperial off ramp you will go straight and we're going to meet back up at the Borders parking lot. It looks like this:


After we all meet at Borders we are going to caravan and go through Carbon Canyon. Once we get through Carbon Canyon we are going to turn right onto Chino Hills Parkway. We will then pull over at the Carl's Jr. in the Chino Hills Marketplace before hitting the 71 fwy. The Carl's will be on the left hand side and looks like this:


After meeting back up with everyone we'll hit the 71 and head out to Riverside via the 91. Our ultimate goal is the Mission Inn. It'll be on the right hand side and looks like this:


Everyone can take pictures and we can check out all the lights and displays on the grounds. After we finish up we can hit up a Denny's or something if people feel up to some food. We've learned a lot from the last cruises so this should be smooth. We'll have plenty of maps and everything should be simple. I'll see you all there. Hit me up on Motorgen if you have any questions, suggestions or anything else. Thanks!!


12-12-2008, 10:04 AM
Here is a guide to where we're going. This is the entire route. (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=1712+w+orangethorpe+ave+fullerton+ca+92833&daddr=429+S+Associated+Rd+brea+ca+92821+to:E+Lambe rt+Rd+to:33.982495,-117.710459+to:3649+Mission+Inn+Ave.+Riverside+CA+9 2501&hl=en&geocode=%3B%3BFSWgBQIdxpb5-A%3B%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=1,2&mrsp=3&sz=16&via=2&sll=33.9802,-117.708442&sspn=0.010534,0.022745&ie=UTF8&ll=33.913164,-117.672501&spn=0.412561,0.615234&z=11)

Here is a visual guide. I will be handing out a packet with the directions and this information at the meet. It also has my phone number in case anyone gets lost. If anyone has a walkie talkie, please bring it and we can use those to keep in contact as well. If anyone also wants to register at motorgen.com and suggest other routes or suggestions we want to continue running events so that would be excellent. Here is a basic guide on what we're doing. More detailed information can be found in the link above if you want a specific address.

We're meeting at Nick's Burger in Fullerton. Here is what it looks like:


From Nick's we will be heading from the 91 to the 57 fwy where we are exiting Imperial. From the Imperial off ramp you will go straight and we're going to meet back up at the Borders parking lot. It looks like this:


After we all meet at Borders we are going to caravan and go through Carbon Canyon. Once we get through Carbon Canyon we are going to turn right onto Chino Hills Parkway. We will then pull over at the Carl's Jr. in the Chino Hills Marketplace before hitting the 71 fwy. The Carl's will be on the left hand side and looks like this:


After meeting back up with everyone we'll hit the 71 and head out to Riverside via the 91. Our ultimate goal is the Mission Inn. It'll be on the right hand side and looks like this:


Everyone can take pictures and we can check out all the lights and displays on the grounds. After we finish up we can hit up a Denny's or something if people feel up to some food. We've learned a lot from the last cruises so this should be smooth. We'll have plenty of maps and everything should be simple. I'll see you all there. Hit me up on Motorgen if you have any questions, suggestions or anything else. Thanks!!


Excuse me, I have a question. Why the Mission Inn?:confused:

12-12-2008, 10:06 AM
Excuse me, I have a question. Why the Mission Inn?:confused:

Christmas lights and decorations. Lots of them. Unfortunately, it'll be too late when we get there, but there's even horse carriage rides, ice rink (in times passed anyway), etc.

12-12-2008, 10:25 AM
Christmas lights and decorations. Lots of them. Unfortunately, it'll be too late when we get there, but there's even horse carriage rides, ice rink (in times passed anyway), etc.

We need some place to go, so why not? I've never been so it should be cool.

12-12-2008, 10:39 AM
We need some place to go, so why not? I've never been so it should be cool.

Why not? Cause. Well, it does sound like a "Girlie Man" type thing. But I'm along for the laughs. THERE BETTER BE LAUGHS.:rant:

I like to laugh--even if it's only on the inside.:rolling:

12-12-2008, 11:43 AM
Why not? Cause. Well, it does sound like a "Girlie Man" type thing. But I'm along for the laughs. THERE BETTER BE LAUGHS.:rant:

I like to laugh--even if it's only on the inside.:rolling:

Few things in life are more manly than ice skating so I don't know what your problem is. And who doesn't like pretty lights? :smack:

12-13-2008, 05:57 PM
Hell yeah brother can't wait to go to meet.:thumbs_up:

12-13-2008, 06:14 PM
Hell yeah brother can't wait to go to meet.:thumbs_up:

I just checked the weather and I think we'll miss the rain. It's going to be DAMN cold though :suicide:

12-14-2008, 11:56 AM
wow I'm the first person to write after the fact. It was a blast last night, froze my ass off though. Next time I'ma make sure my Buick is full of Meth so I can take it on the cruise. It was good to see everyone,it was a good crew of people hanging out, hopefully I'll see everyone next time....except Jerry..:laugh:


12-14-2008, 12:49 PM
wow I'm the first person to write after the fact. It was a blast last night, froze my ass off though. Next time I'ma make sure my Buick is full of Meth so I can take it on the cruise. It was good to see everyone,it was a good crew of people hanging out, hopefully I'll see everyone next time....except Jerry..:laugh:


I thought you were full of meth . . . jk. I'm about to find out of your brother managed to push record on the camera or not.:smack:

12-14-2008, 03:02 PM
I'm thinking about a format change next month. I'm thinking we should do the cruise before the meet and that way the end location can be where we're having dinner. I think it will be easier to keep people together that way and also if people just want to hang around the show part for a while we won't have to leave. What does everyone think?

12-15-2008, 09:35 AM
I'm thinking about a format change next month. I'm thinking we should do the cruise before the meet and that way the end location can be where we're having dinner. I think it will be easier to keep people together that way and also if people just want to hang around the show part for a while we won't have to leave. What does everyone think?

sounds great it wont hurt to try it out and see how it goes. I took some pics night shots kinda suck with my camera but I will upload them as soon as I get a chance. :drink:

12-15-2008, 02:36 PM
Here's a little video (http://www.motorgen.com//vid/showphoto.php/photo/766). Nothing too spectacular, but a flavor.

12-15-2008, 02:45 PM
I'm thinking about a format change next month. I'm thinking we should do the cruise before the meet and that way the end location can be where we're having dinner. I think it will be easier to keep people together that way and also if people just want to hang around the show part for a while we won't have to leave. What does everyone think?

i think that's such a good idea :] btw i watched the vid from saturday, where did you guys end up and was that an ice rink at the end? haha:huh:

12-15-2008, 02:54 PM
i think that's such a good idea :] btw i watched the vid from saturday, where did you guys end up and was that an ice rink at the end? haha:huh:

The Mission Inn in Riverside, yes there's an ice rink. There's also horse carriage rides you can take around the Inn, and other fun stuff.

12-15-2008, 05:16 PM
The Mission Inn in Riverside, yes there's an ice rink. There's also horse carriage rides you can take around the Inn, and other fun stuff.

Wow that sounds sick... I'm stoked to head out to cruise again soon... soon to come is a new real BOV, TBE, and Stg 2????? We'll see

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
12-16-2008, 02:13 PM
Wow that sounds sick... I'm stoked to head out to cruise again soon... soon to come is a new real BOV, TBE, and Stg 2????? We'll see

ya im excited for the next cruise as well my baby will be all bottoned up by then and ready to boost above what my boost gauge can read :drool:

well until then!! i wait :sm_up_there:

12-16-2008, 03:33 PM
ya im excited for the next cruise as well my baby will be all bottoned up by then and ready to boost above what my boost gauge can read :drool:

well until then!! i wait :sm_up_there:

that drooling mouth is cause you know ill be there!! haha. kidding but seriously. im going see you there!

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
12-16-2008, 04:16 PM
that drooling mouth is cause you know ill be there!! haha. kidding but seriously. im going see you there!

lol ok for sure im too down for that and after we should hit up the beach maybe even bon fire it up!!

i havent had my car for so long and i need a beach trip lol.