View Full Version : Watch NASCAR Racer Derrike Cope’s Tire Explode at Watkins Glen

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08-07-2016, 03:01 PM
With stupendously powerful V-8 engines, top speeds that brush against 200 mph, and a relatively high curb weight, the NASCAR series is renowned for spectacular crashes*that occur*mid-race. This weekend’s Xfinity race at Watkins Glen had a different type of vehicular carnage, when Derrike Cope’s No. 70 Chevrolet exploded while coasting off the track. While coasting...
The post Watch NASCAR Racer Derrike Cope’s Tire Explode at Watkins Glen (http://www.automobilemag.com/news/watch-nascar-racer-derrike-copes-tire-explode-watkins-glen/) appeared first on Automobile (http://www.automobilemag.com).

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