View Full Version : November 2nd CSW Street Legals

10-20-2008, 10:05 AM
Howdy ya'lls. Motorgen will be out at the track on November 2nd taking video. See the event on our Calendar (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1172&day=2008-11-2&c=1) and let us know if you're going so we can make sure to get some video.

10-20-2008, 02:20 PM
I'll be there of course, but I haven't decided if I'm racing or not. I'm thinking of trying to get some kind of canopy so we can tailgate or something.

10-21-2008, 10:19 AM
I'll be there and I will have my EZ Up.

10-21-2008, 10:26 AM
I'll be there and I will have my EZ Up.

I'll be there. I've officially commited.

10-21-2008, 01:15 PM
I'll be there and I'll also have my EZ up.

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
10-21-2008, 01:16 PM
ill be there im just not sure if with my car though!

im trying to keep it out of the body shop until after that day because i know there gonna wanna keep it for some rediculous amount of time!

but this is what my baby makes......

oh and look what i got today !!! some purple twin plate clutch action



but im still gonna be on some lame tires :-(

10-21-2008, 01:40 PM
ill be there im just not sure if with my car though!

im trying to keep it out of the body shop until after that day because i know there gonna wanna keep it for some rediculous amount of time!

but this is what my baby makes......

oh and look what i got today !!! some purple twin plate clutch action

but im still gonna be on some lame tires :-(

Well get that clutch put in, you have two weeks! Also, you should be able to delay the repairs until then they can't make you drop off your car before the races.

Does this also mean that you have your tune finished or are you still working on it?

10-21-2008, 01:41 PM
Well get that clutch put in, you have two weeks! Also, you should be able to delay the repairs until then they can't make you drop off your car before the races.

Does this also mean that you have your tune finished or are you still working on it?

I believe that dyno sheet is of a fairly complete tune.

10-21-2008, 01:42 PM
Congratulations on the numbers by the way Steve. Sorry I couldn't come to the Evo thing Saturday. I had planned on going but had some family stuff I had to deal with instead.

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
10-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Congratulations on the numbers by the way Steve. Sorry I couldn't come to the Evo thing Saturday. I had planned on going but had some family stuff I had to deal with instead.

its there will be more meets in the future...also on the bottom of the graph it shows the temp and it was 93 degrees out when i made that pass!!! :-D so colder weather should be closer to 500hp

also i have a few more things to pull outta my ass before the tune and modding are completly done.....im wanting november 2nd to be more of a day to tell me my mph rather then a good 1/4th time because im still on these crappy tires that will spin off the line especially with that new clutch!

10-21-2008, 02:11 PM
its there will be more meets in the future...also on the bottom of the graph it shows the temp and it was 93 degrees out when i made that pass!!! :-D so colder weather should be closer to 500hp

also i have a few more things to pull outta my ass before the tune and modding are completly done.....im wanting november 2nd to be more of a day to tell me my mph rather then a good 1/4th time because im still on these crappy tires that will spin off the line especially with that new clutch!

Do you have a printout of the old dyno numbers before the turbo swap? I'm interested in seeing the difference between the two.

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
10-21-2008, 05:00 PM
Do you have a printout of the old dyno numbers before the turbo swap? I'm interested in seeing the difference between the two.

this is the best i could do sense i wasnt dynod on my stock turbo while on e85

but this is a graph of my stock turbo on 91 and 100oct tunes

91 oct run -
K&N drop in filter
aps bov
stock intercooler
lower intercooler pipe
272 duration in/ex cam
megan O2 housing
HKS down pipe 2.75"
hi flow cat 3"
3" cat back
65mm throttle body
Boost @ 21psi

100oct run -
K&N drop in filter
aps bov
stock intercooler
lower intercooler pipe
272 duration in/ex cam
megan O2 housing
HKS down pipe 2.75"
hi flow cat 3"
3" cat back
65mm throttle body
Boost @ 25psi

e85 run - so u can see the diffrent mods

K&N drop in filter
aps bov
stock intercooler
lower intercooler pipe
HKS 272 duration in/ex cam
megan O2 housing
HKS down pipe 2.75"
cat delete 3"
3" cat back
65mm throttle body
1200cc/114lb injectors
single hi flow fuel pump
FP red turbo
Boost @ 29psi

the 91 oct tune was 305hp 321 tq
the 100 oct tune was 355hp 370tq


10-21-2008, 05:42 PM
What was the correction factor on the new one? I see they used STD on the 91 and 100 octane runs. Did they use it on the new one or did they use SAE?

I see that the new turbo takes a little longer to spool up. It looks like the stock one was at full boost by 3800 where the new one is at 4300. You were also making about 75lbft more torque at 3500 with the stock turbo. How does it feel in the lower rpms before the turbo starts to spool?

When you were at the strip what rpm did you use to launch at with the stock turbo and what did it do off the line? Did it spin, bog, etc.?

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
10-21-2008, 06:39 PM
What was the correction factor on the new one? I see they used STD on the 91 and 100 octane runs. Did they use it on the new one or did they use SAE?

I see that the new turbo takes a little longer to spool up. It looks like the stock one was at full boost by 3800 where the new one is at 4300. You were also making about 75lbft more torque at 3500 with the stock turbo. How does it feel in the lower rpms before the turbo starts to spool?

When you were at the strip what rpm did you use to launch at with the stock turbo and what did it do off the line? Did it spin, bog, etc.?

the e85 graph has the same std 1.03

also on the dyno or at least a dynojet because of there being less load the turbo's actually spool up later then on the streets....in normal streets the stock turbo hit full spool at 3.1-3.2k rpm and the new one hits full spool at 3.8k rpm

and believe it or not on the new turbo you can barely tell a difference in the lag department.....the only time it really hits me to down shift to get in my power band is when im cruising in 5th gear at like 2500-3000rpm because it will take a lil bit to spool up.....every other gear it spools up really quick and unless i drive like a total tool at 2000-2500rpm i cant really tell there is lag

most of my driving is in the 3000-4000rpm range even on the freeway 80mph is 4000rpm in 5th gear *we have short gears remember*

and for the strip ive only been with the stock turbo...id launch at around 6100rpm and i ended up smoking the clutch then it caught and i churped alot in 1st and a lil bit in 2nd

after i get my new clutch in im gonna launch at around 7000rpm and with the shitty tires i have on i think i could a burn out lol!!

10-21-2008, 06:45 PM
. . . unless i drive like a total tool at 2000-2500rpm i cant really tell there is lag

most of my driving is in the 3000-4000rpm range even on the freeway 80mph is 4000rpm in 5th gear *we have short gears remember*

. . .

Mmm, I'm doing 80mph at 2,000 and I have relatively short gears. But I've got 6th which is psycho long on a T56, and oh yeah, I gots torque right now.:smack:

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
10-21-2008, 07:18 PM
Mmm, I'm doing 80mph at 2,000 and I have relatively short gears. But I've got 6th which is psycho long on a T56, and oh yeah, I gots torque right now.:smack:

lol torque is over rated...ya thats coming from a guy with a rally car!! lol

well here is our gears
1st - 39mph @7000
2nd - 62mph @7000
3rd - 83mph @7000
4th - 118mph @7000
5th - 155mph@5300rpm gov limited

rear end ratio is 4.529

nordy racer
10-28-2008, 04:10 PM
my friend and i are going to run our bikes on Sunday.. can we park with someone with a EZ up.. it's going to be a hot day wearing leathers all day..

10-28-2008, 08:26 PM
my friend and i are going to run our bikes on Sunday.. can we park with someone with a EZ up.. it's going to be a hot day wearing leathers all day..

Definitely, we should have at least 2 ezups..

10-28-2008, 10:10 PM
Definitely, we should have at least 2 ezups..

I might be able to barrow one I'll bring it if I can get it.

10-28-2008, 10:47 PM
Just a reminder ya'lls, Daylight Savings ends on the second. Fall Back.

nordy racer
10-29-2008, 11:08 AM
did you see that they were calling for a little rain that day...
what time are you guys getting to the gate in the AM? 5am or so?

10-29-2008, 01:01 PM
did you see that they were calling for a little rain that day...
what time are you guys getting to the gate in the AM? 5am or so?

I'll probably roll up closer to 6:00 am. For some reason I don't think there is going to be that many people. :huh: My favorite weather site calls for party cloudy through the weekend.

nordy racer
10-29-2008, 02:52 PM
i'll be there at 6am then.. do you want to meet up across the street or some where else?

10-29-2008, 03:15 PM
my friend and i are going to run our bikes on Sunday.. can we park with someone with a EZ up.. it's going to be a hot day wearing leathers all day..

Hey Nordy,

Of course you can chill in the EZ up. I'm going to see if I can convince another friend who has a bike to come out and play. See you sunday!

10-29-2008, 03:39 PM
i'll be there at 6am then.. do you want to meet up across the street or some where else?

I line up down the side street directly in front of the main entrance. Click here (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=California+Speedway,+Fontana&sll=33.978647,-118.466077&sspn=0.042135,0.090981&g=California+Speedway&ie=UTF8&ll=34.1209,-117.471313&spn=0.08413,0.181961&z=13&layer=c&cbll=34.092442,-117.479862&panoid=f7VSPl-__dPJUtjblmBmqA&cbp=1,93.38667998729775,,0,2.4828714581691718) for reference.

10-29-2008, 04:01 PM
I won't be able to sleep so I'll probably be there around 5 or before. It depends on whether I take the Cobra too. If I take both cars I'll have to wait for my brother or my friend to drive the Cobra.

nordy racer
10-29-2008, 05:11 PM
I line up down the side street directly in front of the main entrance. Click here (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=California+Speedway,+Fontana&sll=33.978647,-118.466077&sspn=0.042135,0.090981&g=California+Speedway&ie=UTF8&ll=34.1209,-117.471313&spn=0.08413,0.181961&z=13&layer=c&cbll=34.092442,-117.479862&panoid=f7VSPl-__dPJUtjblmBmqA&cbp=1,93.38667998729775,,0,2.4828714581691718) for reference.

i think i know where that is.. it's RIGHT across from the gates.. i use to hate sitting there due to the lights and all the guys coming up and down the road getting there late but getting in before me :(.. you'll have to tell me what your driving so i can pick you out of the line of cars & trucks LOL..

nordy racer
10-29-2008, 05:12 PM
Hey Nordy,

Of course you can chill in the EZ up. I'm going to see if I can convince another friend who has a bike to come out and play. See you sunday!

THANKS.. are we all parking together? i'm parking with the EZ up that has FOOD :hail::hail:.. j/k

10-29-2008, 05:39 PM
i think i know where that is.. it's RIGHT across from the gates.. i use to hate sitting there due to the lights and all the guys coming up and down the road getting there late but getting in before me :(.. you'll have to tell me what your driving so i can pick you out of the line of cars & trucks LOL..

I'll be in the white Vette that was chasing you around Hwy. 2. :smack:

nordy racer
10-29-2008, 05:58 PM
I'll be in the white Vette that was chasing you around Hwy. 2. :smack:

i remember :)... we need to do that again.. i'm off my blood thinners so now i can really push it up the mountain :)

10-29-2008, 07:10 PM
I will be there for sure...THANK GOD ( Chuck ) may not make it. Just put new AFR heads on last week and is still dialing in his car. Needs a new pair of slicks also. Thinking about swapping tires for rounds and sharing my slicks.
Last time we ran on Sunday it was not crowded at all. 200 cars maybe. Got 5 runs before 1pm.
Chuck says I gotta back up my 11.91 or turn in my 11 sec club plate frame !!:drive:

10-29-2008, 10:50 PM
help guys. I need to get my nitrous bottle filled Ron told me about a place in upland, but they are not able to fill bottles they are waiting on parts and the system is down tell Friday and maybe longer. I planed to get it filled Saturday but I need some second options incase they can't get it for me. please let me know where you guys go. I posted this here cuz I need the bottle filled for Cali Nov 2 and I wanted a fast answer thanks guys

10-29-2008, 11:02 PM
help guys. I need to get my nitrous bottle filled Ron told me about a place in upland, but they are not able to fill bottles they are waiting on parts and the system is down tell Friday and maybe longer. I planed to get it filled Saturday but I need some second options incase they can't get it for me. please let me know where you guys go. I posted this here cuz I need the bottle filled for Cali Nov 2 and I wanted a fast answer thanks guys

Where do you live? I can put the bat signal out.

10-29-2008, 11:56 PM
Here's some I could find:

LA HABRA, CA 90631
PHONE: (562) 905-2538

PHONE: (562) 693-8235

ORANGE, CA 92867
PHONE: (714) 997-1362
EMAIL: fsedyrc@pacbell.net

PHONE: (714) 373-1986

PHONE: (909) 594-6632
EMAIL: diamondbarhonda@earthlink.net
WEB: http://www.dbhonda.com

PHONE: (562) 426-7960

COVINA , CA 91723
PHONE: (626) 331-0788

10-30-2008, 06:49 AM
Here is the place I get my juice.......
GRC Performance
(949) 457-1875
23854 Via Fabricante
Mission Viejo, CA

10-30-2008, 09:22 AM
Here is the place I get my juice.......
GRC Performance
(949) 457-1875
23854 Via Fabricante
Mission Viejo, CA

you live in mission viejo? I work there, but I've never seen your car around... you were at the last sonics meet right?

10-30-2008, 09:36 AM
Yep..Live and work in North Mission Viejo . The Sherriff sees me all the time :bigthumbsup:

10-30-2008, 12:20 PM
haha nice... you do the tuesday night meets at fudruckers right? el toro rd?

10-30-2008, 02:43 PM
Sometimes I hit Fudds...........Most Tuesdays I am at El Torito in Yorba Linda with my singles group workin the ladies. (Sorry ..No young Rx8 hotties, 40 and over !!!)

10-30-2008, 06:35 PM
Awsome info. Thanks man looks like I'll be going to Marvin Miller

LA HABRA, CA 90631
PHONE: (562) 905-2538
*Station is broken tell Monday* :crutches:

PHONE: (562) 693-8235
*$3.50 a pound not bad*:)

ORANGE, CA 92867
PHONE: (714) 997-1362
EMAIL: fsedyrc@pacbell.net
*Too far for me to drive*:barf:

PHONE: (714) 373-1986
*again too far*:barf:

PHONE: (909) 594-6632
EMAIL: diamondbarhonda@earthlink.net
WEB: http://www.dbhonda.com
*$4.75 a pound dang honda's and the high prices*:nutkick:

PHONE: (562) 426-7960
*To Far*:barf:

COVINA , CA 91723
PHONE: (626) 331-0788
*Called but got busy everytime*:rolleyes:

10-30-2008, 08:40 PM
Steven, I went by Bonaco earlier today and they said that they should have the parts by this afternoon. I didn't want to wait so I went and filled mine at G & J Aircraft Supply G & J location (http://local.yahoo.com/info-20754022-g-j-aircraft-and-precision-ontario). They are open Saturday if you are in a pinch to get yours filled and they charge $2.95 a pound.

10-30-2008, 10:29 PM
Steven, I went by Bonaco earlier today and they said that they should have the parts by this afternoon. I didn't want to wait so I went and filled mine at G & J Aircraft Supply G & J location (http://local.yahoo.com/info-20754022-g-j-aircraft-and-precision-ontario). They are open Saturday if you are in a pinch to get yours filled and they charge $2.95 a pound.

Nice... no joke that is the last place that filled my bottle but I couldn't for the life of me remember the name. I'm going to hit them up Saturday for sure.

Oh by the way I live in San Gabriel thats south of pasadena (rose bowl)
I'll be in Glendora so it will be a short trip over to G & J

11-01-2008, 06:32 PM
So my wife said yes to me taking both car. I didn't even have to beg she just said okay. I married a great woman! Anyways my neighbor is going to drive it over for me and hang out for the day. Hopefully we don't get any rain.

Sean, if you want to borrow my tires first thing in the morning, just let me know and we can throw them on your car for your first pass.

11-01-2008, 06:34 PM
Steven, did you get your bottle filled? We have to have a company battle!

11-01-2008, 08:44 PM
Are you going to have a basic set of tools with you? I'm thinking to disconnect my front sway bar and see what difference that makes. If you'll have a set and don't mind me using them (I certainly understand people being touch about their tools) I won't bring any. I'm lazy like that. :smack:

11-01-2008, 09:12 PM
Are you going to have a basic set of tools with you? I'm thinking to disconnect my front sway bar and see what difference that makes. If you'll have a set and don't mind me using them (I certainly understand people being touch about their tools) I won't bring any. I'm lazy like that. :smack:

Yes, I have tools and you can borrow them. I don't have jack stands (they're holding up the front of the Explorer because I'm installing the gears and locker at the moment) but I'll have a jack.

I thought about doing the same with the Cobra but when I disconnected it my suspension didn't drop any which means the sway bar is not limiting the lift of the frontend so I left it alone.

11-01-2008, 10:34 PM
Yes, I have tools and you can borrow them. I don't have jack stands (they're holding up the front of the Explorer because I'm installing the gears and locker at the moment) but I'll have a jack.

I thought about doing the same with the Cobra but when I disconnected it my suspension didn't drop any which means the sway bar is not limiting the lift of the frontend so I left it alone.

Word I'll bring Stands and will have a little electric compressor if anyone needs. Maybe I'll drop my exhaust (behind the cat) for that great LS "open pipe" sound too. :D

11-01-2008, 10:46 PM
Word I'll bring Stands and will have a little electric compressor if anyone needs. Maybe I'll drop my exhaust (behind the cat) for that great LS "open pipe" sound too. :D

It's raining here and the forecast for tomorrow is rain too, I hope they're wrong :(

11-01-2008, 11:17 PM
Steven, did you get your bottle filled? We have to have a company battle!

Ha ha Yeah got it filled this morning. As for the company battle thats fine but yeah my money on you to win :smack::smack:

As for the rain I got my fngers crossed.

11-01-2008, 11:20 PM
Ha ha Yeah got it filled this morning. As for the company battle thats fine but yeah my money on you to win :smack::smack:

As for the rain I got my fngers crossed.

Me too. Looking at this (http://weather.cnn.com/weather/forecast.jsp?locCode=03L&zipCode=92334) isn't boosting my confidence though :(

11-01-2008, 11:30 PM
Me too. Looking at this (http://weather.cnn.com/weather/forecast.jsp?locCode=03L&zipCode=92334) isn't boosting my confidence though :(

I'm only 10 minutes from the track and it was pouring here about an hour ago but it stopped. It's not raining now and my driveway is completely dry.

nordy racer
11-02-2008, 07:02 PM
good fun :).. thanks for letting us hang under your tents..

nordy racer
11-02-2008, 07:22 PM
funny ass photo....

cool shot :)

11-02-2008, 07:43 PM
Thanks for a good time guys. I didn't get a 9 but did run some low 10's. And I don't even want to talk about the Cobra's crappy times. 12.20 at 116 was the best which is way off the 11.69 best it's gone. Two of the three runs it bogged and one it spun. I think if I had made one more pass I could have pulled a high 11 but I don't think it will go lower than an 11.9 with the springs it has on it now.

Also, for those who were still to see Steven break his car I had him follow me and Matt (my neighbor) up to my house so we could pull the diff cover to see what damage was done. Turns out he broke a couple teeth off the spider gears and they were locked together. He had it towed over to GTR in Rancho.

11-02-2008, 07:49 PM
funny ass photo....

Congratulations. That's possibly the worst photo of me in existence. :bigthumbsup:

I will have my revenge . . .

11-02-2008, 07:57 PM
Thanks for a good time guys. I didn't get a 9 but did run some low 10's. And I don't even want to talk about the Cobra's crappy times. 12.20 at 116 was the best which is way off the 11.69 best it's gone. Two of the three runs it bogged and one it spun. I think if I had made one more pass I could have pulled a high 11 but I don't think it will go lower than an 11.9 with the springs it has on it now.

I couldn't get better than lower 13 at 107-9. That's about half second slower and the 3 mph slower than my recent average. :huh: The only thing I did yesterday to prep was pop the screen out of my MAF, and put in heavier oil in both the motor and trans. I don't think that would account for it.

nordy racer
11-02-2008, 07:58 PM
Congratulations. That's possibly the worst photo of me in existence. :bigthumbsup:

I will have my revenge . . .

:rolling:.. i just happen to look your way and had my camera all powered up ... Shit, i'll going to have to watch my back now..

11-02-2008, 08:01 PM
Congratulations. That's possibly the worst photo of me in existence. :bigthumbsup:

I will have my revenge . . .

Maybe he should bring his Excusion on the run Saturday. Then we could take a picture of you towing him when he high centers on something.

11-02-2008, 08:08 PM
Thanks for a good time guys. I didn't get a 9 but did run some low 10's. And I don't even want to talk about the Cobra's crappy times. 12.20 at 116 was the best which is way off the 11.69 best it's gone. Two of the three runs it bogged and one it spun. I think if I had made one more pass I could have pulled a high 11 but I don't think it will go lower than an 11.9 with the springs it has on it now.

Also, for those who were still to see Steven break his car I had him follow me and Matt (my neighbor) up to my house so we could pull the diff cover to see what damage was done. Turns out he broke a couple teeth off the spider gears and they were locked together. He had it towed over to GTR in Rancho.

What color was Steven's car? I don't think I remember seeing it today....

11-02-2008, 08:11 PM
What color was Steven's car? I don't think I remember seeing it today....

It was the black 2003 GT.

11-03-2008, 06:48 AM
Great day at the track. Was unable to back up my 11.91 :bang:. Best run 12.17 @112. It was fun having all of us in one spot , huddled in the rain !
Thanks Ben and Sean for the video work ! Sorry about the busted diff, Steven. Wish Chuck and I would have found a quick fix for you !!
Can't wait for next time.

11-03-2008, 10:08 AM
It was the black 2003 GT.

Sorry, it's a 2001.

11-03-2008, 11:19 AM
I also had a great time even though it was a bit drizzly and Sean and I were walking around like zombies with every muscle in our body out of commision (moving). I'm happy to report though, we are about 3/4 of the way completed with our move.

Also thank you Paul for the wonderful sausage that Sean and I shared for lunch. I didn't get a chance to come find you after and thank you You have opened up my eyes for different hot dog options. I'll be making those in the near furture again. They were yummy!

I hope to see some of you guys again in December. Weather permitting, we'll probably BOTH be out sharing the cobra hoping to improve our time from last visit with ice on the blower. Man that thing got totally heat soaked but then again it was like 100+ outside too. We'll see.

Take care!

11-03-2008, 01:03 PM
Me and Kera should be out there again too!! We had a blast

11-03-2008, 05:02 PM
Me and Kera should be out there again too!! We had a blast

She needs to get her own racecar now so she can come too :bigthumbsup:

11-03-2008, 07:43 PM
:) yah and she's going to beat me too! :sm_up_there:

11-03-2008, 07:51 PM
She needs to get her own racecar now so she can come too :bigthumbsup:

and like Tyler said, beat him :pot_stir:
bahahaha, hopefulling i'll sell the stang soon and get on that :thumbs_up:

11-03-2008, 10:06 PM
Great day at the track. Was unable to back up my 11.91 :bang:. Best run 12.17 @112. It was fun having all of us in one spot , huddled in the rain !
Thanks Ben and Sean for the video work ! Sorry about the busted diff, Steven. Wish Chuck and I would have found a quick fix for you !!
Can't wait for next time.

Hey no problem, it just gives me a really good reason to go after a 31 spine and some 3.73 gears:bigthumbsup:. so hopefully I'll put down a 12 second pass.
it was funny at the track all the people that looked under the hood of my poor little car kept asking is it stock... my answer sure :laugh: sorry old street racer me.

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
11-04-2008, 10:15 AM
i feel so left out :-( freakin disaster

11-04-2008, 01:54 PM
i feel so left out :-( freakin disaster

December 6 yo. Our meet is this Saturday too. Same place same time.

11-04-2008, 03:29 PM
December 6 yo. Our meet is this Saturday too. Same place same time.

Any confirmation on Dec 6-7 or just the 6th? Working that day :(

11-04-2008, 03:33 PM
Any confirmation on Dec 6-7 or just the 6th? Working that day :(

hm quoted myself...

I have confirmation. Saturday and Sunday yet again. I should be there for sure, Sundays my birthday for cryin out loud

nordy racer
11-04-2008, 10:28 PM
i'm thinking Saturday the 6th for me... i'm heading to Vegas on Sunday...

11-04-2008, 11:28 PM
i'm thinking Saturday the 6th for me... i'm heading to Vegas on Sunday...

If I ain't in the Fatherland, I prefer Saturday too.

11-05-2008, 07:04 AM
I can't make Saturday, gotta work the extra job to pay for racing!! Will be there Sunday.
My video won't load:huh:

11-05-2008, 10:51 AM
. . . My video won't load:huh:

Confirmed I'll upload a new one later.

11-05-2008, 11:04 AM
Confirmed I'll upload a new one later.

No worries , Thanks for putting in all the work you do for us motorheads !!:hail:

11-05-2008, 01:45 PM
I can't make Saturday, gotta work the extra job to pay for racing!! Will be there Sunday.
My video won't load:huh:

Can't wait to see you there! I'll keep my eye out, hope you can back up that 11.9

nordy racer
11-12-2008, 01:26 PM
just talked the wife into running her motorcycle on the 6th of Dec.. should be fun, this will be her first time racing :)

11-12-2008, 05:46 PM
hey nordy what kinda bike do you and your wife have? And do you to do canyons?

nordy racer
11-12-2008, 09:39 PM
hey nordy what kinda bike do you and your wife have? And do you to do canyons?

i ride a CBR1000RR and the wife rides a RC51.. yes we run RT2 to the Ranch all the time.. are you up for a ride??

11-12-2008, 10:59 PM
THANK GOD ANOTHER PERSON THAT LIKES THE 2. Oh yeah I have a few friends that ride. We keep if fun but safe no idiots in the group so its cool. Have my gsxr 1k, 1or2 r1s, a gsxr 750, r6, honda repsol 1k. And then a few others here and there. And we go up to newcombs grab a drink then decide to keep going or head down.

11-12-2008, 11:01 PM
But to answer your question yeah I'm down for a ride. Went up Azusa this Sunday after it rained some...dirt everywhere in the turns not so fun. Then it started to rain a little bit hahah.

nordy racer
11-13-2008, 08:25 AM
here is my cell 703-898-8422 call me some time.. i'm thinking about riding this saturday maybe..