View Full Version : Could be considered a loss

09-05-2007, 11:09 PM
Coming home on the 57 South I notice a fully blacked out WRX STi with the nastiest BOV I've ever heard. There's really a bit too much traffic for letting it rip for real, so I give her the beans for a few seconds. Naturally, he's following. I don't think much of it, but he makes an effort to follow me close onto the 91. Every time I stand on it for a couple seconds, it seems I'm able to open up lengths relatively easily (but it's not the disappearing into the rear view mirror that I'm used to.) We nevertheless do some gentle bobbing and weaving and poof an open stretch of two lanes for a half mile or so. We're side by side, in 3rd at around 60, I give the nod and stand on it . . . quickly he falls behind by maybe two lengths or so as the LS screams towards redline in third (about 95 for me) and then it happens, I go for 4 and can't get it in to save my life for at least 2 seconds (feels like for-ev-ah), obviously while I'm coasting he comes on by at a pretty gnarly clip. By the time I remember how to shift, it's too dangerous to run him down hard so I lay off. Considering I meant to go for 4th and blew it and he didn't, I figure he wins . Anyway, seemed like a nice enough guy, waving and smiling. Probably he didn't expect any such thing from a C3 A couple miles later I see him turn his hazards on and go for an exit . . . maybe I blowed him up