View Full Version : SL500 - bye bye

07-09-2007, 02:53 AM
My grandparents live in Yorba Linda SoCal, "Land of Gracious Living". Coming home from my grandparents house, I find myself behind an SL500, admittedly not the world's fastest car but apparently he has something to prove to his trophy wife by trying to intimidate poor little ole me. (Note: I have a stock appearing 82 that puts a very honest 380+RWHP to the ground.) So I gently turn following him to get on to the freeway where there's a couple hundred yards before the entrance and he moves over to block me as I move to the right lane, then speeds up; I can see him looking in his rear view mirror with his Euro-style super-sized sun glasses. I feel his sneer. Ok, game on Helmut.

At first I just pace him to give a sense of hope . . . and because I delight in the fall of the condescending . Then as the entrance opens to two lanes I take the inside and accelerate away through a long ascending curve. Within seconds, his silhoutte is but a speck in my mirror and I release the go pedal from its duty.