View Full Version : Joined the 10sec Club

04-06-2014, 10:33 PM
Went to the street legals this past Saturday just for fun. The car is setup for the road course but I put Mickey Thompson 315/30 r18 tires on to see what it might do. I knew it wouldn't hook and the first launch, without stalling, the car got sideways. We then tuned out about 30% throttle on take off and I rolled it off the line for a soft start. Was able to run a 10.9 @ 124. That's with big 295 tires up front. Funny thing is I thought they were gonna kick me out for no roll bar. It looked like he was about to check but he probably saw my A pillar, which from far looks like a padded roll bar, because he stopped half way and handed me the slip. Lol. I'm sure with a real slick with a taller sidewall and some skinnies it'll run a low 10. If I can stall it up for a good launch and hook, this thing will leave the line nasty. Might put some stock shocks to soften it up and get a bragging time slip.

http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q580/C5natie/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_110518_zpsioqdomoc.jpg (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/C5natie/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_110518_zpsioqdomoc.jpg.html)

http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q580/C5natie/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_084259_zpspmpl2ua8.jpg (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/C5natie/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_084259_zpspmpl2ua8.jpg.html)

http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q580/C5natie/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_082046-1_zpsuziaayv6.jpg (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/C5natie/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_082046-1_zpsuziaayv6.jpg.html)

http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q580/C5natie/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_124026_zps7z72nw7s.jpg (http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/C5natie/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140405_124026_zps7z72nw7s.jpg.html)

04-06-2014, 10:51 PM
Is that Fontucky? Congrats. 10s is moving.

04-06-2014, 10:55 PM
Is that Fontucky? Congrats. 10s is moving.

Thanks. Yeah. They had street legals and test n tune this weekend. Thats the new soundwall in the background.

04-06-2014, 11:07 PM
It looked like a desert and I didn't realize that's where you were at first glance. Lol.

04-06-2014, 11:35 PM
It looked like a desert and I didn't realize that's where you were at first glance. Lol.

It does in that last picture. Lol

04-06-2014, 11:35 PM
Just a little 3rd gear pull. The new converter locks up nicely.


04-07-2014, 06:12 AM
Nice run!

04-07-2014, 07:39 AM
Congrats on your first 10!

04-07-2014, 10:55 AM
Thanks guys

04-09-2014, 02:29 PM
Congrats Nate! I gotta say your C5 is one of the sexiest I have seen.

04-09-2014, 07:42 PM
very cool nice run!

04-13-2014, 06:46 PM
Thanks guys