View Full Version : People You Can Count On

03-09-2014, 06:16 PM
This morning I jumped in the Cobra to run to Crispy Cream to get my girls donuts. I started it up and let it idle for a few seconds and then started down the street. I noticed it was moving a little slow for the amount of throttle I was giving it so I pushed in the clutch and tapped the throttle. Nothing, it just idled. So I turned around and idled back up the street, parked it and drove the Suburban instead.

This afternoon I pulled the throttle body and saw that the butterfly didn't move when I turned the throttle linkage. I pulled it apart and found that the throttle shaft broke in two. I did a search to see if I could find someone who carried replacements but had no luck. I also sent Guy a text to see if he'd seen this before and to see if maybe he knew where I could find one. As usual, Guy had an extra SN95 GT TB laying around and said I could try the shaft from it.


I picked it up and took it apart when I got home. The shaft was the same in every dimension except for the slot for the butterfly. My Cobra TB is 65mm and the GT one is only 60mm. I was able to open up the slot using a Dremel and a file so that the 65mm butterfly fit. The Cobra is running great.

I just want to give Guy a big thanks and say that it's great to have a friend that I can count on. Not everyone is like that. :beer: even though neither of us drinks, lol.

03-09-2014, 09:45 PM
It does help that he has 20 Mustangs! Guy is a good guy though, a little cocky, but a good guy. I just wish he would take care of my Durango A/C for the last time. I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket for it.

Shaolin Crane
03-11-2014, 01:00 PM
! Guy is... a little cocky...

It's part of my boyish charm.