View Full Version : Breaking News? Really?

07-29-2008, 01:18 PM
It was a 3 second earthquake and now everyone is going to cry about it all day long.

I want more! C'mon!!! More!

Ya fire! Fire!!

07-29-2008, 01:47 PM
It was a 3 second earthquake and now everyone is going to cry about it all day long.

I want more! C'mon!!! More!

Ya fire! Fire!!

It was a pretty moderate earthquake - it's the largest I can remember since 94'. It's certainly worthy of attention, although certainly not all day or anything like that.

07-29-2008, 01:56 PM
There was an earthquake?

07-29-2008, 02:22 PM
It was a 3 second earthquake and now everyone is going to cry about it all day long.

I want more! C'mon!!! More!

Ya fire! Fire!!

I don't know where you guys were but here in Brea, it was a pretty gnarly one. I couldn't even make it 5 feet from my computer chair to my door jam with out falling. I had to crawl the rest of the way.

Here's some of the damage:








07-29-2008, 02:45 PM
By the way, it was crazy how hard it was to make a phone call. I finally used the VOIP application on my iPhone and could make all the calls I wanted. They were crystal clear too. I probably made about 10 phone calls and it all cost me a total of 30 cents. Of course, if our wifi was down, I wouldn't have been able to do that.

07-29-2008, 03:47 PM
I don't know where you guys were but here in Brea, it was a pretty gnarly one. I couldn't even make it 5 feet from my computer chair to my door jam with out falling. I had to crawl the rest of the way.

Here's some of the damage:

How do I know it's just not you stumbling around in a drunken stooper knocking things over?

Actually I did feel it. I was in a meeting. I looked over at my boss (Japanese guy) and we just sort of shrugged our shoulders and kept on going. Another co-worker who's from Kansas was rather more alarmed. :smack:

07-29-2008, 04:04 PM

Yeah, family in law is out of town in colorado so we have been put in charge of one house while they are gone but I rec'd a call from the one family to check on it while BGN8711 was at work.

So lunch rolls around about 12:30 and I still can't get ahold of anyone via cell phone, so I head over to BGN house, I can only look through windows and everything seems to be somewhat ok. Then I roll over to grandma and grandpas.....................a totally different story. I'll have to take pictures. I didn't get a chance as I was running from 3 houses in 45 minutes. In each of the 10 diff rooms I went in, glass everywhere!! So I closed up shop at that place and left everything as is (to come back and clean up later) then rolled over to our house. OH BROTHER! I wasn't prepared.....pretty much everything in the kitchen cabinets was on the floor, the pantry....coco had fallen. That is going to be a chocolate mess to clean up, the bedrooms seemed to be ok, and the garage (I was really really fearing b/c the water heater is on a wooden rotten stand and not very secure and it's really to tumble at any moment) so I slowly cracked the door and.......ahhhhhhhhh it was still standing. The only thing that fell was the exhaust pipe for the water heater.

The Cobra was untouched! YAY!

07-29-2008, 04:06 PM
i live in chino hills, a matter of a few miles from the epicenter, and it was just a moderate kind of rolling action...end result was only a couple die cast cars rollin off a shelf, and a drill fallin off the pegboard in the garage (missing the cars, luckily)

07-29-2008, 04:59 PM
How do I know it's just not you stumbling around in a drunken stooper knocking things over?

No no, you got it all wrong. I walk around and try to hump things.

07-29-2008, 05:02 PM
This gentle tumbler should be a good reminder to:

a) earthquake prep your house
b) prepare a disaster kit and procedures, in case this sh*t gets real

A little prep can save a lot of misery.

07-29-2008, 05:28 PM
This gentle tumbler should be a good reminder to:

a) earthquake prep your house
b) prepare a disaster kit and procedures, in case this sh*t gets real

A little prep can save a lot of misery.

What do you suggest for stupidity or just being a ding dong? On my way to heading down under my desk, I some how gave myself carpet burn on my foot and bonked my head on my desk.

07-29-2008, 05:54 PM
. . . On my way to heading down under my desk, I some how gave myself carpet burn . . . and bonked my head . . .

Poor Sean. :leaving:

Sorry, it was too easy.

two drink minimum
07-29-2008, 08:08 PM
This gentle tumbler should be a good reminder to:

a) earthquake prep your house
b) prepare a disaster kit and procedures, in case this sh*t gets real

A little prep can save a lot of misery.

"The big one" is going to be crazy.

07-30-2008, 03:21 AM
"The big one" is going to be crazy.

I'll be under my car while it's 'supported' on jack stands for that one.