View Full Version : Irwindale Speedway 7/25/09

06-30-2009, 06:15 AM
I got this info from my Camaro club... I am going to go and thought I would throw it on here. Not sure how many spaces are open at this time. Even if the parade lap and parking fills up, some may want to go. I saw the night has the figure 8 race and a demo derby:crutches: The parade lap is slow couple laps but if you let the guy infront of you have some room, you can light em up a little on the main striaght, the crowd loves it:drink:
Frankie will be in Italy at this time so if somebody wants to ride shotgun with me let me know.

Contact Chuck Felten @

carguy73@yahoo.com for more info

Toyota Speedway AKA Irwindale Gathering 07/25/2009

Pomona Valley Corvette Assn has set up a night at Irwindale Speedway on
Saturday July 25th 2009

All Classic and Muscle Cars are welcome to come out and have some fun.
So who is interested? The guest Group enters the Speedway for FREE and will be directed to a private section to display only our cars. (Cars, Driver and Guest enter the track for FREE) During opening ceremonies the group takes the cars on to the track for few parade laps then back to the private parking area. (Parade Laps are slow and controlled) For the rest of the night there is Beer, Food, Beer and racing.
(For the Beer and Food you are on your own)

Space is limited to about 30 cars so only sign-up if you are sure you will be able to attend. Bring your chairs to sit in before the event. No beer if you are driving in the parade lap and bring a cushion or blanket to sit on the bench seating as it is cold and hard.

You will need to be at the track at the track by 3:30. They will be letting us in at 4:00 racing is over around 10:00pm. The Speedway is located right off the 605 freeway between the 10 and the 210 in Irwindale.

So if you are interested PLEASE reply with an email to me with the number of cars you will be bringing. I will be inviting a few other Internet sites and clubs so we should fill up fast.
Racing that night.
Auto Club Late Models
King Taco Super Trucks
Legend Cars
Pick Your Part Outlaw Figure 8s
Demolition Derby

07-01-2009, 12:22 AM
Does this seriously say beer AND racing. Oh man, I've got to go. :judge:

Mmm, that might be a playoff or other important game for baseball, but I think I'll still come out to look in the evening.