View Full Version : Willow Springs track day Wed, OCT 9! 25 cars tops

09-17-2013, 07:18 PM
Hey guys, been a while since I've been on here :) Soooo... private rental track day coming up next month. We still have a few slots to fill! Here is the lowdown, hope you can make it. PM me or post here.

One thing you have to realize about this track day: there is hardly any traffic!!!! No one to get in your way or tailgate you, you can drive as fast/slow or any many/not so many laps as you want! If you are sorting a car out this is actually a great place to do that. I've done a few events with these guys over the years and they are an awesome crowd.

Aaaaaannnndddd BTW, all of you corvette guys out there: the guys putting this on are Vette dudes. Carbon C6 Z06 and a ZR1. Pretty awesome.


Hi all,
Thank you to all of you that have responded and signed up.
There are 5 spots still available. If you can make it, but have not signed up, please do so. Also, if you know of anyone that would be interested but is not on our list please feel free to invite them to join us.
I will send out the itinerary next week or so.

Track Day Details;
Track - Willow Springs (big track)

The price per car is $225.00
this is a small event, no more than 25 cars. so you get a lot of track time.
in the morning, i usually split the group in two and run two 20 minute sessions until about ten o'clock, then the track goes hot and that's how we run the rest of the day.

convertibles are allowed as long as they have a factory installed roll
bar or pop-ups and factory seat belts in working condition. after
market roll protection must be accompanied by a 5-point harness.

NO passengers. this is a very fast track and the insurance does not
allow for ride alongs. With that said, there may be passengers giving or receiving instruction. This must be coordinated with me and the starter.
helmet is required, DOT or Snell rated.

fuel center will be available

paddock diner will be available

fire/rescue will be onsite (9am to 5pm)

we will have a starter and 3 corner workers.

09-17-2013, 09:59 PM
Nice, I will see if I can get he car together in time.

09-17-2013, 10:26 PM
That sounds really well sorted and awful nice for just $225. My C3 has a cam knock (probably) that needs to be sorted, and not sure an event like this would be good for a first event, getting in the way and all, but maybe next time around. Maybe I'll come out with video, especially if several MG lads roll.

09-18-2013, 05:55 AM
No worries guys. Pm me your email address, your "real" name, basic info on your car and you will be on the track organizers email list. These guys try to do two events a year.... or whenever the itch comes around :) at any rate, there will be many more to come.

There's a couple GTO guys i know on here too... jon and george. Would love to get u guys out sometime. :motorsmile:

09-18-2013, 06:00 AM
Nice, I will see if I can get he car together in time.

Even if the vette isn't ready the rustang would be a blast :nutkick:

Seriously, they are pretty awesome straight from the factory. We should have one guy out there with a BAWSS 302.

09-18-2013, 06:13 AM
Paddock wkaround a few months ago.


Redondo Jon
09-18-2013, 11:18 PM
Ahhh..! Damn, I need another track day too. Hey Mike, when is this?

09-18-2013, 11:24 PM
Ahhh..! Damn, I need another track day too. Hey Mike, when is this?

I'm running with Wednesday, October 9th. :huh:

09-19-2013, 10:22 AM
Ahhh..! Damn, I need another track day too. Hey Mike, when is this?

Hey jon wow its been foever. Yeah I know its in the middle of the week and it is tough for anyone with a normal job to get out. Hope you and george and gabe can make it.

Redondo Jon
09-19-2013, 11:18 AM
I'm running with Wednesday, October 9th. :huh:“Willow Springs track day Wed, OCT 9! 25 cars tops”
Senior moment. :smack:
I’m going to do my best to wriggle free of what’s already set in stone for me. That day in particular is going to be tough but I’ll try. I’ll know more in a few of days.

Redondo Jon
09-24-2013, 11:17 PM
Hey Mike I spoke with James and you’re right. He seems like a decent, well organized fella so I’m in. Hopefully, I can get some new NT01’s by then ‘cause the ones I’ve got are looking pretty raggedy. Let me know if you want to caravan up there.

09-26-2013, 07:49 AM
Hey Mike I spoke with James and you’re right. He seems like a decent, well organized fella so I’m in. Hopefully, I can get some new NT01’s by then ‘cause the ones I’ve got are looking pretty raggedy. Let me know if you want to caravan up there.

Awesome. Super stoked u can make it! I got an mesg from gabe. Sounds like he is gonna make it too. We should caravan somehow. I think a bunch of those guys are gonna meet at james place early the day of. I am thinking of going up day prior and getting a room for the nite... will figure that out and let u know :)

Oh about the tires... yes if u can get the new ones before hand do it and break them in!!!!!!

Redondo Jon
09-26-2013, 10:51 PM
Got my new NT01’s today so I’m pretty much set. That’d be cool if Gabe could make it to this one.

09-29-2013, 02:07 PM
Im gonna be there :) I can't wait!!

Redondo Jon
09-29-2013, 05:56 PM
Excellent. We all live pretty close to each other; caravan up there? If not, I’ll see you guys there.

Redondo Jon
10-03-2013, 01:11 PM
Here’s the schedule I received via email for this track day. I’ve cleaned it up so it’s a bit more readable:

Hi all,
Less than a week away! Checked the weather for the 9th, currently showing a high of 77 and sunny. Objective for the day - FUN!

7:00am gates open, 8:00am drivers meeting, (will take place in the Paddock diner) 8:30am first group on track, 8:50am second group on track we will run a couple 20 minute sessions in the morning to split the group in two, by about ten the track will go 'hot' (open all day, no groups)

12ish will break for lunch (one hour) 1ish track is open and 'hot'

5:00pm track closes, 6:00pm gates close.

So that's the schedule for the day. In the drivers meeting I will go over everything with more detail. As far as safety equipment, the only requirement is that you wear a DOT or Snell approved helmet, and of course wear your seat belt.
Paddock diner will be open. At the track: gas, compressed air and tire service is available. As always bring plenty of water or whatever your choice for hydration is. No alcohol for drivers until 5:01pm

10-04-2013, 06:51 AM
Yup. I'm really excited. You and gabe are gonna have a ball. My little last minute checklist:

Drinking water
Hat (stay out of sun)
Camera and batteries and mounts
Gas (fill up before u show up... gas is $$$ at the track)
Cash (may be a gate fee 5-10 bucks to get in)
Cell phone and charger

I'm going to pack a bunch of tools and floor jack, jack stands, etc as well if u guys need anything.

Here’s the schedule I received via email for this track day. I’ve cleaned it up so it’s a bit more readable:

Hi all,
Less than a week away! Checked the weather for the 9th, currently showing a high of 77 and sunny. Objective for the day - FUN!

7:00am gates open, 8:00am drivers meeting, (will take place in the Paddock diner) 8:30am first group on track, 8:50am second group on track we will run a couple 20 minute sessions in the morning to split the group in two, by about ten the track will go 'hot' (open all day, no groups)

12ish will break for lunch (one hour) 1ish track is open and 'hot'

5:00pm track closes, 6:00pm gates close.

So that's the schedule for the day. In the drivers meeting I will go over everything with more detail. As far as safety equipment, the only requirement is that you wear a DOT or Snell approved helmet, and of course wear your seat belt.
Paddock diner will be open. At the track: gas, compressed air and tire service is available. As always bring plenty of water or whatever your choice for hydration is. No alcohol for drivers until 5:01pm

10-15-2013, 12:02 PM
Weather was pretty horrible on the drive up. Rained the whole way pretty much. Windy as heck too. I took a few pics with my phone and some video. I'm working on the video right now, I hope it turns out! Glad we got the GTO guys out. Sorry about the weather guys. Mother nature is unpredictable!

Getting gas @ 6AM. I drove up super early cuz I didn't want to deal with traffic.

C6 ZR1 & BMW M coupe. This guy has those two cars and an Audi R8

The r8:

Some of the other guys:

Trying to look sexy, even with the blemish on the front bumper :-[