View Full Version : A Few Pics from the Fatherland

07-19-2008, 04:25 PM
As you may recall from history, there was a bit of an internationl misunderstanding called WWII. In response to us bombing the ever-living crap out of the Germans, they built some fairly spectacular bunkers. The pictures do no justice to just how much they dominate the landscape.

Right Outside my Hotel

From the tower at St. Michael.

Another pic from the tower.

St. Michael himself:

Ah, everyone needs a shop where they can buy vintage Anglo-Saxxon/Viking costumes and weapons:

A picture entering the port area:

On my day off, we went to a little place called Minature Land (I think). It was pretty cool. Waiting in line, you could buy hot dogs:

Some displays from inside mini-land


Some Germans have excellent taste

My British colleague thought I should see some additional sights from Die Reeperbahn. It's best there are no pictures from that little excursion. . . :leaving:

07-19-2008, 07:49 PM
Looks pretty beautiful actually. I would love to go there just for the history. Are you actually staying in St. Michael?

07-21-2008, 04:24 PM
Looks pretty beautiful actually. I would love to go there just for the history. Are you actually staying in St. Michael?

St. Michael's is a small (by Euro standards) cathedral. I was at NH Hotel. I'm in London now. London is truly one of the great cities in the world. Every one who is able should travel outside their home country at some point in their lives. It's a great experience for which there is no substitute. Given the current exchange rate though, and the fact that the big European cities aren't cheap to begin with, now is not such a great time. A very average lunch in London will $10-15. A couple pints of ale and glass of scotch and you're out $20. More is more. . . fast. Basically all German cities are certainly cheaper than London though.