st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
07-09-2008, 01:23 AM
ok so as some of you may know i have a 2006 mitsubishi evo and i am currently converting it to run on e85
so b4 i go threw with this write up i got to give a warning
this write up isnt for most automobiles and shouldnt be tryed on your own car unless u know how to prep your specific car for this conversion! and i are not responsible for what happens to your car if you decide to follow my write up.
so far cars im sure that can follow this conversion to the T are evo's, sti's, and most japanese forced induction cars made after the early 90's. but remember this is EVO specific.
***PART-1 (the back story)
For the past year evo enthusiast in the U.S. have been bitching about gas priced and a few decided to do something about it! so they converted to crack juice or E85 which is available in various parts of CA.
***PART-2 (the findings)
e85 can be tuned to gain larges amount of power from an evo being as how its equivilent to 105-110 octane. the evo's fuel system can fully handle it for the long term. all that needs to be done for an evo to run on e85 is to get larger injectors, larger fuel pump, a monitoring system for Air/Fuel ration and Lamda, and a tuning system to tune and adjust the timing and injectors and someone who knows wtf there doing lol
the following results are what have come out of already converted evo's
1st evo = completely stock except for the turned up boost to 30psi bigger injectors, fuel pump and the re-tune.
b4 e85 262HP.....after e85 354HP
b4 miles per tank 220.... after 215mpt
2nd evo = bolt ons, no cam, 660cc (63lb) injector, fuel pump, boost turned up to 28psi tune
b4 e85 325hp.....after e85 399hp
b4 mpt 230...after 270mpt
3rd evo = bolt ons 1000cc (95lb) injectors, fuel pump, no cams, boosting 31psi, tune
b4 e85 332HP.....after e85 410HP
b4 mpt 220..... after 260mpt (as u can see the last 2 evo's took a little time with there mpg tune)
to say the least this was a big hit,
e85 lowers exhaust gas temp's
Average evo egt = 1,200F
E85 evo egt = 600F
it let the evo run all the timing/fuel it wanted while still being cheaper then 91oct and a hell of alot cheaper then 100oct or C16 and having the the benifits of different fuels in 1 ie. = lots of oxygen, cheap, high octane, cooling properties etc
***PART-3 (e85 min. requirements on an evo)
-255lph walbro fuel pump *industry stadard for evo's under 800HP*
-some way of adjusting boost, whether its a manual boost controller ($50) and electronic boost controller ($400) or ecu controlled boost ($100 for hardware)
-a boost gauge *make sure it reads high b/c ur gonna need it too lol*
-bigger injectors- stock evo injectors are 550cc (52lbs) u will need -
720c-820cc (69lbs-78lbs) this is if u dont wanna run mega high boost and are on a buget and ur gonna stick with the stock turbo. these injectors will be maxed the fuck out though..they will be running at 100% duty cycle at WOT.
820cc-1000cc (78lbs-95lbs) this will give u plenty of head room for tuning and injector life with lower duty cycles with a stock turbo and the 1000cc set up will do u good up to a garret gt35 at low boost.
-afr monitoring system that can be calibrated, most air fuel ratio monitoring systems are calibrated for normal gas (91oct, 100oct, leaded gas like 115oct) but the wideband O2 sensor that reads your afr will have to be calibrated for e85 b/c it has different burn characteristics then gasoline.
* also on a side if u can get ur mind around how lambda works and how reading it works ive heard that lambda is a much easier way of tuning for alterative fuels b/c it reads a more constant variable (i forgot what lol) then the afr.
-some logging software to read ur cars knock/load/injector duty cycler/rpm etc....
-and then something to tune the car with be it laptop software for the stock ecu, a piggy back, or stand alone engine management system.
lastly u gotta know how to tune or have a tuner who knows his shit on hand lol!
***PART-4 (my car)
2006 mitsu lancer evo9 gsr (5speed)
my mods:
K&n drop in panel filter
manual boost controller set at 23-24psi *stock evo's are 18-19psi*
lower intercooler pipe
buschur front mount intercooler
APS blow off valve
ported throttle body 65mm
HKS 272 duration intake mivec cam
HKS 272 duration exhaust cam
turbo back catless exhaust
-megan O2 housing
-HKS 2.5" downpipe
-custom 2.5" str8 pipe
-WORKS 3" catback
walbro 255lph fuel pump
denso 720cc injectors
**on a dynojet on 91octane i made 321hp and 310tq kinda low for an evo but i told the tuner to stay safe
***the tuning program i use reads HP more like a mustang dyno and it read my HP to be at 286HP and 275tq
-the afr is monitored by my zeitronix wideband o2 sensor *a very good piece of equipment*
-im gonna log my cars knock/load, read hp/tq etc with a program called evoscan. this is a very good evo based program and should be an evo standard...also to read ur car your gonna need a tractrix cable to read off ur obd2 port onto ur laptop.
-and to tune the car im using a program called ecu flash. which is specificly made for evo's, sti's, eclipse's, wrx's. which reads my ecu and lets me tweek whatever i want in the car ie.timing, fuel, antilag, launch control, speed govenor and much more and then flash the changed results into my car and run it :-)
***PART-5 (how to tune for e85)
the brief short story for all general cars is that e85 takes a little more to pop the way gas does which is y everyone rants and bitches about e85 getting worst milage. but when it does pop it fuckin pops and cools while it pops which is y it has a 105-110octane rating. when in reality there flex cars, or none tuned cars arent set up timing wise or fuel delivery amount wize for optimum e85 performance. so when a normal car uses e85 the engine dumps lots of fuel into it b/c it doesnt know wtf is going on kinda like when u had sex for the first time and ur girlfriend did that whole crying thing afterwards. and with flex fuel cars there ecu's are made to try and find and happy median in timing and fuel delivery to run on 87oct, and run on e85 so they still get better milage on e85 but there stock tune isnt fully optimizing the potential of e85 to get its best mpg.
ok so once you have added fuel, the most e85 u add the more u can add timing and once the fuel is done u have plenty of room to play with boost and timing and add all u want lol until u hit knock then back off a degree or so lol.
after that enjoy all that new found HP
***more evo specific version coming soon***
PART-6 (my results :-D!!!)
well im filling up my 2 55gal containers with e85 in L.A. tomarrow or thursday. i live in rancho cucamonga so im not to local to a station lol. and then imma tune my car thursday night after i get off to be continued.
so b4 i go threw with this write up i got to give a warning
this write up isnt for most automobiles and shouldnt be tryed on your own car unless u know how to prep your specific car for this conversion! and i are not responsible for what happens to your car if you decide to follow my write up.
so far cars im sure that can follow this conversion to the T are evo's, sti's, and most japanese forced induction cars made after the early 90's. but remember this is EVO specific.
***PART-1 (the back story)
For the past year evo enthusiast in the U.S. have been bitching about gas priced and a few decided to do something about it! so they converted to crack juice or E85 which is available in various parts of CA.
***PART-2 (the findings)
e85 can be tuned to gain larges amount of power from an evo being as how its equivilent to 105-110 octane. the evo's fuel system can fully handle it for the long term. all that needs to be done for an evo to run on e85 is to get larger injectors, larger fuel pump, a monitoring system for Air/Fuel ration and Lamda, and a tuning system to tune and adjust the timing and injectors and someone who knows wtf there doing lol
the following results are what have come out of already converted evo's
1st evo = completely stock except for the turned up boost to 30psi bigger injectors, fuel pump and the re-tune.
b4 e85 262HP.....after e85 354HP
b4 miles per tank 220.... after 215mpt
2nd evo = bolt ons, no cam, 660cc (63lb) injector, fuel pump, boost turned up to 28psi tune
b4 e85 325hp.....after e85 399hp
b4 mpt 230...after 270mpt
3rd evo = bolt ons 1000cc (95lb) injectors, fuel pump, no cams, boosting 31psi, tune
b4 e85 332HP.....after e85 410HP
b4 mpt 220..... after 260mpt (as u can see the last 2 evo's took a little time with there mpg tune)
to say the least this was a big hit,
e85 lowers exhaust gas temp's
Average evo egt = 1,200F
E85 evo egt = 600F
it let the evo run all the timing/fuel it wanted while still being cheaper then 91oct and a hell of alot cheaper then 100oct or C16 and having the the benifits of different fuels in 1 ie. = lots of oxygen, cheap, high octane, cooling properties etc
***PART-3 (e85 min. requirements on an evo)
-255lph walbro fuel pump *industry stadard for evo's under 800HP*
-some way of adjusting boost, whether its a manual boost controller ($50) and electronic boost controller ($400) or ecu controlled boost ($100 for hardware)
-a boost gauge *make sure it reads high b/c ur gonna need it too lol*
-bigger injectors- stock evo injectors are 550cc (52lbs) u will need -
720c-820cc (69lbs-78lbs) this is if u dont wanna run mega high boost and are on a buget and ur gonna stick with the stock turbo. these injectors will be maxed the fuck out though..they will be running at 100% duty cycle at WOT.
820cc-1000cc (78lbs-95lbs) this will give u plenty of head room for tuning and injector life with lower duty cycles with a stock turbo and the 1000cc set up will do u good up to a garret gt35 at low boost.
-afr monitoring system that can be calibrated, most air fuel ratio monitoring systems are calibrated for normal gas (91oct, 100oct, leaded gas like 115oct) but the wideband O2 sensor that reads your afr will have to be calibrated for e85 b/c it has different burn characteristics then gasoline.
* also on a side if u can get ur mind around how lambda works and how reading it works ive heard that lambda is a much easier way of tuning for alterative fuels b/c it reads a more constant variable (i forgot what lol) then the afr.
-some logging software to read ur cars knock/load/injector duty cycler/rpm etc....
-and then something to tune the car with be it laptop software for the stock ecu, a piggy back, or stand alone engine management system.
lastly u gotta know how to tune or have a tuner who knows his shit on hand lol!
***PART-4 (my car)
2006 mitsu lancer evo9 gsr (5speed)
my mods:
K&n drop in panel filter
manual boost controller set at 23-24psi *stock evo's are 18-19psi*
lower intercooler pipe
buschur front mount intercooler
APS blow off valve
ported throttle body 65mm
HKS 272 duration intake mivec cam
HKS 272 duration exhaust cam
turbo back catless exhaust
-megan O2 housing
-HKS 2.5" downpipe
-custom 2.5" str8 pipe
-WORKS 3" catback
walbro 255lph fuel pump
denso 720cc injectors
**on a dynojet on 91octane i made 321hp and 310tq kinda low for an evo but i told the tuner to stay safe
***the tuning program i use reads HP more like a mustang dyno and it read my HP to be at 286HP and 275tq
-the afr is monitored by my zeitronix wideband o2 sensor *a very good piece of equipment*
-im gonna log my cars knock/load, read hp/tq etc with a program called evoscan. this is a very good evo based program and should be an evo standard...also to read ur car your gonna need a tractrix cable to read off ur obd2 port onto ur laptop.
-and to tune the car im using a program called ecu flash. which is specificly made for evo's, sti's, eclipse's, wrx's. which reads my ecu and lets me tweek whatever i want in the car ie.timing, fuel, antilag, launch control, speed govenor and much more and then flash the changed results into my car and run it :-)
***PART-5 (how to tune for e85)
the brief short story for all general cars is that e85 takes a little more to pop the way gas does which is y everyone rants and bitches about e85 getting worst milage. but when it does pop it fuckin pops and cools while it pops which is y it has a 105-110octane rating. when in reality there flex cars, or none tuned cars arent set up timing wise or fuel delivery amount wize for optimum e85 performance. so when a normal car uses e85 the engine dumps lots of fuel into it b/c it doesnt know wtf is going on kinda like when u had sex for the first time and ur girlfriend did that whole crying thing afterwards. and with flex fuel cars there ecu's are made to try and find and happy median in timing and fuel delivery to run on 87oct, and run on e85 so they still get better milage on e85 but there stock tune isnt fully optimizing the potential of e85 to get its best mpg.
ok so once you have added fuel, the most e85 u add the more u can add timing and once the fuel is done u have plenty of room to play with boost and timing and add all u want lol until u hit knock then back off a degree or so lol.
after that enjoy all that new found HP
***more evo specific version coming soon***
PART-6 (my results :-D!!!)
well im filling up my 2 55gal containers with e85 in L.A. tomarrow or thursday. i live in rancho cucamonga so im not to local to a station lol. and then imma tune my car thursday night after i get off to be continued.