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03-07-2013, 06:50 AM
February 2013 Auto Sales
Are sales trailing off? No, but the increases are. (http://www.automobilemag.com/features/news/1303_february_2013_auto_sales/index.html)U.S. auto sales have been accelerating fairly steadily since the depths of 2009. In February, however, the percentage gain over last year was only 4%. Are sales trailing off? No, but the increases are. The annualized sales pace last month was nearly 15.4 million units, which was just ahead of January. The thing is, last February was pretty strong too; the pace back then also topped 15 million units. So itâ??s getting harder to notch big percentage increases. The good news is that weâ??re running at a pretty healthy clip.

Photo Gallery: February 2013 Auto Sales - Automobile Magazine (http://www.automobilemag.com/features/news/1303_february_2013_auto_sales/index.html)

Photo Gallery: February 2013 Auto Sales - Automobile Magazine (http://www.automobilemag.com/features/news/1303_february_2013_auto_sales/index.html)

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