View Full Version : wtb some fox parts

03-06-2013, 09:28 PM
Looking for bolt ons. Cai, underdrive pulleys, off road x pipe or h pipe w o2 bunges, optima battery high output alternator, things along those lines! 657 549 7553. Trying to pick up local Lakewood 90715 text me

Shaolin Crane
03-07-2013, 11:27 AM

03-07-2013, 11:38 AM
Why what?

Shaolin Crane
03-07-2013, 11:53 AM
Why would you want those parts?
Underdrives= overheating, low charge minimal power gains
Offroad H/X= Extra noise, rancid exhaust not worth the hassle of the risk
Optima battery? Interstates are the same battery and IMO optima quality has tanked recently, if your battery is good, leave it.
High output alternator. Do a proper 3g swap, don't try and bandaid it with a upgraded stock unit.
CAI? Not worth the metal they're made with. Stock intake flows plenty and a "CAI" won't net you any power.

Remove intake silencer, bump timing to 14-16 degrees, exploder intake and shorties will be the best of your money spent.

03-07-2013, 11:57 AM
Why would you want those parts?
Underdrives= overheating, low charge minimal power gains
Offroad H/X= Extra noise, rancid exhaust not worth the hassle of the risk
Optima battery? Interstates are the same battery and IMO optima quality has tanked recently, if your battery is good, leave it.
High output alternator. Do a proper 3g swap, don't try and bandaid it with a upgraded stock unit.
CAI? Not worth the metal they're made with. Stock intake flows plenty and a "CAI" won't net you any power.

Remove intake silencer, bump timing to 14-16 degrees, exploder intake and shorties will be the best of your money spent.

Timings at 12 degrees running 91, silencer removed, got an explorer intake n Shorty headers already, my battery is weak my lights dim when the subs hit, hence the battery and alternator. The other parts I figured I can snag for cheap n wouldn't hurt anything.

I should do a 3g swap and electric fan but I'm horrible with wiring!

Shaolin Crane
03-07-2013, 01:53 PM
Get 3 batterys and 2 alternators and it's still going to dim when the sub hits. Jump up to 1/0 gauge on all your grounds and get a batt cap.

The rest of it is a waste of time, save your pennies and do gt40 heads or patriots if you want more for your dollar.