View Full Version : Live/Work Spaces in Orange County and Bordering Areas

10-04-2012, 03:09 AM
I'm helping my brother Death Cult Aaronmageddon try to locate a work/live space in Orange County or perhaps bordering area.

He's looking for about 1,000 sq/ft for about $1,000 max. He'll build out the live space as necessary.

The biz he's building, Proud Rabbet (http://www.proudrabbet.com/) is custom design installation business. He's been working from my garage shop, but really needs a larger space to expand and he'd like to be as close as possible to his work. "Ideally* what we're looking for is a warehouse/industrial type space in Orange County that it is zoned or otherwise does not enforce zoning for light industrial live/work. If anyone knows of such spaces, let me know.

Shaolin Crane
10-04-2012, 03:56 AM
They all have pissy problems with living in a shop environment.
I've been looking for a long time

10-04-2012, 04:24 AM
He can deal to a fairly Spartan extent. Toilet shower, hot plate, fridge, fine. The problem is there aren't any places to do this all that legally and one fire inspector in a bad mood and you have problems.

Shaolin Crane
10-04-2012, 09:37 AM
I know, I had the same idea. I looked for years and couldn't find a single place that was legal to do it. Pretty much have to keep it on the dl.